Othello - Validating player moves - vb.net

I'm in the process of making a recreation of Othello/Reversi with the use of a 2D Array. For each grid space I have a value stored in it("Black", "White" or ""). From there, I code what should and shouldn't be a legal move by the standards of the game rules. The problem is that it's difficult for me to understand how to translate the rules to code. How would any of you translate Othello's rules into a 2D Array based game.
I'm relatively new to coding and haven't had luck with trying to translate source code as this project needs to be my own VB.net 2010 coding, any advice helps.
I've tried everything from long if/elseif statements, many 2D loops, even a separate array that was supposed to validate moves itself. Nothing I've tried has been able to make it past the first move without breaking in some way.

Have some pseudocode. No idea what programming language that is supposed to be, I made it up on the spot.
is_valid_move(x,y,color): {
if (board[x,y] != empty) return false;
for dx = -1 to 1: {
for dy = -1 to 1: { // cycle through all directions
if (dx=0 && dy=0) next;
xx = x+dx; yy = y+dy;
while (valid_coords(xx, yy) && board[xx, yy]=enemy(color)): {
// skipping over enemy stones, there has to be at least one
xx = xx+dx; yy = yy+dy;
if (valid_coords(xx, yy) && board[xx, yy]=color)
return true; // this one is ours, we have captured something
return false; // no capture found, this is not a valid move


Object Detection versus Accident Avoidance

I acknowledge that I have used the sample codes that #Benjamin used in different examples.
I want to have both object detection numbers and accident numbers in my model. I need a code to detect object. But object detection does not necessarily lead to an accident. When an object is detected the agent(transporter) should either stop or change its route. The following code is about this functionality. field of view is a polygonal in front of the transporter.
for (Worker thisPed: main.worker) {
//for each pedestrain in model
double pedX = thisPed.getX() -getX();
double pedY = thisPed.getY() -getY();
if (fieldOfView.contains(pedX, pedY)) {
v_pedInDanger = true;
How to tell transporter to change route instead of stop? I could not find a code in this regard.
However, I should use another code to calculate distance between transporter and the detected object and if the distance <= 1 METER then we count it as an accident. like the following:
for (Worker ped: main.worker){
double dist = 0;
dist = distanceTo(ped);
if (dist <= 1){
v_pedCollisionNumber += 1;
ped.v_isWorkerCollide = true;
send ("accident", this);
the second one does not work.
Any Advise please? Any better approach?

Cytoscape.js: get classes and return filtered nodes. (getter not existent?)

This question arises from the following context:
One has a filter with various attributes such as demo-ed here.
For the minimal working example, we will consider that all the checkboxes represent one of the classes of the node e.g.
The goal is to be able to remove / add nodes based off of this filter. Some nodes may belong to multiple classes. I can get this to work with hide/show. That code is at the bottom of this post.
In this code I have the filter implement when the mouse leaves the drop-down. Probably not ideal, but sufficient. I have an object allNodeClasses which contains the classes as properties and whether they are to be shown via the filter as booleans e.g.
allNodeClasses = {
class1: true
class2: true,
The code below can be broken down into two main phases, set-up and the filter (before and after cy.batch... respectively).
First I update the boolean object as to whether or not it's respective button has been checked. Then for each node, I loop through each class, and see if it has a class which is set to false. If it does, the node is hidden. If all of that node's classes are true, then it is shown (which would recover any previous hidden nodes).
Substituting remove with hide and add/restore with show does not work (well remove works...). Namely - I believe - that the certain functions do not work on removed nodes.
Thus I have the following few questions:
1.) How can I make this work with remove and add/restore?
2.) Is there a 'getter' for node classes? because so .classes appears to work as a setter only, and .class doesn't work either.
3.) What is toggle class... because I think it would work here, but there aren't really any useful examples on the website demonstration how would could do that.
NOTE for question 1: The ideal solution for question 1 does not involve making and up-keeping a removedElements array.
NOTE: the ideal solution - in my mind - would have the following sudo code
for elem in cyGraph \\ for every item in the graph
var keepQ = true \\ assume default
for class in elem.classes \\ for every class that
\\ element belongs to
if allClasses[class] == false\\ if that class is false
keepQ = false \\ we are not to keep it
break \\ no need to keep searching
if elem.removedQ && keepQ \\ restore only removed elements
\\ that we should now keep
if !keepQ \\ remove filtered out elements
var opts =[];
for (var className in allNodeClasses) {opts.push(className)};
var numOpts = opts.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numOpts; i++) {
allNodeClasses[opts[i]] = document.getElementById('filter-checkbox-'+opts[i]).checked
var keepQ = true;
for (var i = 0; i < numOpts; i++) {
if (node.hasClass(opts[i]) && !allNodeClasses[opts[i]]) {
keepQ = false;
if (!keepQ) {
} else {
Just remove the elements that match the unchecked classes.
E.g. if foo and bar are unchecked, then cy.$('.foo, .bar').remove().

