phantomjs command - permission denied - phantomjs

Running a VM with vagrant and virtual box but when I try to run phantomjs I get permission denied error.
Tried to chmod 777 the executable but the permissions are still -rw-rw-rw
I am running the command:
I get
bash: /usr/share/nginx/html/vendor/bin/phantomjs: Permission denied

Found the problem, it was the guest permissions for vagrant. Changed the permissions on the provision and now I can execute phantomjs.


How to solve permission denied error with react native?

In terminal I see this file has "-rw-r--r--". What command do I need to run in order to change this to the right permission?
I'm trying to run
react-native run-ios
and I keep getting the error shown below:
return, stringToFlags(flags), mode);
Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/Users/sharatakasapu/Desktop/projects/albums/node_modules/.cache/#babel/register/.babel.7.2.2.development.json'
at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:646:18)
at Object.fs.writeFileSync (fs.js:1299:33)
at save (/Users/sharatakasapu/Desktop/projects/albums/node_modules/#babel/register/lib/cache.js:52:15)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:131:7)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:695:11)
at startup (bootstrap_node.js:191:16)
at bootstrap_node.js:612:3
I tried to follow along at why babel stores .babel.json in USERPROFILE path but didn't understand how to use this to solve the problem I have as I'm new to react. Any advice on how to address this?
About this i have seen this issue quite some time ago!
there can be too cases they might sound pretty lame though but bear with me and read!
1: the user profile you are using has no access to the files that are being targeted! or you might not have access to root node Packages! what you can do is
sudo chmod -R 777 /Users/sharatakasapu/{your node module path}
but the solution one seems a little trivial!
2: allowing your present user to read all cache and property files + folders! by doing
sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP ~/.npm
sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP ~/.config
for more you can follow these links .
for solution 1: stackLink
for solution 2: githubLink
Had the same problem.
This worked for me:
whoami to get the current user.
run: sudo chown -R ownerName: /path/to/node_modules
It looks like you have no permission- try this
sudo chmod -R 777 {path}
You can try having a look at these two examples:
Error: EACCES: permission denied
Also try running your terminal as an Administrator if possible.
If you give permissions, your error must no longer be visible.
Generally on a MAC, the command is:
sudo chown YourName:staff /Users/YourName/.babel.json
anyone can move to project inside just move to ios folder there you can find your node module inside that check the path of every script and navigate them in terminal then try to use this command chmod 755
Note for my future self. An incompatible drive format might be the error:
"Permission Denied" in Node on Linux, when running start-script /w local nodemon/mocha/babel-node
Give permission to the .babel file

Permission Denied error for Vagrant

I made the mistake of once running "sudo vagrant up" and now whenever I run "vagrant up" it gives me the following error
==> default: Running cleanup tasks for 'chef_solo' provisioner...
/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.1/lib/vagrant/environment.rb:492:in `initialize': P Permission denied - /Users/mkv/.vagrant.d/data/lock.fpcollision.lock (Errno::EACCES)
I've tried deleting the .vagrant folder and also the Cheffile but I always get the same error.
What can I do to sort this out?
The issue is related with permission which you accidentally run the application with root.
Follow the steps:
Delete /Users/mkv/.vagrant.d/data/lock.fpcollision.lock and run vagrant up again.
Find any files are owned by root under /Users/mkv, include hide files. if found, change it back to your own user account.
You can run below command to find out files owned by root
find /Users/mkv -type f -user root -print
For those who wonder how to change a user to your current one, using find command:
sudo find ~/.vagrant.d/data/lock.fpcollision.lock -type f -user root -exec chown $USER {} \;

rsync mkdir failed permission denied

I'm running PuTTy ssh on windows in the hope to copy a file from a remote server.
The command I used is below:
rsync -avz user#server:/home/user/imitate/tool /home/tool
But I received the error:
rsync: mkdir "/home/tool" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at main.c(605) [Receiver=3.0.9]
I'm totally new to this and I have no idea what is happening. So I logged into an account on a remote server using ssh, and want to copy files from that remote server to the laptop I'm using. What should I do?
you cannot write to /home/tool locally on your windows box. either run the command with more privileges or download to another directories where you have write permissions.

File writing permission denied in mod_wsgi deployed app

I'm trying to deploy a Pyramid app using mod_wsgi on Apache.
I get IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied on templates folder, where mako caches his templates, even if I grant write permissions to anybody.
If I remove template caching from my ini file the site runs flawlessly.
I also tried running Apache as the user owning the folder instead of www-data with no luck.
Any clue?
It's an Apache permission issue,
I had to change owner of folder to www-data user and set permissions to 775
chown -R www-data:www-data ~/data
chmod -R 775 ~/data
Also see here but note for Mako 664 permissions will not be enough

cd'ing permissions denied after enabling root user on mac os x 10.6.4

I enabled root in terminal by sudo passwd root and then attempted to cd a rails site folder located on my desktop. I got the error -bash: cd: /Users/fred/Desktop/sitefolder: Permission denied
How to get rid of this error/ enable all permissions for root? Thanks
Are you sure you called cd as root?
If yes, check if the owner of the folder is root. If not call
sudo chown /Users/fred/Desktop/sitefolder root
then check if the owner has reading permission. If not call
chmod 744 /Users/fred/Desktop/sitefolder
(this enables all permissions for owner and only reading permission for group and others). If you don't care much about that folder you may instead call directly
sudo chmod 777 /Users/fred/Desktop/sitefolder
giving all permissions to every user.