layout.sectionHeadersPinToVisibleBounds in UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource - uicollectionview

I want to keep the header in a UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource, as I understand I can do it with layout.sectionHeadersPinToVisibleBounds, but it's not usable with my collectionView layout
private func createLayout() -> UICollectionViewLayout {
return UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout { section, layoutEnvironment in
var config = UICollectionLayoutListConfiguration(appearance: .insetGrouped)
config.headerMode = section == 0 ? .none : .firstItemInSection
config.backgroundColor = .darkGrayBackground
config.showsSeparators = false
let section = NSCollectionLayoutSection.list(using: config, layoutEnvironment: layoutEnvironment)
section.interGroupSpacing = 30
self.addHeader(to: section)
return section
private func addHeader(to section: NSCollectionLayoutSection) {
let headerFooterSize = NSCollectionLayoutSize(
widthDimension: .fractionalWidth(1.0),
heightDimension: .estimated(20)
let sectionHeader = NSCollectionLayoutBoundarySupplementaryItem(
layoutSize: headerFooterSize,
elementKind: UICollectionView.elementKindSectionHeader,
alignment: .top
section.boundarySupplementaryItems = [sectionHeader]
collectionView = UICollectionView(frame: bounds, collectionViewLayout: createLayout())
I even can't access to it via
if let layout = collectionView.collectionViewLayout as? UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
layout.sectionHeadersPinToVisibleBounds = true // never called
Could anyone help me on this? Thank you so much


Collection cell removes item on each reloadData() call Swift 5

Please see below image, that is my correct and initial view.
But after reloadData() is called for collectionView then it is removing the "COMPLETED" status label, and if I again repeat that action it will remove the "PROCESSING" status label. Does anyone know why it is behaving like this?
This is my cellForItemAt code.
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: DFCollectionViewCellIdentifierConstants.DF_CAPTURED_PANORAMAS_CELL, for: indexPath) as! DFCapturedPanoramasCollectionViewCell
cell.capturedPanoramasImages.layer.masksToBounds = true
cell.capturedPanoramasImages.layer.borderWidth = 1
cell.capturedPanoramasImages.layer.borderColor = UIColor().hexColor(DFColorConstants.INPUT_TEXT_COLOR).cgColor
cell.capturedPanoramasImages.layer.cornerRadius = 4
let url = URL(string:panoramaList[indexPath.item].panoramaThumbnailPath)
if url != nil && self.panoramaList[indexPath.item].panoramaStatus == DFPanoramaStatusConstants.DF_COMPLETED {
self.panoramaStatusLabelFunc(cell: cell, index: indexPath.item, bgColor: UIColor().hexColor(DFColorConstants.PANORAMA_STATUS_COMPLETED_COLOR))
cell.capturedPanoramasImages.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
if let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url!)
let image = UIImage(data: data)
cell.capturedPanoramasImages.image = image
cell.capturedPanoramasLabel.text = panoramaList[indexPath.item].name
} else if url == nil && self.panoramaList[indexPath.item].panoramaStatus != DFStatusConstants.COMPLETED {
self.panoramaStatusLabelFunc(cell: cell, index: indexPath.item, bgColor: UIColor().hexColor(DFColorConstants.PANORAMA_STATUS_UPLOADING_AND_PROCESSESING))
cell.capturedPanoramasImages.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
cell.capturedPanoramasImages.image = self.capturedPanoramasImage[0]
cell.capturedPanoramasLabel.text = panoramaList[indexPath.item].name
} else if self.panoramaList[indexPath.item].name == DFStatusConstants.ADD_PANORAMA {
cell.panoramaStatusLabel.isHidden = true
cell.capturedPanoramasImages.contentMode = .center
cell.capturedPanoramasImages.image = self.capturedPanoramasImage[1]
cell.capturedPanoramasLabel.text = panoramaList[indexPath.item].name
return cell
And panoramaStatusLabelFunc() function.
func panoramaStatusLabelFunc(cell: DFCapturedPanoramasCollectionViewCell, index: Int, bgColor: UIColor){
cell.capturedPanoramasLabel.isHidden = false
cell.panoramaStatusLabel.layer.backgroundColor = bgColor.cgColor
cell.panoramaStatusLabel.textColor = UIColor().hexColor(DFColorConstants.TEXT_WHITE_COLOR)
cell.panoramaStatusLabel.layer.cornerRadius = 10
cell.panoramaStatusLabel.text = self.panoramaList[index].panoramaStatus
Found the issue, it is in below condition with "cell.panoramaStatusLabel.isHidden = true". For some reason it is passing isHidden = true to next cell(I an not sure, but may be beacuse fo Asyn)
else if self.panoramaList[indexPath.item].name == DFStatusConstants.ADD_PANORAMA
cell.panoramaStatusLabel.isHidden = true
cell.capturedPanoramasImages.contentMode = .center
cell.capturedPanoramasImages.image = self.capturedPanoramasImage[1]
cell.capturedPanoramasLabel.text = panoramaList[indexPath.item].name
To fix I have changed panoramaStatusLabelFunc function as below:
func panoramaStatusLabelFunc(cell: DFCapturedPanoramasCollectionViewCell, index: Int, bgColor: UIColor, isAddHotspot: Bool){
cell.capturedPanoramasLabel.isHidden = false
cell.panoramaStatusLabel.layer.backgroundColor = bgColor.cgColor
cell.panoramaStatusLabel.textColor = UIColor().hexColor(DFColorConstants.TEXT_WHITE_COLOR)
cell.panoramaStatusLabel.layer.cornerRadius = 10
if(isAddHotspot) {
cell.panoramaStatusLabel.text = ""
} else {
cell.panoramaStatusLabel.text = self.panoramaList[index].panoramaStatus

