Synapse Notebook Rest API call to Execute a notebook with Parameters - azure-synapse

I've created a notebook with one parameter and i'm successfully exceuted the notebook by passing the parameter through notebook activity in pipeline
and i'm able to successfully run the notebook without parameters through get but now i'm trying to pass the paramtere value through rest api.but i'm unable to do so 'ive checked some of the dcuments as well but didn't find anything helpful

AFAIK, there are only Create, Update, Delete, Get, Get Notebooks by Workspace, Get Notebook Summary by Workspace, Rename Notebook these options are available.
You can call synapse pipeline with notebook activity and pass the parameter through It by calling ‘Create Run’ REST API as a workaround
First create a Synapse pipeline to execute Synapse Notebook with parameters.
Calling pipeline run for respective pipeline using rest API
URL : name/createRun?api-version=2020-12-01


Vertex AI Pipeline is failing while trying to get data from BigQuery

I am trying to run a Google Vertex AI pipeline to query from a BigQuery table. In the pipeline, I am using the right project and the service account(which has access). But I see when it runs, it is accessing another project e1cd7306fb577e88gq-uq. I am not able to figure out where from this project is coming from. I am running the pipeline from Vertex AI user managed notebook
pandas_gbq.exceptions.GenericGBQException: Reason: 403 POST Access Denied: Project e1cd7306fb577e88gq-uq: User does not have permission in project e1cd7306fb577e88gq-uq.
The service agent or service account running your code does have the required permission, but your code is trying to access a resource in the wrong project. Due to the way Vertex AI runs your training code, this problem can occur inadvertently if you don't explicitly specify a project ID or project number in your code.
You can explicitly select the project you want this way:
import os
from import bigquery
project_number = os.environ["CLOUD_ML_PROJECT_ID"]
client = bigquery.Client(project=project_number)
You can read more about training code requirements here.

Pass Value Between Pipelines

I have a drone file containing multiple pipelines that run in a sequence via dependancies.
In the first pipeline a value is generated that I would like to store as a variable and use in one of the other pipelines.
How would I go about doing this? I’ve seen that variables can be passed between steps via a file but this isn’t possible with pipelines from what i’ve seen and tried.

Pass output from one pipeline run and use as parameter in another pipeline

The way my ADF setup currently works, is that I have multiple pipelines, each containing atleast one activity. Then I have one big pipeline that sort of chains these pipelines together.
However, now in the big "master" pipeline, I would like to use the output of an activity from one pipeline and then pass it to another pipeline. All of this orchestrated from the "master" pipeline.
My "master" pipeline would look something like this:
What I have tried to do is adding a parameter to "Execute Pipeline2", and I have tried passing:
#activity('Execute Pipeline1').output.pipeline.runId.output.runOutput
#activity('Execute Pipeline1').output.pipelineRunId.output.runOutput
#activity('Execute Pipeline1').output.runOutput
How would one go about doing this?
unfortunately we don't have a way to pass the output of an activity across pipelines. Right now pipelines don't have outputs (only activities).
We have a workitem that will allow a user to choose what should be the output for a pipeline (imagine a pipeline with 40 activities, user would be able to choose the output of activity 3 as pipeline output). However, this workitem is in very early stages so don't expect to see this soon.
For now, the only way would be to save the output that you want in storage (blob, for example) and then read it and pass it to the other pipeline. Another method could be a web activity that gets the pipeline run (passing run id) and you get the output using ADF SDK or REST API, and then you pass that to the next Execute Pipeline activity.

AWS Data pipeline postStepCommand unable to access INPUT1_STAGING_DIR

In EMR Activity of a Data pipline, I am trying to use postStepCommand (as documented here ) to invoke a shell script. As part of it I am trying to access the standard directory paths ${INPUT1_STAGING_DIR} and ${OUTPUT1_STAGING_DIR}
But seems like it's not able to access it's value. Is it by design ?

Google Dataflow - BigQuery job backed by GoogleSheets

I have a Google Dataflow batch job written in Java.
This Java code accesses Bigquery and performs a few transformations
and then outputs back into Bigquery.
This code can access the Bigquery tables just fine.
But, when I choose a table that is backed by a federated source like google sheets it doesn't work.
It says no OAuth token with Google Drive scope found.
Pipeline options
PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(args).withValidation().create();
Pipeline p1 = Pipeline.create(options);
Any ideas?
Can you try:
gcloud auth login --enable-gdrive-access
before you launch the Dataflow job?
Answering my own question, but to get around this issue I'm going to use Google Apps Script to upload to Bigquery as a native table.
Please see this link.
I'm just going to modify the Load CSV data code snippet into BigQuery and then create an installable trigger to execute this function every night to upload to Bigquery.
Beware you can't execute triggers like onEdit, onOpen that require authorisation.