getProduct()->getTag() return null, when it should return tags associated to the Product - shopware6

In my project, we have products that has tag called serviceItem. Those item with that tag when ordered should be separated by the quantity into individuals order.
It issue is that getTags() returns null, and getTagIds gets "Call to a member function getTagIds() on null" when it gets to the next loop.
Is there a reason for why getTags() returns null?
private function transformOrderLines(OrderEntity $order): array
* TODO: If we need to send advanced prices,
* the price value of the the lines array should be changed to caldulate the advanced price,
* with the built in quantity calculator
$lines = [];
foreach ($order->getLineItems() as $orderLine) {
$hasDsmServiceItemTag = $orderLine->getProduct()->getTags();
$lines[] = [
'name' => $orderLine->getLabel(),
'sku' => substr($orderLine->getProduct()->getProductNumber(), 0, 19),
'price' => (string) ($orderLine->getProduct()->getPrice()->first()->getNet()
* $order->getCurrencyFactor()), //gets original price, calculates factor
'quantity' => (string) $orderLine->getQuantity()
$shipping = $this->transformShipping($order);
if ($shipping) {
$lines = array_merge($lines, $shipping);
return $lines;
I also tried $orderLine->getProduct()->getTags()->getName() it also return "Call to a member function getTags() on null"

The problem is wherever the $order is fetched from the DB the orderLineItem.product.tag association is not included in the criteria.
For performance reasons shopware does not lazily load all association when you access them on entities, but you have to exactly define which associations should be included when you fetch the entities from the database.
For the full explanation take a look at the docs.


How to set a maximum stock level for total WooCommerce variations sold, disregarding individual variation stock levels

I'm wondering if we are able to hook into WooCommerce to set a maximum amount of stock that can be purchased for a variable product. Disregarding the individual variation stock levels once this maximum amount is reached.
For example, I have a variable product selling workshop groups. There are 4 variations, each with a stock level set at 100. This is because no group can have more than 100 people in. However, only 250 tickets are available for sale (not 400 that we might expect because of the 4x100 quantity).
So this works as far as the max 100 places per workshop group. We just need to somehow be able to limit the total stock level of all 4 variations to 250.
I had hoped enabling the parent product "Manage stock" option and setting this to 250 would work. But obviously, variations must override this. If we can hook into that and turn that back on even when variation stock management is in use that might be a nice way of solving this.
Thanks for any help.
I came up with a solution to my problem by doing the following:
Add 2 custom fields to the WooCommerce product page, which will store the max quantity of the total variations we can sell and also the max quantity of an individual variation. The code for this is:
// Modify WooCommerce Product Settings
add_action('woocommerce_product_options_inventory_product_data', 'wc_add_custom_field' );
function wc_add_custom_field() {
$fields = array('Total quantity' => 'total_quantity','Variation quantity' => 'variation_quantity');
$field_description = array('total_quantity' ='description','variation_quantity' ='description');
$field_placeholder = array('total_quantity' =>'e.g. 300','variation_quantity' =>'e.g. 100');
foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
woocommerce_wp_text_input( array(
'id' => $value,
'label' => $key,
'description' => $field_description[$value],
'desc_tip' => 'true',
'placeholder' => $field_placeholder[$value]
) );
// Save Fields
add_action( 'save_post_product', 'woo_add_custom_general_fields_save' );
function woo_add_custom_general_fields_save( $post_id ){
update_post_meta( $post_id, 'total_quantity', $_POST['total_quantity'] );
update_post_meta( $post_id, 'variation_quantity', $_POST['variation_quantity'] );
Add cart/basket validation rules to stop customers being able to purchase products that exceed the value of the custom "total_quantity" field added above:
add_action( "woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation","sc_woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation", 1, 5 );
function sc_woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation( $passed, $product_id, $quantity, $variation_id, $variations ) {
// Iterate through each variation and get the total stock remaining
$product_variable = new WC_Product_Variable($product_id);
$product_variations = $product_variable->get_available_variations();
settype($variation_stock_availability, "integer");
foreach ($product_variations as $variation) {
$variation_stock_availability = +(int)$variation['max_qty'];
$count_variations = count($product_variations);
$total_quantity = get_post_meta( $product_id, 'total_quantity', true );
$variation_quantity = get_post_meta( $product_id, 'variation_quantity', true );
// formula to test if any stock remaining based on sold variations
$formula = $count_variations * $variation_quantity;
$formula1 = (int)$formula + (int)$quantity;
$formula1 = $formula1 - $variation_stock_availability;
// Iterating through each cart item and use the current running quantity in the cart in the forumula
foreach (WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_key=>$cart_item ){
// count(selected category) quantity
$running_qty += (int) $cart_item['quantity'];
$formula2 = (int)$formula + (int)$running_qty;
$formula2 = $formula2 - $variation_stock_availability;
// More than allowed products in the cart is not allowed
if ($formula2 >= $total_places) {
wc_add_notice( sprintf( __( "Unfortunately there is no availability based on your selection", "donaheys" )), 'error' );
$passed = false;
return $passed;
// More than allowed products in the cart is not allowed
if ($formula1 >= $total_places) {
// Add the error
wc_add_notice( sprintf( __( "Unfortunately there is no availability based on your selection", "donaheys" )), 'error' );
$passed = false;
return $passed;
} else {
$passed = true;
return $passed;
$running_qty = 0;
The result of the above code ensures we are can set a maximum amount of stock that can be purchased for a variable product, disregarding the individual variation stock levels once this maximum amount is reached.

