ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Summaries#index - ruby-on-rails-3

PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column summaries.user does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT "summaries".* FROM "summaries" WHERE "summaries"."use...
I'm trying to make a view restriction, where only the admin can see all the records in an app


How do I give a community user permission to PersonAccount Fields?

I have a User with a Customer Community Plus Login User License. I am getting the following error when running some code as this user that inserts a new Account record:
Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, BCH_AccountTrigger: execution of AfterInsert
caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, DDH.HC_ProgramEligibility_Trigger: execution of AfterInsert
caused by: DDH.HC_SQuery.SQueryException: Permission Denied: cannot read [Account] object field(s) {PersonBirthdate}
When I do the same as a System Admin, Everything works as expected. How do I give access to PersonBirthdate to this Customer Community Plus Login User via a permission set?
I tried searching the Object Settings for this field and could not find it.

Error: Unknown column 'activated' in 'where clause'

I wanted to login into the bWAPP ...but the login page was not opening showed that there was no database for bWAPP........ SO I created one in phpmyadmin and added a table named 'users' with 4 columns namely
Email address
Now I am able to access the login page but when I try to log in... it shows me the following error
Error: Unknown column 'activated' in 'where clause'

ProgrammingError: relation "mail_thread" does not exist

When i trying to send reply for a mail i getting this error:
ProgrammingError: relation "mail_thread" does not exist
LINE 1: UPDATE "mail_thread" SET "message_last_post"='2017-02-13 12:...
I have installed mail module, but the model mail.thred doesn't create.
How can i resolve this?.

CF9 Error Executing Database Query

I am getting this error and don't understand why:
Error Executing Database Query. [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC
Driver][SQLServer]Invalid column name 'buildno'. The error occurred
in C:/data/wwwroot/webappsdev/cfeis/redbook/redbook_bio_load.cfm: line
8 : select *
9 : from redbook_bio
10 : where build_num = '#session.build_num#'
11 : </cfquery>
12 :
VENDORERRORCODE: 207 SQLSTATE: 42S22 SQL: select * from
redbook_bio where buildno = '4700' DATASOURCE: xxxx
It is saying buildno is an invalid column name, but I do not have that name in my query. I used to, but changed both the column in the database and the column name in the query to build_num. You can see my exact code with line numbers, and that there is no 'buildno' in there. But looking at the SQL statement below that, it is still trying to use 'buildno'.
I had my editor check the directory for anywhere it says buildno and no results came back. I have restarted the CF Service and cleared the cache. Why would it still be trying to run it with buildno instead of build_num like the code says?
There was a cfquery cache setting in the Administrator. We had it set to 100. Apparently clearing the cache template and component cache doesn't clear the cfquery cache. I changed the query name and it fixed the problem. It most likely could have been fixed by setting the cfquery cache value to 0.

Database ERROR QLSTATE[HY000] in cake php

I am trying to create the new data for our project in cakephp. i am having the following database error.
Database Error
Error: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'id' doesn't have a default value
Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app\View\Errors\pdo_error.ctp
it's keep showing the ID doesn't have the default value and we can't make any change to the ID since it's our PK . Any help would be appreciate !!!!