Automating VS Code 2017 Startup and Initialization - automation

I am trying to automate the startup and initialization of VS Code 2017. I've been able to automate the installation using chocolatey and would like to now be able to get past the two splash screens:
Is there a way to do this using powershell? So far, I am able to open it using:
start "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Professional\\Common7\\IDE\\devenv.exe"
to launch VS Code.


How to Properly Integrate existing Vue.JS application into Visual Studio 2022

I am writing all of my back-end code in F# & C# and I have them in a Visual Studio Solution with Git Set up etc. I have been wanting to do some front-end work using the Dev Extreme Framework & related Components. I separately installed a devextreme App using the command line ( outside of Visual Studio ) using the Method Here, Vuejs Version 3.
Everything works fine if I run it within the command line but I would like to edit the pages etc in Visual studio.
The only way I could get it into Visual Studio was to Create a basic Vue.js application in Visual Studio - rip all the files out except for the project file and add my other files I created using the link above.
Now - I am getting over 500 error within visual Studio - even though I can run the app in the PowerShell window in Visual Studio. I have excluded the node_modules directory but it looks like most of the errors are in that directory.
The solution looks like this:
I feel like I am fundamentally missing something.

Can't run UWP release executable outside of Visual Studio 2017

I am using Visual Studio 2017 on Windows 10 with the official UWP sample code.
There is a UWP sample called basicinput that runs as a release build within the Visual Studio IDE without a problem.
My problem is:
when I attempt to run the release basicinput.exe executable by a mouse click (outside of the Visual Studio environment) I get an error saying that some DLLs names of the form vs*.dll can't be found.
I did a search for those .dlls and tried moving them to same folder as basicinput.exe, but then the application just hung.
What don't I understand?
What am I doing wrong?
As #Chuck-walbourn says, your application will appear in the Start Menu. If you want to deploy it to another computer (that doesn't have VS installed) you will need to create AppX packages using the menu item Project -> Store -> Create App Packages.... If you need more help with that. see the MSDN docs.
If you want to run your app from the command-line or from the Win+R dialog (with a simple name like foo.exe) you can create an appExecutionAlias for your application.

Restart a visual studio project

I am using MS Visual Studio 2010 to run an application. The application is being run from the project for various reasons. At one point I need to restart the program as it is done exactly by this button .
I searched around for batch file code but I found none to undertake this task also tried the Application.restart but no luck so far. Can you help me?

TFS Test Agent Configuration Tool for Selenium UI tests

My team has several Selenium Unit Tests that we run locally. Selenium opens a browser and runs through our application. This works fine locally. Now, management wants to run the tests, on demand, via TFS. Should be easy, right? WRONG!
I am having trouble setting up our TFS 2015 server to run these Selenium UI tests.
Everything I read tells me to run the "Test Agent for Visual Studio 2015" tool. Problem is, the tool does not exist on my machine and I cannot understand why. I have tried many things, like installing the MS Visual Studio "Agents", with no luck.
When I try to open the freshly installed "Agents" I get a message saying: "Test Agent for Visual Studio 2015 has no configuration tool".
So the VS.NET "Agents" panel never opens. Seems bizarre to me that I installed something that needs further configuration, with no way to perform that configuration.
From further reading, I think I need to provision a group machine in the TFS web administration page, but am totally unsure if that's required for my situation, as I cannot even get past the basics here.
I see other people have had this problem, with very little response or help from Microsoft. I am a little baffled at why this seems so very difficult to do on a TFS server? It runs locally just fine, like a breeze. But TFS? It's like a giant puzzle.
Once this is working, I need to configure the test agent to run in "interactive mode" so it can run the browser but I cannot even begin to figure that out yet. Where do you set it to "run interactive" because I dont see any of those options. Am I missing TFS installation components? Do I have the wrong Visual Studio? Do I need the Ultimate edition of Visual Studio to be able to perform UI tests with the browser? We have the Professional edition.
Here is someone with the same problem:
Does anyone have any ideas or instructions on how to setup the "Test Agent" I need to run my team's existing Selenium UI tests in TFS2015? Seems very difficult when it should not be.
In the link you provided, Allen has explained that "There is no configuration UI with the test agent anymore. This is because we have simplified the existing remote testing scenario by doing the install and configuration for you when running via the build pipeline."
TFS 2015 Update2 now have a "Run Functional Test" task that you can use to run tests (included Coded UI Tests) against machine groups. So, first you have to upgrade your TFS 2015 to TFS 2015 Update2 if you haven't.
The tasks you need for test scenarios using Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) or Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2015:
Create environments from physical or virtual machines that you've already set up.
Set up your build to run your app and tests in the environments that you created.
After your build finishes, review your test results to start resolving problems that you found.
So, your build process template should look like the screenshot below. You need to specify every task to meet the requirement of your project. All TFS tasks can be found at this website, you can get more information for each task from it. Coded UI or Selenium tests that are running on full fidelity browsers would need Interactive Process checked.:

How to make my program run at startup using installsheild

I was wondering how can I my program to run at windows start-up using the registry editor in installsheild limited edition in visual studio 2012. The program is a timer for individual users and for it work properly it needs to e able to run automatically at startup. it's written in, incase it's important.
I did see a similar question which point that i can do it using the following line:
My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", True).SetValue(Application.ProductName, Application.ExecutablePath)
but i was wondering how to do it using the installsheild.