How to use Paypal API query parameters? It doesn't work - api

I'm trying to use Dispute API with Query Parameter.
As written in the following document
Query param -
Dispute API -
So I tried url
But both page_size and page parameters doesn’t work


Using a Wildcard in Postman API Call

I am trying to perform a GET API call in Postman.
One of the parameters in the query (a string) should include a wildcard, since I want to receive response which includes several optional values (for example "Demo1...", "Demo2...").
Any suggestion how this can be done?

What input is the API expecting?

I need to use this API :
and i want to know how can i know the input is this API expecting.
The api you need to request to is
If you want to do a full text search you have to pass in a q request param in the url like
If you want to limit the response from the api call to 10 records, you can use limit param
Go through the documents to see a complete list of input params that can be passed in the api call.
You can use Postman in order to run or test api.

scraping results not limited according to the passed parameters - kimonolabs

i've tried to add the parameters "kimoffset" and "kimlimit" to the source url of my api, but this doesn't limit and/or shift the scraped results
my api's source url:
are these parameter used for this?
why doesn't work?
the results in data preview area are always the same
For some reason the server is ignoring your query string kimlimit=10&kimoffset=100.

Is there a limit to start option in google custom api CSE list?

using google custom API, I have a problem when I try to get results of more than 100.
I got an error as shown below. The code I am using is below:
res = service.cse().list(
cx='my custom search engine id',
I want to extract several pages every day.I got this error.
HttpError 400 when requesting .. "Invalid Value">
if I make the start=90 or less it works!
From the documentation for the Google Custom Search API:
This role is not present if the current results are the last page.
Note: This API returns up to the first 100 results only.

Problem using paging in Buzz API?

I am using Buzz REST API to retrieve all the buzz public updates from 1-08-2011 to 28-082011 and my query term is 'lokpal'. I need to get all the updates that people did about this topic or any other activity with tag 'Anna Hazere'. I have prepared the URL that is:
where %3E refers to '>' and %3C refers to '<' .
Can someone suggest me how to apply paging property to this and also retrieve all the updates that happened ion public stream. I am already able to get the activities in JSON format but want all the public updates.
Within the body of the response is a links structure. One of the links is the next link, which is the URL for page 2. In your case, that would be: