Tailwind CSS - Responsive Comparison Table with Stacked Row Headers on Mobile - html-table

New to Tailwind. I'm basically trying to recreate the following table style using HTML + Tailwind CSS:
Googled everything I can think of but to no avail. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Vuetify Themes not Applying

Long story short, I'm having some serious trouble getting themes to work in general - even for the "HelloWorld" base app that comes preinstalled with Vuetify. For some reason Vue/Vuetify do not apply any colors to anything unless I use the "color=" tag and even when I use "color=" it only uses the color I specify an not any shades or highlights of that color. When I change the theme from "light" to "dark" or vice versa nothing happens (again, I'm having the same issue with the "HelloWorld" app). I feel like I've gone through all the documentation for themes a hundred times and am looking for anyone to point me in the right direction. I should add that for one reason or another the theme IS working on a random v-list-group in the nav drawer but not to the items above or below the group. I'm using Vue 2 and Vuetify 2.
Things I've Tried
Making a new theme using the theme generator on the Vuetify website and inserting it into the ./src/plugins/vuetify.js file as instructed by the documentation.
Attempted inserting the theme at the bottom of ./src/App.vue between the <script> </script> elements. This worked for someone else but didn't do it for me.
Completely uninstalled and reinstalled Vue-CLI using the command line.
Completely deleted and recreated my project.
Remaking my project using Vue 3 and Vuetify 3. This does work but Vuetify 3 does not yet have the components I need for my project.

Manual Positioning of Shareaholic ShareBar Plugin

I'm trying to manually position the Shareaholic sharebar WP plugin. I am using a vertical one, and want it to be in a fixed position on the left side of my screen beside my main content area. So far I have figured out how to get it onto my site, but not able to position it. I'm referencing this post of someone who tried to do a similar thing.
I'm using this code to insert it into my single.php
<?php echo do_shortcode('[shareaholic app="share_buttons" id="4766761"]'); ?>
But haven't had any luck with getting css positioning to work, or where exactly to put it in my single.php file
Right now it's just below this code :
<main class='content units <?php avia_layout_class( 'content' ); ?>' <?php avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'content','post_type'=>'post'));?>>
And it's showing up above the post content.
Any suggestions?
Many thanks
Custom CSS should be added to your styles.css theme file, but it is recommended to create a child theme when making any adjustments within your theme so that you will not run the risk of losing your customization if/when your theme releases a new version and you update.

QSS Horizontal TabWidget Styling

So, I'm trying to create a theme for Ninja-IDE. Ninja-IDE uses PyQt, so the themes are made in qss. I'm trying to make my Ninja-IDE look like VS2012. I was just wandering, if it is possible to have separate styles for horizontal and vertical tabs in qss.
isn't working for me.
Any Ideas?
please check this answer QTabWidget tabPosition when using stylesheets

jpCarousel positioning wrong

i installed the extension jpCarousel in Typo3 and want to add a slideshow. I changed nothing at the template css file of jpCarousel, but the container is not in the same position like the red div, which also is a div of the extension...
can anyone help me, and tell how i can adjust the galerie to the red div?
Optimize your CSS, for an example width of #content_left causes moving content of right column down. Use some inspector in your browser to make it correctly, for now you have there a quite big mess.

Dojo Data Grid Example Missing Styles & Infinite Scrolling

I just copied the code from Dojo Website/Example about Data Grid.
But as you can see, the styles appear to be missing. Also in the example site demo, theres infinite scrolling, what am I missing?
UPDATE: actually ... it appears like the demo site is having the same problem as mine now ...
The grid requires at least one more stylesheet:
If you are using a theme, there is another css that you need to add one of the following:
An updated fiddle using the claro theme:
By adding the styles, the scrolling begins displaying the rows.