How to filter Kotest tests using IntelliJ IDEA - kotlin

I would like to execute only a specific subset of tests locally to exclude slowly running integration tests. So only tests with the *Test suffix should be included, those ending with *IT should be excluded.
The official Kotest guide offers command line parameters, through the feature called conditional evaluation, but the guide mentions only Gradle. How can I use conditional evaluation with Maven or IntelliJ?

I just found out that you have to add a VM option in the run configuration... First, I had to click on Modify options and then Add VM options (Alt+V hotkey).
In the VM options, I had to add -Dkotest.filter.specs=*Test (without single or double quotes). If I added single quotes (as in the reference documentation) it did not work, although I'm using Windows 10.
The documentation is a bit misleading. The VM argument -Dkotest.filter.tests is filtering based on the name parameter of the should() member function in ShouldSpec.
So a configuration -Dkotest.filter.tests=*dummy* will execute the following test case inside should() {...}:
class DoesNothingTest: ShouldSpec({
should("do some dummy things") {


How to configure and execute multiple Tags for junit in Intellij in Run/Debug Configuration

I have some junit5 tests in my project, I have used the #Tag annotations for some of the classes. I am successfully able to run those classes from Intellij via configuring the Run/Debug like below. This looks good when I use single type of tag eg. suite-three
The problem I am facing is, Now I want to run classes with two different tags at the same time, since I am executing the some tests Parallelly. Inorder to achieve this I have created an intermediate Bootstrap kind of class where I am using #SelectClasses annotations class to pass this 2 Test classes which I wish to execute like this
. So here when I configure the Tags from Intellij like below screenshot
Notice I am sending two different tags, but Intellij doesnt executes the Test class and it keeps on giving me this message "No Tests Found".
Any help would be mighty helpful to me.
We can use | pipes for running multiple classes together viz. tag-1 | tag-2 this will run all the classes which are tagged with tag-1 OR tag-2. I am running this classes parallelly with JUnit5's new method with usage of junit.jupiter.execution.parallel.enabled = true

What is the proper way to define custom attributes for conditional compilation?

I'd like to be able to pass a flag to cargo test to enable logging in my tests, when I need to debug them.
I've come up with something like:
// An internal module where I define some helper to configure logging
// I use `tracing` internally.
use crate::logging;
fn mytest() {
// ..
Then I can enable the logs with
RUSTFLAGS="--cfg logging" cargo test
It works but it feels like I'm abusing the rustc flag system. It also has the side effect of recompiling all the crates with my logging flag, which (besides the fact that it takes ages) may be an issue if this flag is used by one of my dependency some day.
Is there a better way to define and use custom attributes? I could add a feature to my cargo manifest, but this is not really a feature since it's just for the tests.
You wouldn't usually recompile your application, there's no need to: you can use an environment variable. For example:
if std::env::var("MY_LOG").is_ok() {
You can then dynamically decide to log by calling your application with
MY_LOG=true cargo run
or, when already compiled,
MY_LOG=true myapp
You would usually configure more than just whether the log is on, for example the log level or the level destination. Here's a real example:

Jmeter Set Variable as a Property's Default Value

This doesn't seem like a situation that is unique to me, but I haven't been able to find an answer anywhere.
I am attempting to build Jmeter scripts that can be executed both in the GUI and command line. The command line is going to need values to pass into the test cases, but the same test cases need to be executed via the GUI as well. I initially had separate scripts for GUI and command line, but it seemed redundant to have the same test cases duplicated with just a couple parameters changed.
For example, the GUI test case has the Web Server name set to:
<!-- ${ENV} set in User Defined Variables -->
<stringProp name="HTTPSampler.domain">${ENV}</stringProp>
The command line test case uses the following for parameters:
<!-- Define via command line w/ -JCMDDEV -->
<stringProp name="HTTPSampler.domain">${__P(CMDENV)}</stringProp>
Both work for their served purpose, but I want to combine the tests to be easier maintained and to have the ability to run them via GUI or command line.
I got passed one hurdle, which was combining the GUI Variables to be used as well as Properties for the command line by setting the User Defined Variable ${ENV} as the following:
Name Value
----- --------
ENV ${__P(ENV,}
I am now able to run the same test case via GUI and command line (defining a new environment with -JENV)
I'm not sure if I'm overthinking this, but I want to be able to add a variable to the property default in order to avoid typos, etc while handing it off to others. I tried a few variations that didn't seem to work:
Name Value
----- --------
ENV ${__P(ENV,${__V(DEV)})}
This gave me the following Request:
POST http://DEV/servlet
Instead of:
I also tried using:
I was looking into Jmeter nested variables, but it didn't provide any working solutions.
So to my main question, am I able to use variables as the property defaults. If so, how would I achieve that?
I found a way around this. It's not exactly how I wanted it, but it could work for right now.
I really wanted to keep everything in one place where people had to make edits, but I was able to get the User Defined Variables to work by adding the ${__P(ENV,${DEV})} to the HTTP Request Defaults Web Server Name instead of pre-defining it as a variable.
Now there are two Config Elements that potentially need to be edited with GUI execution, but I think it should work out better in the long run.
Yes, seems the author is right - looks like nested variable can't be evaluated in JMeter from the same variables scope.
I've created a different "User Defined Variables" set, added there "defaultValue" - and after that this option works:
${__P(myProperty, ${defaultValue})}

How to pass an argument (e.g. the hostname) to the testrunner

I'm creating a unittest- and Selenium-based test suite for a web application. It is reachable by several hostnames, e.g. implying different languages; but of course I want to be able to test e.g. my development instances as well without changing the code (and without fiddling with the hosts file which doesn't work for me anymore, because of network security considerations, I suppose).
Thus, I'd like to be able to specify the hostname by commandline arguments.
The test runner does argument parsing itself, e.g. for chosing the tests to execute.
What is the recommended method to handle this situation?
The solution I came up with finally is:
Have a module for the tests which fixes the global data, including the hostname, and provides my TestCase class (I added an assertLoadsOk method to simply check for the HTTP status code).
This module does commandline processing as well:
It checks for its own options
and removes them from the argument vector (sys.argv).
When finding an "unknown" option, stop processing the options, and leave the rest to the testrunner.
The commandline processing happens on import, before initializing my TestCase class.
It works well for me ...

How can I test command-line applications using maven?

I work on a complex, multi-module maven project. One of the modules is an executable jar that implements a command-line application. I need to integration test this application. I need to run it several times, with several different command-lines and validate the exit status and stdout/err. However, I can't find a plugin for maven that claims to support this, and also can't track down a JUnit library that supports testing command-line applications.
Before you say 'don't test the main method - instead do bla', in this case I really do mean to test the main method, not some subsidiary functionality. The whole point is to run the application as a user would in its own VM and environment, and validate that it is behaving itself - parsing command-line options correctly, exiting with the write status and hot-loading the right classes from the right plugin jars.
My current hack is to use apache-exec from within a junit test method. It appears to be working, but is quite fiddly to set up.
public void testCommandlineApp()
throws IOException
CommandLine cl = new CommandLine(resolveScriptNameForOS("./runme")); // add .sh/.bat
exec.setExitValues(new int[] { 0, 1, 2 });
int exitCode = exec.execute(cl);
assertEquals("Exit code should be zero", 0, exitCode);
Why not simply use a shell script, using the maven-exec-plugin to build your classpath?
STDOUT=$(mvn exec:java -DmainClass=yourMainClass --arg1 --arg2=value2)
# validate STDOUT
# validate RETURN_CODE
You can even use something like shunit2 if you prefer a more structured approach.