RxSwift Cannot convert call result type '(_) -> Disposable' to expected type '(_) ->

I'm trying to add an headerView to a collectionView using RxSwift.
I get this error:
Cannot convert call result type '() -> Disposable' to expected type '() ->
at this line:
obsHeader.asObservable().bind(to: collectionView.rx.items(dataSource: dataSource)).disposed(by: disposeBag)
I don't understand how to fix it. Any help?
I post here the rest of the code:
struct SectionItemObject {
let collectionViewRecommendations: UICollectionView
let items: [SFCardViewModelListOfCardsProtocol]
struct SectionOfItems {
var items: [Item]
extension SectionOfItems: SectionModelType {
typealias Item = SectionItemObject
init(original: SectionOfItems, items: [Item]) {
self = original
self.items = items
init(items: [Item]?) {
self.items = items ?? [Item]()
And this is what I write in the method I call to observe.
let dataSource = RxCollectionViewSectionedReloadDataSource<SectionOfItems>(configureCell: { (datasource, collectionview, indexPath, i) -> UICollectionViewCell in
let cell = collectionview.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "CardView", for: indexPath) as! CardView
// self.setCell(card:card,cell:cell)
cell.lbTitle.text = "TEST"
return cell
}, configureSupplementaryView: { (datasource, collectionview, kind, indexPath) -> UICollectionReusableView in
let section = collectionview.dequeueReusableSupplementaryView(ofKind: kind, withReuseIdentifier: "AddNewCardCollectionHeaderView", for: indexPath) as! AddNewCardCollectionHeaderView
section.backgroundColor =
section.collectionViewRecommendations = self.collectionViewRecommendations
return section
} )
let item = SectionItemObject(collectionViewRecommendations: self.collectionViewRecommendations!, items: viewModelProtocol.searchedCards.value)
let obsHeader = Variable(SectionOfItems(items: [item]))
obsHeader.asObservable().bind(to: collectionView.rx.items(dataSource: dataSource)).disposed(by: disposeBag)
I would bet that your obsHeader needs to be typed as Variable<[SectionOfItems]>
So just make it
let obsHeader = Variable([SectionOfItems(items: [item])])