Microsoft Kinect and background/environmental noise

I am currently programming with the Microsoft Kinect for Windows SDK 2 on Windows 8.1. Things are going well, and in a home dev environment obviously there is not much noise in the background compared to the 'real world'.
I would like to seek some advice from those with experience in 'real world' applications with the Kinect. How does Kinect (especially v2) fare in a live environment with passers-by, onlookers and unexpected objects in the background? I do expect, in the space from the Kinect sensor to the user there will usually not be interference however - what I am very mindful of right now is the background noise as such.
While I am aware that the Kinect does not track well under direct sunlight (either on the sensor or the user) - are there certain lighting conditions or other external factors I need to factor into the code?
The answer I am looking for is:
What kind of issues can arise in a live environment?
How did you code or work your way around it?
Outlaw Lemur has descibed in detail most of the issues you may encounter in real-world scenarios.
Using Kinect for Windows version 2, you do not need to adjust the motor, since there is no motor and the sensor has a larger field of view. This will make your life much easier.
I would like to add the following tips and advice:
1) Avoid direct light (physical or internal lighting)
Kinect has an infrared sensor that might be confused. This sensor should not have direct contact with any light sources. You can emulate such an environment at your home/office by playing with an ordinary laser pointer and torches.
2) If you are tracking only one person, select the closest tracked user
If your app only needs one player, that player needs to be a) fully tracked and b) closer to the sensor than the others. It's an easy way to make participants understand who is tracked without making your UI more complex.
public static Body Default(this IEnumerable<Body> bodies)
Body result = null;
double closestBodyDistance = double.MaxValue;
foreach (var body in bodies)
if (body.IsTracked)
var position = body.Joints[JointType.SpineBase].Position;
var distance = position.Length();
if (result == null || distance < closestBodyDistance)
result = body;
closestBodyDistance = distance;
return result;
3) Use the tracking IDs to distinguish different players
Each player has a TrackingID property. Use that property when players interfere or move at random positions. Do not use that property as an alternative to face recognition though.
ulong _trackinfID1 = 0;
ulong _trackingID2 = 0;
void BodyReader_FrameArrived(object sender, BodyFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
using (var frame = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame())
if (frame != null)
var bodies = _bodies.Where(b => b.IsTracked).ToList();
if (bodies != null && bodies.Count >= 2 && _trackinfID1 == 0 && _trackingID2 == 0)
_trackinfID1 = bodies[0].TrackingId;
_trackingID2 = bodies[1].TrackingId;
// Alternatively, specidy body1 and body2 according to their distance from the sensor.
Body first = bodies.Where(b => b.TrackingId == _trackinfID1).FirstOrDefault();
Body second = bodies.Where(b => b.TrackingId == _trackingID2).FirstOrDefault();
if (first != null)
// Do something...
if (second != null)
// Do something...
4) Display warnings when a player is too far or too close to the sensor.
To achieve higher accuracy, players need to stand at a specific distance: not too far or too close to the sensor. Here's how to check this:
const double MIN_DISTANCE = 1.0; // in meters
const double MAX_DISTANCE = 4.0; // in meters
double distance = body.Joints[JointType.SpineBase].Position.Z; // in meters, too
if (distance > MAX_DISTANCE)
// Prompt the player to move closer.
else if (distance < MIN_DISTANCE)
// Prompt the player to move farther.
// Player is in the right distance.
5) Always know when a player entered or left the scene.
Vitruvius provides an easy way to understand when someone entered or left the scene.
Here is the source code and here is how to use it in your app:
UsersController userReporter = new UsersController();
userReporter.BodyEntered += UserReporter_BodyEntered;
userReporter.BodyLeft += UserReporter_BodyLeft;
void UserReporter_BodyEntered(object sender, UsersControllerEventArgs e)
// A new user has entered the scene. Get the ID from e param.
void UserReporter_BodyLeft(object sender, UsersControllerEventArgs e)
// A user has left the scene. Get the ID from e param.
6) Have a visual clue of which player is tracked
If there are a lot of people surrounding the player, you may need to show on-screen who is tracked. You can highlight the depth frame bitmap or use Microsoft's Kinect Interactions.
This is an example of removing the background and keeping the player pixels only.
7) Avoid glossy floors
Some floors (bright, glossy) may mirror people and Kinect may confuse some of their joints (for example, Kinect may extend your legs to the reflected body). If you can't avoid glossy floors, use the FloorClipPlane property of your BodyFrame. However, the best solution would be to have a simple carpet where you expect people to stand. A carpet would also act as an indication of the proper distance, so you would provide a better user experience.
