In Intellij, strange english charagter, what happend? - intellij-idea

Sometimes my font goes strange like above. And I can't revert until I restart Intellij.
How can I change the font to normal?
I tried to find a setting for this, but I couldn't. And I can't even think of a keyword related to this.

I found when this happen. Key combination of 'Alt' + 'Window' + '='


IntelliJ - How to get code visible as it is without suggestions/additions from IntelliJ?

How to get rid of this highlighted part. It is not code but IntelliJ is trying to make this code more readable by suggesting this. It is super irritating
I expect code to be viewed in simple way
I disabled the inlay hints for everything from IntelliJ settings and Now issue is resolved

Alt+Enter does not work properly IntelliJ [duplicate]

When working with IntelliJ on a JavaProject it shows to use alt + enter to import a class for example, but this isnt working anymore. It worked in the past, but something must have changed, -the shortcut is still set,-other shortcut would work- i cant assign alt+enter manually, although if i reset it to default it gets set to it, any ideas how to fix my problem? btw my keyboard layout is german, but i dont think it is the problem because it worked in the past, my os is win 7. edited: when i am working within the IDE and i e.g. write Arrays.toString(a); and didn't import "java.util.Arrays" yet, the IDE says: " ? java.util.Arrays? Alt+Eingabe"    (Eingabe = Enter in German) so when i assign a different shortcut it works, but with Alt+Enter it doesnt thanks in advance for any help.
"Well, it means IDE doesn't see the shortcut for some reason. Probably it's already used by some other application or the operating system. – CrazyCoder 25 mins ago "
i closed all applications and it turns out that, Facebook GameRoom, running in the background, somehow is the reason the shortcut doesn't work, i have no idea why, but thats the solution
many thanks to CrazyCoder
It was working earlier but it stopped working due to unknown reason,
One workaround is Try fn+Alt+Enter
I had the same problem
and it turned out to be the keyboard language in Windows, It wasn't english,
so just make sure you are on English
On my side, culprit is some VPN software called PulseSecure
fn + Alt+Enter+Shift worked for me (credits #ketankk).
My problem solved. just try :
LEFT Alt + Enter
LEFT Alt+Enter
Looks like some languages override Right Alt behavior, at least in case of Lithuanian Left Alt is working fine with Lithuanian enabled, Right does not, when switch to English, everything is fine again. Was pulling hair to figure out why out of nowhere it stops working, thanks
In my case hint is showing Alt + Shift + Enter, but Ctrl+Shift+Enter works for some reason oO
In my case, I mapped Alt+Enter to a system shortcut (for expanding the current window) and I forgot. So it might not be another program, but your past self-sabotaging you.
I have the same issue. Alt+Insert not working while I was trying to generate getters/setters for my POJO class.
I just added another shortcut for that "Generate" operation.
If you are using Intellij Idea, you can do that by following steps:
Go to File -> Settings -> Keymap.
On the search bar appeared, search for "Generate", you will find an entry to which assigned shortcut will be Alt+Insert.
Right click on this entry and select 'Add Keyboard shorcut'.
Now, type your own shortcut that you want. In my case, I used Ctrl+Shift+G.
It worked fine and now I am using my new shortcut for Generate operation.
I had the same problem while upgrading to a new IDE version. The cause was a plugin error in new IDE version, I resolved disabling/updating that plugin.

Idea treats 'Ctrl + Slash' as 'Ctrl + Period' in hotkeys

So I've just migrated to Fedora Linux and ran over this problem when using my Idea. I have a notebook (no numpad) and I previously used the very same Idea (Ultimate, latest) with Win10 on this very same notebook and did not experience this.
I use default English layout. In the lower row of QWERTY, to the right there is / button which is also ? with shift. It works as expected anywhere else, but in Idea, when I use it as a CTRL + / shortcut it actually treats it as a Ctrl + . Thus, instead of commenting selected block of code, it collapses it. I checked it in Settings -> Keymap and this is exactly how Idea interprets it.
Is there any way to change this back to normal? I don't really want to rebind this hotkey as I'm used to it by now.
Posting a workaround that helped me.
So the bug i'm experiencing is this one and it's weird how the bug is still there.
So in my case it didn't work as expected because I had Russian keyboard layout set as first. Switching Russian to second and English to first fixed the problem for me. That's not really a 'solution', rather than a 'workaround', but it worked for me.

Pycharm / Jetbrains product odd highlighting. Any idea what is being highlighted?

I'm having a weird problem in pycharm that I can't seem to work out.
Using the Darcula theme, I'm seeing some odd highlighting as seen in the below image
Any idea what it is? I'm thinking I must have accidentally turned on some obscure tool, but I can't spot any rhyme or reason.
For whatever reason / somehow you have injected custom language (HTML?) into DIV (?) tags (the green background).
Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Editor | Language Injections -- find and delete offending rule. It should have "Project" or "Global" in most right column (Scope) -- do not touch "Bundled" ones.
Alternatively -- Alt + Enter while having caret inside problematic place and choose "Uninject xxx" from popup menu. This will only disable that rule (which is still enough to make it work as before) .. but you better delete such wrong rule at some point later.

Disable reporting erros for path checking in IntelliJ

IntelliJ show the squiggly red underline under require paths (node.js) that it can't find. In my case, I have a file that is copied to a particular place on installation. Their location in the source has nothing to do with their location in the installation. Its especially annoying because intelij shows that red underline for all folders in its file browser.
var x = require('./some/invalid/path')
I like that it has this check, but I want to disable it for this file since it doesn't make sense for that case. How can I do this, ideally in intelliJ 12?
That's how you suppress an inspection for a class, method or statement:
Place your cursor inside the warning statement, press Alt + Enter, choose the entry that describes your warning, and from the sub-menu select Suppress for class or statement.
You will find more info on the IDEA webhelp.
I found a dumb way to do it - make the require path an expression rather than a simple string literal like this:
var x = require('./some/invalid/path'+'')
I guess it confounds intellij enough that it just says "screw it its probably fine".