Mobile Wallet Adapter - failed to send transaction: Transaction signature verification failure - phantomjs

OS: Android 13
Browser: Chrome Mobile 109.0
Device: Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G
After clicking the select wallet button with the Chrome browser, approval is obtained from the phantom wallet.
Then it redirects to the chrome browser.
When there is a transaction made in the browser, it connects to the phantom wallet again and the confirmation screen opens.
After the confirmation is finished, the process encounters an error as follows.
failed to send transaction: Transaction signature verification failure.
This error only occurs when using the Mobile Wallet Adapter. I don't have any problems while operating with the browser in the Phantom.
I tried send raw transaction with phantom wallet but not working. If I use browser inside phantom not problem but chrome or another browsers not sign transactions.


APNS handle obtained by Expo in React Native is incorrect

EXPO SDK Version: 42.0.01
Developing for: iOS
Our goal: successfully send a test notification from Test Send tool in Azure Notification Hub to a registered physical iPhone which is running a local instance of an EXPO app.
Progress: we're able to successfully register a physical iPhone with Azure Notification Hub without using a 3rd party library. We can see that registration in the Hub.
Issues: when using the Azure's Test Send tool we're getting an error "The Push Notification System handle for the registration is invalid" and the test notification does not get delivered.
we're using EXPO's Notifications.getDevicePushTokenAsync() API to obtain the push token.
Azure support team analysed the logs and concluded that the problem is the PNS handle i.e. Apple's ID of the phone registered for notifications.
the phone's PNS handle remains the same at all times.
by using "expo credentials:manager" I've added a new Push Notification Key using KeyID, TeamID and .p8 certificate - the PNS handle didn't change after doing that and notifications were failing too.
I haven't found any tools to validate the APNS handle. I'm currently awaiting a .p12 certificate from our corporate team to test notifications by using
How do we validate the APNS handle and if found that it's invalid - how do we cycle it / request another?
The PNS Handle from APNs does not change that often as it is tied to the device and app installation. See this answer for more details Does the APNS device token ever change, once created?

How to access my own Gmail account by bypassing Google Security Checkup

I have developed an automation software for verifying Google oAuth using Gmail account sign(configured my own 4 gmail accounts). It is actually working fine from my machine.
While automation runs from a remote machine(ran from jenkins with 3 hrs of interval) we are obtaining a pop up for 'verify its you'. :(.
Also I verified each configured account, I can see remote ip is listed on my "Devices & Activity" page as an Unknown Device and it keeps getting refused (in all configured gmail account).
At some point I clicked on this device as being okay, but it continues to get blocked
The message listed under it is We recently prevented a sign-in attempt to this device. You indicated this attempt as yours. For your security, we'll continue to show this device in the list for two weeks. You can also review this event in your Notification & alerts page.
How can I stop this from happening? If I go to the Notification and Alerts page, there is still no option to stop this.You can see in the message that I clearly indicated the attempt as mine, but Google continues to stop it.
I have tried following method , but didn't worked.
Less secure apps option in the gmail account
tried this url,
also tried resetting password for each configured account
Please help

Closing Safari push notification dialog in Browserstack

We're using Browserstack to automate testing of my website. The website uses push notifications and so Safari prompts the user with a dialog asking for permission to send push notifications. This dialog blocks interaction with the browser and the test fails. We've tried browser.switchTo().alert().accept() as well as browser.switchTo().window() to close it or switch back to the website, to no avail.

Firebase Cloud Messages never reach the device

I'm implementing FCM on Ionic 2 (AngularFire2 & Ionic Native FCM: cordova-plugin-fcm#2.1.2) currently testing iOS on an iOS 11 device.
FCM messages never arrive on the device. I get no errors from either the console sending messages or when sending messages via cURL.
I've gone through the troubleshooting steps from the Google dev advocate.
I've verified that a notification sent directly via Apple's APNS server gets delivered to the device when the app is in background, and the app when the app is in foreground. (I pulled the actual device token to test this.) i.e. APNS certificates are fine.
FCM initializes with no errors (watching the logs in Xcode) and FCM does retrieve a (seemingly) valid FCM token.
I've just ensured that all my npm modules are at the latest versions for firebase, angularFire2 and fcm.
I've verified that 'GoogleService-Info.plist' is in my resources folder
Bottom line: My APNS certificate is valid and seems to be correctly setup in the Firebase console. APNS direct messages work fine. FCM messages don't return an error, they just never get to the device. Seems to be getting lost in the FCM end.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to further debug this?

Google oauth2 failed for gapi.auth.authorize in windows phone and desktop IE metro browser

In the app I am using Google+ SignIn using oauth2. To authorize user, I am using gapi.auth.authorize(authParams) with javascript flow.
On g+ button click I am calling
gapi.auth.authorize({client_id:xyz, scope:'profile email', authuser:'', prompt:'select_account'})
NOTE:I am doing authuser:'', so that it will ask which account I want to getIn, instead of taking default account.
In browsers like chrome, safari, desktop IE and in devices like android, iphone it is working fine. But in windows phone and in IE Metro browser, on click its opening google's accountChooser page. On selecting the account, in callback I am getting error as on debug.
Unhandled exception at line 13, column 32 in 0x80070005 - JavaScript runtime error: Access is denied.
Couldn't get what is the issue? And how this can be handled?