I created an application for home use like you have before, and then presented that same application in a public setting. The result was embarrassing for me, because there were many errors that I would never have anticipated within a controlled environment. However that did help me because it led me to add some interesting adjustments to my code, which is centered around human detection only.
Have conditions for checking the validity of a "human".
When I showed my application in the middle of a presentation floor with many other objects and props, I found that even chairs could be mistaken for people for brief moments, which led to my application switching between the user and an inanimate object, causing it to lose track of the user and lost their progress. To counter this or other false-positive human detections, I added my own additional checks for a human. My most successful method was comparing the proportions of a humans body. I implemented this measured in head units. (head units picture) Below is code of how I did this (SDK version 1.8, C#)
bool PersonDetected = false;
double[] humanRatios = { 1.0f, 4.0, 2.33, 3.0 };
/*Array indexes
* 0 - Head (shoulder to head)
* 1 - Leg length (foot to knee to hip)
* 2 - Width (shoulder to shoulder center to shoulder)
* 3 - Torso (hips to shoulder)
double[] currentRatios = new double[4];
double headSize = Distance(skeletons[0].Joints[JointType.ShoulderCenter], skeletons[0].Joints[JointType.Head]);
currentRatios[0] = 1.0f;
currentRatios[1] = (Distance(skeletons[0].Joints[JointType.FootLeft], skeletons[0].Joints[JointType.KneeLeft]) + Distance(skeletons[0].Joints[JointType.KneeLeft], skeletons[0].Joints[JointType.HipLeft])) / headSize;
currentRatios[2] = (Distance(skeletons[0].Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft], skeletons[0].Joints[JointType.ShoulderCenter]) + Distance(skeletons[0].Joints[JointType.ShoulderCenter], skeletons[0].Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight])) / headSize;
currentRatios[3] = Distance(skeletons[0].Joints[JointType.HipCenter], skeletons[0].Joints[JointType.ShoulderCenter]) / headSize;
int correctProportions = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < currentRatios.Length; i++)
diff = currentRatios[i] - humanRatios[i];
if (abs(diff) <= MaximumDiff)//I used .2 for my MaximumDiff
if (correctProportions >= 2)
PersonDetected = true;
Another method I had success with was finding the average of the sum of the joints distance squared from one another. I found that non-human detections had more variable summed distances, whereas humans are more consistent. The average I learned using a single dimensional support vector machine (I found user's summed distances were generally less than 9)
//in AllFramesReady or SkeletalFrameReady
Skeleton data;
float lastPosX = 0; // trying to detect false-positives
float lastPosY = 0;
float lastPosZ = 0;
float diff = 0;
foreach (Joint joint in data.Joints)
//add the distance squared
diff += (joint.Position.X - lastPosX) * (joint.Position.X - lastPosX);
diff += (joint.Position.Y - lastPosY) * (joint.Position.Y - lastPosY);
diff += (joint.Position.Z - lastPosZ) * (joint.Position.Z - lastPosZ);
lastPosX = joint.Position.X;
lastPosY = joint.Position.Y;
lastPosZ = joint.Position.Z;
if (diff < 9)//this is what my svm learned
PersonDetected = true;
Use player IDs and indexes to remember who is who
This ties in with the previous issue, where if Kinect switched the two users that it was tracking to others, then my application would crash because of the sudden changes in data. To counter this, I would keep track of both each player's skeletal index and their player ID. To learn more about how I did this, see Kinect user Detection.
Add adjustable parameters to adopt to varying situations
Where I was presenting, the same tilt angle and other basic kinect parameters (like near-mode) did not work in the new environment. Let the user be able to adjust some of these parameters so they can get the best setup for the job.
Expect people to do stupid things
The next time I presented, I had adjustable tilt, and you can guess whether someone burned out the Kinect's motor. Anything that can be broken on Kinect, someone will break. Leaving a warning in your documentation will not be sufficient. You should add in cautionary checks on Kinect's hardware to make sure people don't get upset when they break something inadvertently. Here is some code checking whether the user has used the motor more than 20 times in two minutes.
int motorAdjustments = 0;
DateTime firstAdjustment;
//in motor adjustment code
if (motorAdjustments == 0)
firstAdjustment = DateTime.Now;
if (motorAdjustments < 20)
//adjust the tilt
DateTime timeCheck = firstAdjustment;
if (DateTime.Now > timeCheck.AddMinutes(2))
//reset all variables
motorAdjustments = 1;
firstAdjustment = DateTime.Now;
//adjust the tilt
I would note that all of these were issues for me with the first version of Kinect, and I don't know how many of them have been solved in the second version as I sadly haven't gotten my hands on one yet. However I would still implement some of these techniques if not back-up techniques because there will be exceptions, especially in computer vision.

