ChatGPT plugin for IntelliJ Idea - intellij-idea

Is there any plugin for IntelliJ Idea that can do more than showing answers? I found ChatGPT Online, but it is just a window for questions and answers. It's exactly same as if you have open window in browser and you just give a questions there.
I found CodeGPT for VS Code that can do more than previous plugin. It offers in addition features like refactoring, documenting and find troubles in your code. This is what I'm searching for InteliiJ.


How to Create Markers Eclipse Plugin

Can anyone share to me a complete sample project on creating problem markers for the java editor of eclipse.
I'm fairly new to java and I want to create an eclipse plugin that will detect custom coding problems. I've tried doing some research learned that I will need to use markers to accomplish this but I'm having trouble understanding the resources online.
I was hoping that I would understand this better if I have a working sample/project that I can play around with but I cant find one from my searches.
You definitely want to read the original Mark My Words article on It's old, but not out of date.

How to Integrate Code Inspections of Jetbrains IDE's in Build Process?

In all teams I worked, we were relying on PhpStorms code inspection capabilities to keep the source code clean. The default settings helped a lot to tackle the "standard issues". We simply agreed to only open a pull request if PhpStorm is giving the green check mark for all files.
I know that there are a lot of static code analysis tools out there to do the same, but I was wondering if there is a tool that does exactly the same code inspection as all the Jetbrains IDE's do. I stumbled upon a blog post that shows how to run PhpStorm itself on a server, but it did not cover the legal issues due to licensing.
Anyone knows if this is possible in an elegant way?

Intellij idea Robot Framework keywords

Screen capture of my Intellij IDEA shows problem. My own keywords are ok, but Robot Framework keywords are all underlined with red color. Not good.
I'm using Intellij IDEA to develop Robot Framework test cases using Selenium Library. My IDEA is recognizing all Keyword that I have implemented, but doesn't recognize any library Keywords. It is underlining those with red color and doesn't suggest or give any hints for those. Here is version information about my IDEA:
IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1.5
Do you have any suggestions? What should I check from my IDEA?
I know that this is an old question, but I stumbled upon this during my research for the same problem, so here is my result.
In the description of the Robot Framework Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and PyCharm is stated that the support for library keywords is only with the help of either PyCharm or the Python plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. But unfortunately, that is only available for IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition. There is a version for the Community edition, but it's not exactly the same.
Make sure you imported Selenium Library under Settings. It doesn't come automatically like the BuiltIn keywords.
Also, make sure you are importing the right version of Selenium. There's SeleniumLibrary, Selenium2Library, and Selenium2LibraryExtended.
The only reason I'm suggesting this is because you didn't share your Settings code, which would give me a better picture of what you're asking.

Is it possible to create your own content for IntelliJ's Edu plugin?

I recently downloaded the Kotlin Koans, and notice that they are written/run within a JetBrains plugin which appears to be called Edu.
I was wondering if anybody knows if it is possible to create your own content for this plugin?
I think it would be useful in orientating new employees with our coding practices, create little courses for new frameworks we use, but most of all I thought it would be quite useful in the technical section of interviews, actually getting our interviewees writing code.
Apologies if this is an off topic question, or the answer is ask JetBrains. Just thought I would ask the community first.
You could take a look at the Kotlin-Koans-for-Edu repository on GitHub. The contents of a course seem to be defined by the course.json file.
It appears that courses can be installed as an IntelliJ IDEA plugin: see the Educational plugin for Kotlin GitHub repository for more information.
Good luck diving into this, it would be very nice if you could build upon the existing infrastructure!

Maven Quick-start Guide [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm tasked with getting a development environment set up for a new program at work. The lead has chosen Eclipse as the IDE for its OSGi support and Maven as the build utility.
I've struggled through getting Maven integrated with Eclipse and I'm grudgingly declaring success and moving forward.
My question: is there any sort of guide to getting started with Maven? I've found boatloads of documentation, most all of it very, very detailed and simultaneously unhelpful. I downloaded a 300+ page book that goes into excruciating detail about POMs, but doesn't tell you how to initialize a project from existing source.
Hopefully, this question will result in a pointer to something I missed or a collection of links for those who follow me.
If you are new to Maven, I'd still suggest to start with Maven by Example, the "first" book of Sonatype.
This book is an example-driven introduction. If you are new to Maven, read this book first. It will introduce all of the basics and take you all the way up to a multi-module enterprise project.
Maven by Example is really not that big and reading it is definitely worth it. Sure, there are other tutorials around there and you could get started without reading it but the fact is that this book has been written for beginners and will give you the basis to understand how things work. It will just save you some time later.
Later, use Maven: The Complete Reference as... complete reference.
I personally got a lot of value out of "Better Builds with Maven". It is also free, which I like. The maestrodev site has a bunch of examples as well.
As a basic start i would suggest to take a look at 5 Minutes Guide on the Maven site. If you have an existing project you should take a look in particular the folder structure and check if your's fit with the default folder structure if not change it accordingly. Is your software organized in Modules as Maven expect it? What kind of Project do you have (EAR, WAR, ?). If start you have to write a pom and define the depenencies etc. and try to compile your project via Maven...
One book I really like it´s "Better Builds with Maven" ( - a little dated but still contains good tutorials to get you started