windowTranslucentNavigation doesn't work on my menu/nav_graph - kotlin

Using the atribute android:windowTranslucentNavigation doesn't work when I use a nav_graph.
It's an activity with 2 fragments. At first I had both fragments as activities and changing the theme in the manifest applied the translucentNavigation. Later I change them to fragments to use the nav_graph and now I have an activity menu, where I applied android:windowTranslucentNavigation to it's theme, but it doesn't seem to work.
![Video of the problem][]


Refresh button in React-admin

I'm trying to access the refresh button in react-admin project. I tried using getElementsbyClassName it returns HTMLComponents Object but it isn't accessible i.e I can see the component on printing it to console but isn't accessible by code. Is there a way for me to disable this refresh button wherever I want?
I'm not sure the exact use case here, but you can create your own custom AppBar that renders essentially whatever you want:
also see this GitHub issue that mentions removing it entirely:
Within your custom AppBar you could have some logic checks within your custom AppBar if you know ahead of time when you'll want it disabled (like on a certain page/component).
If you need it to be more dyanimcally disabled, you could probably have a very high-level context/state to control that as well..
**NOTE: I have built a custom AppBar before, but I haven't done any selective rendering or disabling within it. So, I can't guarantee that this is exactly correct, but it fits with other custom components I've built.

Is there a simple way to change the chevron icons in a nested Nav component?

I personally and a lot of customers think the default icons for links with nested items in the Nav component are strange. Hence I want their look and behavior to change from this:
to this:
(In the screenshots the size is also different, but that's just from the context's I took them. I just want to change the icons).
The latter is btw also used by Microsoft OWA (Outlook Online), which also uses Fluent UI React. The only thing that I could come up with (but which doesn't work really well) was to hide the default chevron using styles and modifying the rendered link onRenderLink to display the other chevrons.
I'm aware of this question, but changing the icons via style is no option and I guess no longer a preferred way by fluent ui.
Is there any better or official way I'm missing?
I've taken a look at the code and unfortunately the icon is baked into the Nav component. Your best option would be to style the icon similar to what is being done in this codepen.

Styling Microsoft fabric-react components

I've started a Microsoft fabric-react, using the Typescript-React-Started provided by Microsoft here.
Although the excellent Fabric-react documentation available here, i wasn't able to find any documentation on how to style the fabric-react components.
For example, the Microsoft documentation for the Commandbar component is available here.
The default theme renders the Commandbar background with a gray color, with blue command buttons.
From what i could understand, Microsoft provides a Themes/Styling system.
Unfortunately, i wasn't able to find any start-to-end example, on how to change the default theme, or create a custom theme.
So, my questions are:
How can i change the default theme, and apply a specific theme on a fabric-react component?
How can i create a custom theme?
Thanks for using Office UI Fabric React! Have you had a chance to read these wiki pages regarding styling and applying a theme to components?
You can also generate your theme via then apply it using the method described in the page(s) above.
This is a copy of Microsoft response on Github, so the merit is not mine :)
Use loadTheme to provide component wide colors and fonts.
Use styles prop for components for one-off tweaks.
If you'd like to provide a standard styles override for a specific component type, you can use Customizer to provide scopedSettings to pipe in standard overrides. (Not this is experimental and will likely change.)
Legacy className / global css support still works, which is to use className to provide your own class overrides, and to reference global class names as needed. Though this is an option, this is is not recommended, as it's very fragile and suffers from numerous issues (selector specificity, no build time validation, easy to break, etc.) We're considering removing the global class names completely in a future major release.
In progress
Our goal is to move all customization into the theme; this lets you rev your design over time. We are tracking a bunch of work here:
The problems we've recognized
Customizer for providing contextual overrides is too generalized, and doesn't allow us to have theme-specific logic like caching themes.
ITheme should be expanded to allow you to pipe in component-specific overrides, in addition to other site-wide settings like sizing, shadowing, and animations.
Passing in styles is not a good contract; you need to know which component parts to target for the styling (sometimes multiple parts) and sometimes which selectors to override (do i use a pseudo element here? is my selector not specific enough?)
No support for color schemes (think the "dark header", where the Toggle should look different than in the "light content area".
Solutions to shortcomings
Expose a dedicated ThemeProvider component. We will still have loadTheme for providing the default theme, while ThemeProvider can switch out scheme, or even theme in a box.
Add support for color schemes.
Introduce style variables, which abstract the common knobs from full styles definitions. This lets you not worry about parts or selectors, and simply focus abstractly on what the component should look like. We have this experimentally in our Button and Toggle refactors in experiments.

DNN - trying to insert background-image in .DnnModule HTML module, and then give client 3 choices to use as HTML modules

My first problem is that I can't even seem to get a full background image to work for individual modules of type "DnnModule DnnModule-DNN_HTML". Of course I could give them all the same background-image by targeting the DNN_HTML class, but I need to be able to use different background-images on different HTML modules (I need a green, a blue, and a tan). So I need a way to target the HTML modules being used individually? Is there a way to do that? (I am a newb, so please go easy)
Then, the ultimate goal is to have the client able to pick and choose which color module they want to use throughout the site.
Of course I could code an HTML module with the different backgrounds in-line, however, there are various other divs that surround that HTML module, and therefore, the background-image I set in the module using the editor is tiny, and does not cover the whole div.
I'm also not sure if its best to make the client a template with different colored backgrounds they can use already layed out in "bucket" containers for them, but I don't think they could switch the order around could they?
Is there any way at all to accomplish this? Any help would be really really appreciated.
This really would normally be handled by the Container system within DNN.
I would create 3 different Containers for the colors in question, and then instruct the customer how to choose the Container in the module settings for each of the modules that they want to change the BG for.

WiX: Fragment not getting included when I replace repititous <ComponentRef> with Feature attribute

We're updating some old WiX scripts to take advantage of the Feature attribute of components, so that we don't have to update the file in two places whenever we add or remove a component (once to add the Component and again to add a ComponentRef to the ComponentGroup).
We separate out WiX project into separate files, one per fragment to make things more manageable. But my fragment defining the components for a feature is no longer getting included. It sounds identical to Tomas's issue in his response to the Feature attribute announcement. But while he is using Heat to auto-generate his Wix file, we're manually crafting them from scratch.
I tried creating a dummy property in the fragment's .wxs file and then referencing it in the main .wxs within the Product element. The fragment was still not included and I got an invalid property ID.
We initially tried using the strategy described here to reference directories in the component, but while this eliminates the need for a separate ComponentGroup full of ComponentRefs, it also separates my component definition from the directory tree definition, which kind of defeats the purpose of only needing to look in one place to do an update.
Will I need to pull all of my fragments into the main Product.wxs file simply to take advantage of the Feature attribute, and avoid having to update the file in two places per component? Or is there an easy way to get the fragment to include? Again using a dummy property reference didn't seem to work.
Edit: I think I found the issue in my build--I had defined a Directory under the Product Tag and then a DirectoryRef in the Fragment, rather than the other way around.
Take a look at how we authored the WiX setup itself: Author Components under ComponentGroups and use ComponentGroupRef to pull those into Features. That eliminates most duplication. You can author Directory and DirectoryRef elements in fragments in the same file as your Components/ComponentGroups.