Animate the drawing of an MKPolyline on MKMapView

I’ve got an MKMapView to animate a line by adding a line, removing it, adding a minor segment and re-adding it to the map. However, this puts a lot of overhead on the phone and doesn’t look the best. I noticed Google Maps and Uber have cleanly animated lines for showing routes that run smoothly no matter what the length or route type. Does anyone have any suggestions for a solution which is less energy-draining and looks cleaner?
Thanks, SebO.
An array of coordinates will be needed. If you have only beginning and end coordinates, get array of coordinates using below code
func getPointsOnRoute(from: CLLocation?, to: CLLocation?, on mapView: MKMapView?) -> [CLLocation]? {
//lower number will give a more smooth animation, but will result in more layers
var ret = [Any]()
var fromPoint: CGPoint? = nil
if let aCoordinate = from?.coordinate {
fromPoint = mapView?.convert(aCoordinate, toPointTo: mapView)
var toPoint: CGPoint? = nil
if let aCoordinate = to?.coordinate {
toPoint = mapView?.convert(aCoordinate, toPointTo: mapView)
let allPixels = getAllPoints(from: fromPoint!, to: toPoint!)
var i = 0
while i < (allPixels?.count)! {
let pointVal = allPixels![i] as? NSValue
ret.append(point(toLocation: mapView, from: (pointVal?.cgPointValue)!)!)
ret.append(point(toLocation: mapView, from: toPoint!)!)
return ret as? [CLLocation] }
Having array of coordinates add rendering of the overlays in MKMapViewDelegate’s delegate method — mapView(_:rendererFor:).
func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, rendererFor overlay: MKOverlay) -> MKOverlayRenderer {
guard let polyline = overlay as? MKPolyline else {
return MKOverlayRenderer()
let polylineRenderer = MKPolylineRenderer(overlay: polyline)
polylineRenderer.strokeColor = .black
polylineRenderer.lineWidth = 2
return polylineRenderer
mapView.addOverlay(polyline) // add it to mapview
render the polyline in small segments to create the animation effect
var drawingTimer: Timer?
// ....// Somewhere in your View Controller
func animate(route: [CLLocationCoordinate2D], duration: TimeInterval, completion: (() -> Void)?) {
guard route.count > 0 else { return }
var currentStep = 1
let totalSteps = route.count
let stepDrawDuration = duration/TimeInterval(totalSteps)
var previousSegment: MKPolyline?
drawingTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: stepDrawDuration, repeats: true) { [weak self] timer in
guard let self = self else {
// Invalidate animation if we can't retain self
if let previous = previousSegment {
// Remove last drawn segment if needed.
previousSegment = nil
guard currentStep < totalSteps else {
// If this is the last animation step...
let finalPolyline = MKPolyline(coordinates: route, count: route.count)
// Assign the final polyline instance to the class property.
self.polyline = finalPolyline
// Animation step.
// The current segment to draw consists of a coordinate array from 0 to the 'currentStep' taken from the route.
let subCoordinates = Array(route.prefix(upTo: currentStep))
let currentSegment = MKPolyline(coordinates: subCoordinates, count: subCoordinates.count)
previousSegment = currentSegment
currentStep += 1

