How do I route data from three separate plot profile runs into a single file? - batch-processing

The general idea of what I am trying to do is to draw three separate, parallel lines of equal lengths on an image, and collect the plot profile intensity data from each line on the single image. Once the data is colleced from one slice, it moves on to the next and repeats this process. Ideally, I would like to collect only y data in a single excel file. When I run my code it creates a separate excel file for each slice, and it only collects data from one of the three lines. I have implemented the "Read and Write Excel" plugin for ImageJ
Here is the code I use:
dir = getDirectory("/Users/lukas/Downloads/220302_GFblack6_SA22_RN_2X_16-06-27");
list = getFileList(dir);
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++){
setBatchMode("exit and display");
function processImage(dir,image){
fileNoExtension = File.nameWithoutExtension;
//Add Image Processing
run("FeatureJ Hessian", "largest absolute smoothing=0.5");
setMinAndMax(102.85, 5281.00);run("Close");
makeLine(420, 1431, 420, 1231);
profile = getProfile();
for (i=0; i<profile.length; i++)
setResult("", i, profile[i]);
makeLine(320, 1431, 320, 1231);
profile = getProfile();
for (i=0; i<profile.length; i++)
setResult("", i, profile[i]);
makeLine(520, 1431, 520, 1231);
profile = getProfile();
for (i=0; i<profile.length; i++)
setResult("", i, profile[i]);
//Save data
run("Read and Write Excel", "sheet="+fileNoExtension+" file=["+dir+"Processed_"+fileNoExtension+".csv]");
I have very limited knowledge of programming in general, and would appreciate any help!
I have tried multiple routes, and this is the one I feel got me closest to my goal. Like I mentioned previously I have a very limited knowledge of programming, and so I have sort of cut and pasted different blocks from various different codes.


Custom Delaunay Refinement with CGAL Delaunay3D

I want to perform a custom refinement strategy in a tetrahedral mesh.My input is a point cloud and I have tetrahedralized it using Delaunay 3D routine available in CGAL. The points have scalar values associated with it. Now I want to refine the tetrahedral mesh with this following strategy:
1. Get the maximum value among the vertices of each tetrahedra.
2. Get the value at the point that is going to be inserted (May be barycentre, weighted centroid or circumcenter).
3. If the difference is large enough add this point.
Any idea how to do this effectively? Note: I do not require 0-1 dimensional feature preservation.
I have already tried the above strategy. Let me show what I have done so far.
// Assume T is Delaunay_3D triangulation CGAL mesh and I have an oracle f that tells me what is the value at the point that is going to be inserted if conditions are met.
bool updated = true;
int it = 0;
while (updated)
updated = false;
std::vector<std::pair<Point, unsigned> > point_to_be_inserted;
for (auto cit = T.finite_cells_begin(); cit != T.finite_cells_end(); cit++)
Cell_handle c = cit;
Point v = Maximum valued vertex
Point q = Point that is going to be inserted
double val_at_new_pt = oracle(q, &pts, var);
double ratio = std::abs(max_val - val_at_new_pt) / max_val;
if (ratio > threshold) {
point_to_be_inserted.emplace_back(std::make_pair(q, new_pt_ind));
updated = true;
if (updated)
std::cout << "Total pts inserted in it: " << it << " " << point_to_be_inserted.size() << std::endl;
T.insert(point_to_be_inserted.begin(), point_to_be_inserted.end())
The problem is it is quite slow (each time iterating through all the cells). I am not finding any effective strategy to do the refinement locally. I tried using a queue but the cell_handles are getting messed up after I perform one iteration of refinement. I cannot have a map that tells me whether the tetrahedra is refined or not because each time after insertion of new points cell_handles are getting created. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

how do you calculate the complexity in Big-O notation? can any body explain that on this code below

void KeyExpansion(unsigned char key[N_KEYS], unsigned int* w)
unsigned int temp;
for(int i=0; i< N_KEYS; i++)
w[i] = (key[N_KEYS*i]<<24) + (key[N_KEYS*i+1]<<16) + (key[N_KEYS*i+2]<<8) + key[N_KEYS*i+3];
for(int i = 4; i< EXPANDED_KEY_COUNT; i++)
temp = w[i-1];
if(i % 4 == 0)
temp = SubWord(RotWord(temp)) ^ Rcon[i/4];
w[i] = temp ^ w[i-4] ;
Big-O helps us do analysis based on the input. The issue with your question is that there seems to be several inputs, which may or may not relate with each other.
Input variables look like N_KEYS, and EXPANDED_KEY_COUNT. We also don't know what SubWord() or RotWord() do based on what is provided.
Since SubWord() and RotWord() aren't provided, lets assume they are constant for easy calculations.
You have basic loops and iterate over each value, so its pretty straight forward. This means you have O(N_KEYS) + O(EXPANDED_KEY_COUNT). So the overall time complexity depends on two inputs, and would be bound by the larger.
If SubWord() or RotWord() do anything special that aren't constant time, then that would affect the time complexity of O(EXPANDED_KEY_COUNT) portion of code. You could adjust the time complexity by multiplied against it. But by the names of the methods, it sounds like their time complexity would be based on the length of the string, would would be yet another different input variable.
So this isn't a clear answer, because the question isn't fully clear, but I tried to break things down for you as best as I could.