ArcGIS JS not performing GeometryService cut method

I have an app where users can draw a shape on the map to indicate potential land use, and they can also draw a shape to indicate a 'no change' zone, where we want to indicate no development plans.
Basically, they can create a shape to indicate an industrial zone, and then they could draw an overlapping shape to basically cut out that industrial zone, and designate that zone as a no-development zone.
Here's my code:
function cutOutNoChangeZone () {
var geometries = land_use_planning.graphics,
geoService = new esri.tasks.GeometryService("http://gis.website.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Geometry/GeometryServer");
for (var i = 0, len = geometries.length; i < len; i++) {
var geometry = geometries[i];
if (geometry.planning_type === 'no_change') {
// cut ALL polygons that are under the no change zone
geometries_to_be_cut = geometries.slice(0, i);
geoService.cut(geometries_to_be_cut, geometry);
It throws an error in the console:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'toJson' of undefined
It's coming from the minified ArcGIS 3.9 init.js file on the js.arcgis.com server. I have already debugged the for loop to check that the geometries are valid geometries, with toJson methods. I was trying to follow the example on this esri forum, which shows a similar function: https://geonet.esri.com/thread/63777.
Also note that I am testing this on only two shapes: one industrial and one "no-change" that overlaps. geometries_to_be_cut is an array of the single geometry, and geometry is the "no-change" geometry.
It seems like this should be a simple function. I'm not sure where I'm going wrong, and thought someone might have some insight on this.
Stepping into the code, we see that the cut method calls toJson() on a few different objects:
cut: function(a, c, f, g) {
var e = a[0].spatialReference, p = l.map(a, function(a) {
return a.toJson()
a = k.mixin({}, this._url.query, {f: "json",sr: n.toJson(e.toJson()),target: n.toJson({geometryType: u.getJsonType(a[0]),geometries: p}),cutter: n.toJson(c.toJson())});
var m = this._cutHandler, s = this._errorHandler, B = new h(b._dfdCanceller);
B._pendingDfd = d({url: this._url.path + "/cut",content: a,callbackParamName: "callback",
load: function(a, b) {
m(a, b, e, f, g, B)
},error: function(a) {
s(a, g, B)
return B
This method calls toJson() on the cutting geometry and on the spatial reference of the first geometry in the list. I suspect that you somehow have a geometry with an undefined spatialReference property. Can you check for that please?
Another possible issue is that according to the documentation, the cutting geometry must be a polyline, not a polygon. You didn't specify which one you used, but since you said "draw a shape," maybe the cutting geometry is a polygon. I can't tell yet, because that issue would manifest itself only after the service gets called and returns an error, and because of your toJson() error, you're not yet calling the service.
Finally, I'm not sure that the cut method does what you need. If you get it working, cut will split the input polygons by the cutting polyline, returning the new split polygons. From your description, it sounds like either difference or intersect would be closer to what you need. But maybe I misunderstood what you wanted to do.
Sorry for the laundry list but hopefully something here is useful. :-)