Buttons not clickable when inside a StackView inside a StackView

I have a UIView Subclass which presents three buttons arranged with two above one. I use a StackView to arrange the top two buttons, and the bottom arranged view is just a single button. The problem is that the button added as an arrangedSubview to the root StackView receives clicks, while the buttons inside of the StackView in the StackView do not.
(note: dependencies should not be affecting anything. DynamicButton is just a cocoapod UIButton subclass. InsetView is my own UIView subclass that embeds the buttons in a view with constraints. And pinTo is just a UIView extension that adds pinning constraints to the view. These things shouldn't be the bug given that the bottom button receives clicks and is under the same conditions as the top two buttons.)
class PathContentView: UIView {
let previousButton: DynamicButton = {
let r = DynamicButton(style: .caretLeft)
r.lineWidth = 3
r.strokeColor = .white
r.highlightStokeColor = .gray
return r
let nextButton: DynamicButton = {
let r = DynamicButton(style: .caretRight)
r.lineWidth = 3
r.strokeColor = .white
r.highlightStokeColor = .gray
return r
let deleteButton: DynamicButton = {
let r = DynamicButton(style: .close)
r.lineWidth = 3
r.strokeColor = .white
r.highlightStokeColor = .gray
return r
init() {
super.init(frame: .zero)
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
private func setup() {
// button components
let deleteButtonHolder = InsetView(width: 25, height: 25, view: deleteButton)
let previousButtonHolder = InsetView(width: 25, height: 25, view: previousButton)
let nextButtonHolder = InsetView(width: 25, height: 25, view: nextButton)
let rootStackView = UIStackView()
let topSectionStackView = UIStackView()
topSectionStackView.distribution = .fillEqually
topSectionStackView.alignment = .center
topSectionStackView.spacing = 20
topSectionStackView.axis = .horizontal
rootStackView.axis = .vertical
rootStackView.distribution = .fillEqually
rootStackView.alignment = .fill
rootStackView.isLayoutMarginsRelativeArrangement = true
rootStackView.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets(top: 5, left: 5, bottom: 5, right: 5)
rootStackView.pinTo(superView: self)
rootStackView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
topSectionStackView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
func tapped() {

How can I animate a text change in swift or objective-c?

I tried a test-project. It worked but the method I used, put programmatically created labels over old existing labels. When the length of a string array is lower than the old one, it shows unnecessary old labels due to addSubview method.
How can I handle this problem?
import UIKit
extension UIView {
func pushTransition(duration:CFTimeInterval) {
let animation:CATransition = CATransition()
animation.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name:
animation.type = kCATransitionPush
animation.subtype = kCATransitionFromBottom
animation.duration = duration
self.layer.addAnimation(animation, forKey: kCATransitionPush)
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var current:Float = 125.24
var discount:Float = 1.212342748
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
#IBAction func doAction(sender: AnyObject) {
let currentstr = String(format: "₺%.2f", self.current)
let length = currentstr.characters.count
var strarray = Array(currentstr.characters)
strarray[length-3] = ","
self.current =
let newcurrent = String(format: "₺%.2f", self.current)
let newcurrentlength = newcurrent.characters.count
var newcurrentarray = Array(newcurrent.characters)
newcurrentarray[newcurrentlength-3] = ","
var labels = [UILabel]()
if (length == newcurrentlength) {
for i in 1 ..< length+1 {
labels.append(UILabel(frame: CGRectMake((15*CGFloat(i)), 100, 20, 20)))
if (strarray[i-1] == newcurrentarray[i-1]){
labels[i-1].text = String(newcurrentarray[i-1])
labels[i-1].textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center
labels[i-1].backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()
} else {
labels[i-1].text = String(newcurrentarray[i-1])
labels[i-1].textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center
labels[i-1].backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()
} else {
for i in 1..<newcurrentlength+1 {
labels.append(UILabel(frame: CGRectMake((15*CGFloat(i)), 100, 20, 20)))
if (strarray[i-1] == newcurrentarray[i-1]){
labels[i-1].text = String(newcurrentarray[i-1])
labels[i-1].textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center
labels[i-1].backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()
} else {
labels[i-1].text = String(newcurrentarray[i-1])
labels[i-1].textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center
labels[i-1].backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()
I put label array out of action section and it's fixed.
var labels = [UILabel]()
However, the transition between 100,00 and 99,99 there is a problem with the last child of label array. It still shows last digit like 99,990