PayPal Api Patch on Itemlist doesn't work

I want to add an item to my transaction.
$json = '
"name": "Voucher",
$patchAddItem = new \PayPal\Api\Patch();
$patchReplace = new \PayPal\Api\Patch();
"total": "159.00",
"currency": "EUR",
$patchRequest = new \PayPal\Api\PatchRequest();
$patchRequest->setPatches(array($patchAddItem, $patchReplace));
try {
$this->payment->update($patchRequest, $this->apiContext);
} catch (PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionExceptio $ex) {
echo '<pre>';print_r(json_decode($ex->getData()));exit;
But I get following Error
Eception: Got Http response code 400 when accessing in PayPal-PHP-SDK/paypal/rest-api-sdk-php/lib/PayPal/Core/PayPalHttpConnection.php on line 154
PayPal-PHP-SDK/paypal/rest-api-sdk-php/lib/PayPal/Transport/PayPalRestCall.php on line 73: PayPal\Core\PayPalHttpConnection->execute("[{"op":"add","path":"/transactions/0/item_list/ite"... )
PayPal-PHP-SDK/paypal/rest-api-sdk-php/lib/PayPal/Common/PayPalResourceModel.php on line 102: PayPal\Transport\PayPalRestCall->execute(array[1],"/v1/payments/payment/PAY-1S151200BX2478240LEAG3CI","PATCH","[{"op":"add","path":"/transactions/0/item_list/ite"... ,null)
PayPal-PHP-SDK/paypal/rest-api-sdk-php/lib/PayPal/Api/Payment.php on line 615: PayPal\Common\PayPalResourceModel::executeCall("/v1/payments/payment/PAY-1S151200BX2478240LEAG3CI","PATCH","[{"op":"add","path":"/transactions/0/item_list/ite"... ,null,object,null)
At this moment I didn't execute the payment object. Do I have to edit the total attribut from amount too? Well, I tried this too, with same issue...
Even if you are sending only one item to PayPal you still have to set them as an item list with setItemList().
That array should be visible if you json_decode in your payment array:
[item_list] => Array
[items] => Array
[0] => Array
[name] => Ground Coffee 40 oz
[sku] => 123123
[price] => 52.80
[currency] => USD
[quantity] => 1
I had not run a patch for an item yet. I attempted to send an 'add' similar to your code and tried changing the path to '/transactions/0/item_list/items/1' using the next number in the items array. But could not get an add to work.
The only way I could modify the item_list was to do a complete 'replace' of the item_list, so in a running shopping cart would have to include all the items being purchased, not just the new item.
To do this I prefer to use the functions from the PayPal sdk vs building the json arrays. Their examples of how to create and execute a payment are fairly good and use the SDK functions.
However the example on updating a payments builds the json arrays outright.
Below is a testing function to modify the item_list using the Paypay PHP SDK Class Functions. I hard coded the Subtotal and Total to match the values coming form the shopping cart plus the increase from the new item. The item_list is also hard coded using PP's example data. Otherwise item's arrays would be built off of a user's shopping cart items. The type is set to 'replace'.
So, yes. Subtotals and Totals need to be updated to match as well, else the PP call will fail.
function updatePayPalPayment ($type, $createdPayment, $total, $subtotal, $shipping, $currency) {
$subtotal = '54.80';
$total = '71.73';
$details = new Details();
$amount = new Amount();
$item1 = new Item();
$item1->setName('Ground Coffee 40 oz')
->setSku("123123") // Similar to `item_number` in Classic API
$item2 = new Item();
$item2->setName('Granola bars')
->setSku("321321") // Similar to `item_number` in Classic API
$itemList = new ItemList();
$itemList->setItems(array($item1, $item2));
$patchItem = new Patch();
$patchAmount = new Patch();
$patchRequest = new PatchRequest();
$patchRequest->setPatches(array($patchAmount, $patchItem));
$update = $createdPayment->update($patchRequest, getApiContext());
return $update;
I also have found it very helpful to set the apiContext for logging to DEBUG and output to a file in development for much better error messages.
'log.LogEnabled' => true,
'log.FileName' => '_PayPal.log',
'log.LogLevel' => 'DEBUG',
Hope that helps.