How to overlap a buffer in Objective-C

I'm trying to do FFT on the iPhone, and I realised that I had not overlapped my input prior to windowing. I was wondering if anyone could give me some insight on to how to properly overlap my input buffer.
I am wanting to overlap bufferSamples by a factor of 4, and I understand that it is to be done using memove functions, but I can't figure out how to get it to work in regard to overlapping.
frameSize = 2048,
overlap = 4,
range = 8192,
step = frameSize/overlap,
// For each sample in buffer...
for (int j = 0; j < audioBufferList.mNumberBuffers; j++)
// Declaring samples from audio buffer list
SInt16 *bufferSamples = (SInt16*)audioBufferList.mBuffers[j].mData;
// Overlapping here?
//// vDSP FUNCTIONS ////
// Creating Hann window function
for (int i = 0; i < frameSize; i++)
double window = 0.5 * (1.0 - cos((2.0 * M_PI * i) / (frameSize - 1)));
// Applying window to each sample
A.realp[i] = window * bufferSamples[i];
A.imagp[i] = 0;
// Further DSP...
To get an overlap factor of 4, you need to save the last 75% of the data that, before windowing, was input to the previous FFT. Then use that saved data as the first 75% of the current FFT, with only the last 25% from current or not yet used data. memmove can be used to copy data to and from the temporary save data buffers. Repeat as necessary to use up the data available.

Looping with iterator vs temp object gives different result graphically (Libgdx/Java)

I've got a particle "engine" whom I've implementing a Pool system to and I've tested two different ways of rendering every Particle in a list. Please note that the Pooling really doesn't have anything with the problem to do. I just followed a tutorial and tried to use the second method when I noticed that they behaved differently.
The first way:
for (int i = 0; i < particleList.size(); i++) {
Iterator<Particle> it = particleList.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Particle p =;
if (p.isDead()){
p.render(batch, delta);
Which works just fine. My particles are sharp and they move with the correct speed.
The second way:
Particle p;
for (int i = 0; i < particleList.size(); i++) {
p = particleList.get(i);
p.render(batch, delta);
if (p.isDead()) {
Which makes all my particles blurry and moving really slow!
The render method for my particles look like this:
public void render(SpriteBatch batch, float delta) {
sprite.setX(sprite.getX() + (dx * speed) * delta * Assets.FPS);
sprite.setY(sprite.getY() + (dy * speed) * delta * Assets.FPS);
sprite.setScale(sprite.getScaleX() - 0.002f);
if (ttl <= 0 || sprite.getScaleX() <= 0)
isDead = true;
Why do the different rendering methods provide different results?
Thanks in advance
You are mutating (removing elements from) a list while iterating over it. This is a classic way to make a mess.
The Iterator must have code to handle the delete case correctly. But your index-based for loop does not. Specifically when you call particleList.remove(i) the i is now "out of sync" with the content of the list. Consider what happens when you remove the element at index 3: 'i' will increment to 4, but the old element 4 got shuffled down into index 3, so it will get skipped.
I assume you're avoiding the Iterator to avoid memory allocations. So, one way to side-step this issue is to reverse the loop (go from particleList.size() down to 0). Alternatively, you can only increment i for non-dead particles.

Changing content of a matrix in c

How do you change just part of a matrix in c (I'm actually in Objective-C, but using matrices in c). For example:
NSInteger tempMapMatrix[100][100] =
then I want to change the first couple (x and y) of integers:
tempMapMatrix[100][100] =
but I'm getting an error (Expected Expression). I've tried
tempMapArray = stuff;
tempMapArray[][] = stuff;
but none work.
Any way to change the first couple of ints in the matrix?
You need to iterate over them, this is C, you don't have syntactic sugar to assingn pieces of arrays like you want. If you want to change, for example, every first element of each row you could do something like:
for (int = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
tempMatrix[i][0] = 5;
so for the first couple of every row you should do
for (int = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
tempMatrix[i][0] = 5;
tempMatrix[i][1] = 5;
and so on.
You have to access and change each element in the matrix individually.
tempMapMatrix[0][0] = 5;
tempMapMatrix[0][1] = //...
There is no way to "batch change" the contents of an array (one-dimensional or n-dimensional) in C.
The easiest way to achieve this effect is to write a for-loop and iterate over the contents of the two dimensional array and insert the required values in the required places.