Pre-processing a loop in Objective-C

I am currently writing a program to help me control complex lights installations. The idea is I tell the program to start a preset, then the app has three options (depending on the preset type)
1) the lights go to one position (so only one group of data sent when the preset starts)
2) the lights follows a mathematical equation (ex: sinus with a timer to make smooth circles)
3) the lights respond to a flow of data (ex midi controller)
So I decided to go with an object I call the AppBrain, that receive data from the controllers and the templates, but also is able to send processed data to the lights.
Now, I come from non-native programming, and I kinda have trust issues concerning working with a lot of processing, events and timing; as well as troubles with understanding 100% the Cocoa logic.
This is where the actual question starts, sorry
What I want to do, would be when I load the preset, I parse it to prepare the timer/data receive event so it doesn't have to go trough every option for 100 lights 100 times per second.
To explain more deeply, here's how I would do it in Javascript (crappy pseudo code, of course)
var lightsFunctions = {};
function prepareTemplate(theTemplate){
//Let's assume here the template is just an array, and I won't show all the processing
case "simpledata":
sendAllDataTooLights(); // Simple here
case "periodic":
for(light in theTemplate.lights){
case "sin":
lightsFunctions[light.id] = doTheSinus; // doTheSinus being an existing function
case "cos":
function onFrame(){
for(light in lightsFunctions){
var theTimer = setTimeout(onFrame, theTemplate.delay);
case "controller":
//do the same pre-processing without the timer, to know which function to execute for which light
So, my idea is to store the processing function I need in an NSArray, so I don't need to test on each frame the type and loose some time/CPU.
I don't know if I'm clear, or if my idea is possible/the good way to go. I'm mostly looking for algorithm ideas, and if you have some code that might direct me in the good direction... (I know of PerformSelector, but I don't know if it is the best for this situation.
First of all, don't spend time optimizing what you don't know is a performance problem. 100 iterations of the type is nothing in the native world, even on the weaker mobile CPUs.
Now, to your problem. I take it you are writing some kind of configuration / DSL to specify the light control sequences. One way of doing it is to store blocks in your NSArray. A block is the equivalent of a function object in JavaScript. So for example:
typedef void (^LightFunction)(void);
- (NSArray*) parseProgram ... {
NSMutableArray* result = [NSMutableArray array];
if(...) {
LightFunction simpledata = ^{ sendDataToLights(); };
[result addObject:simpleData];
} else if(...) {
Light* light = [self getSomeLight:...];
LightFunction periodic = ^{
// Note how you can access the local scope of the outside function.
// Make sure you use automatic reference counting for this.
[light doSomethingWithParam:someParam];
[result addObject:periodic];
return result;
NSArray* program = [self parseProgram:...];
// To run your program
for(LightFunction func in program) {