Group By Sum Linq to SQL in C#

Really stuck with Linq to SQL grouping and summing, have searched everywhere but I don't understand enough to apply other solutions to my own.
I have a view in my database called view_ProjectTimeSummary, this has the following fields:
I have a method which accepts a to and from date parameter and first creates this List<>:
List<view_UserTimeSummary> view_UserTimeSummaryToReturn =
(from linqtable_UserTimeSummaryView
in datacontext_UserTimeSummary.GetTable<view_UserTimeSummary>()
where linqtable_UserTimeSummaryView.datetime_Week <= datetime_To
&& linqtable_UserTimeSummaryView.datetime_Week >= datetime_From
select linqtable_UserTimeSummaryView).ToList<view_UserTimeSummary>();
Before returning the List (to be used as a datasource for a datagridview) I filter the string_UserDescription field using a parameter of the same name:
if (string_UserDescription != "")
view_UserTimeSummaryToReturn =
(from c in view_UserTimeSummaryToReturn
where c.string_UserDescription == string_UserDescription
select c).ToList<view_UserTimeSummary>();
return view_UserTimeSummaryToReturn;
How do I manipulate the resulting List<> to show the sum of the field double_Hours for that user and project between the to and from date parameters (and not separate entries for each date)?
e.g. a List<> with the following fields:
Am I right that this would mean I would have to return a different type of List<> (since it has less fields than the view_UserTimeSummary)?
I have read that to get the sum it's something like 'group / by / into b' but don't understand how this syntax works from looking at other solutions... Can someone please help me?
Start out by defining a class to hold the result:
public class GroupedRow
public string UserDescription {get;set;}
public string ProjectDescription {get;set;}
public double SumOfHoursBetweenToAndFromDate {get;set;}
Since you've already applied filtering, the only thing left to do is group.
List<GroupedRow> result =
from row in source
group row by new { row.UserDescription, row.ProjectDescription } into g
select new GroupedRow()
UserDescription = g.Key.UserDescription,
ProjectDescription = g.Key.ProjectDescription,
SumOfHoursBetweenToAndFromDate = g.Sum(x => x.Hours)
(or the other syntax)
List<GroupedRow> result = source
.GroupBy(row => new {row.UserDescription, row.ProjectDescription })
.Select(g => new GroupedRow()
UserDescription = g.Key.UserDescription,
ProjectDescription = g.Key.ProjectDescription,
SumOfHoursBetweenToAndFromDate = g.Sum(x => x.Hours)

Preserve Order of IN in ORM Order

I'm trying to do a query where I preserve the order of the ids in a IN statement. I can't seem to do it with either the Model Manage Query Builder or the standard ORM 'order' array parameter. Am I missing something? I keep getting:
UNEXPECTED TOKEN IDENTIFIER(, NEAR TO 'id`enter code here`,17743,16688,16650
Here's my model manager:
$query = $this->modelsManager->createQuery('SELECT * FROM Projects WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', array_keys($finalIterations)).')
ORDER BY FIELD(id,'.implode(',', array_keys($finalIterations)).'');
It's pretty obvious PhQL doesn't like the FIELD key word. Is there a way for me to do what I'm trying to do with PhQL? It seems I will not be able to do what I need to.
Unfortunately as previously said, this is missing a feature in Phalcon.
Have a look at this function, I've put it into my ModelBase abstract class which is parent class of all my models. It uses PhQL variable binding, so it's safe for handling direct user input.
You could have reimplemented custom \Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Criteria but this solution seems to be easier to work with, at least for me.
ModelBase abstract
public function appendCustomOrder( \Phalcon\Mvc\Model\CriteriaInterface &$criteria, $orderField, array &$orderValues = [] ) {
if(!empty($orderValues)) {
$queryKeys = $bindParams = [];
foreach($orderValues as $key => $id) {
$queryKey = 'pho'.$key;
$queryKeys[] = ':'.$queryKey.':';
$bindParams[$queryKey] = $id;
// TODO: add support for multiple orderBy fields
// there's no 'addBind' function, need to merge old parameters with new ones
$criteria->bind( array_merge( (array) #$criteria->getParams()['bind'], $bindParams ) );
Controller usage
$projectIDs = [17743, 16688, 16650];
$projectsModel = new Projects();
$criteria = $projectsModel->query->inWhere( 'id', $projectIDs );
$projectsModel->appendCustomOrder( $criteria, 'id', $projectIDs );
$projectsData = $criteria->execute();
This will generate valid PhQL syntax similar to this one:
SELECT `projects`.`id` AS `id`, `projects`.`title` AS `title`
FROM `projects`
WHERE `projects`.`id` IN (:phi0, :phi1, :phi2)
ORDER BY FIELD(`projects`.`id`, :pho0, :pho1, :pho2)

SQL to Insert data into multiple tables from one POST in WebMatrix Razor Syntax

I've got two form fields from which the user submits a 'category' and an 'item'.
The following code inserts the category fine (I modified it from the WebMatrix intro PDF) but I've no idea how to then insert the 'item' into the Items table. I'll also need to add the Id of the new category to the new item row.
This is the code that's working so far
#{ var db = Database.OpenFile("StarterSite.sdf");
var Category = Request["Category"]; //was name
var Item = Request["Item"]; //was description
if (IsPost) {
// Read product name.
Category = Request["Category"];
if (Category.IsEmpty()) {
Validation.AddFieldError("Category", "Category is required");
// Read product description.
Item = Request["Item"];
if (Item.IsEmpty()) {
"Item type is required.");
// Define the insert query. The values to assign to the
// columns in the Products table are defined as parameters
// with the VALUES keyword.
if(Validation.Success) {
var insertQuery = "INSERT INTO Category (CategoryName) " +
"VALUES (#0)";
db.Execute(insertQuery, Category);
// Display the page that lists products.
I'm guessing/hoping this is a very easy question to answer so hopefully there isn't much more detail required - but please let me know if there is. Thanks.
There's a Database.GetLastInsertId method within WebMatrix which returns the id of the last inserted record (assuming it's an IDENTITY column you are using). Use that:
db.Execute(insertQuery, Category);
var id = (int)db.GetLastInsertId(); //id is the new CategoryId
db.Execute(secondInsertQuery, param1, id);