Error - Pgloader 19 fell through ECASE expression wanted one of (0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
Current version - pgloder version 3.6.2
Postgres Version -14
It working in 12 version successfully
I uploaded an Excel xlsx file then created a dataframe by converting numeric variables into categories. When I run a R package that uses dataframe, the output shows the following error:
> library(DiallelAnalysisR)
> Griffing(Yield, Rep, Cross1, Cross2, GriffingData41, 4, 1)
Error in `$<`(`*tmp*`, "Trt", value = character(0)) :
replacement has 0 rows, data has 20
When I issue a str() function, it shows the modifications of the numeric columns into catergories as below.
> str(GriffingData41)
'data.frame': 20 obs. of 4 variables:
$ CROSS1: Factor w/ 4 levels "1","2","3","4": 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 ...
$ CROSS2: Factor w/ 4 levels "2","3","4","5": 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 3 4 4 ...
$ REP : Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 ...
$ YIELD : num 11.9 14.5 9 13.5 20.5 9.8 16.5 22.1 18.4 19.4 ...
Is this a problem in my dataframe creation?
I would appreciate it if I could be helped with this error. By the way, I am running this in R Studio.
Thank you.
Note: This is not really a solution to my problem but I managed to move forward by saving my Excel data in CSV format; changing the data type of the specific columns to character and importing to R Studio. From there, creating the dataframe and running the R package went smoothly. Still, I am curious why it did not work on the "xlsx" file.
I have a datatable (dt) like the following in SQL:
ID state_id act rd_1 rd_2 rd_3 rd_4 rd_5
11 abc,13.3 1 1. 31 17.4 32.4 0.4
11 afd,23.2 4 1. 42.1 1.3 31.9 0.39
11 dfw,154 7 0. 0.3 4.3 8.21 163.3
12 vab,64.5 8 1. 32.3 11 2.1 21.3
12 avf,542 2 0. 2.12 28.2 8.12 57.5
12 vjg,35 4 1. 5.7 8.64 7.46 0.25
13 vaw,424.2 4 1. 64.3 0.435 4.3 35.3
14 bda,243 1 0. 4.4 4.6 2.4 4.2
15 rbe,24.2 3 1. 43 53.5 4.4 8.5
I want to, for each row, calculate the variance of values from rd_1 to rd_5 (they are doubles). ID and state_id uniquely identifies a row. The desired output is the like the following:
ID state_id act rd_1 rd_2 rd_3 rd_4 rd_5. var_rd
11 abc,13.3 1 1. 31 17.4 32.4 0.4 192.6624
11 afd,23.2 4 1. 42.1 1.3 31.9 0.39 323.3181
11 dfw,154 7 0. 0.3 4.3 8.21 163.3 4109.9855
12 vab,64.5 8 1. 32.3 11 2.1 21.3 141.3463
13 vaw,424.2 4 1. 64.3 0.435 4.3 35.3 636.2333
14 bda,243 1 0. 4.4 4.6 2.4 4.2 3.0496
15 rbe,24.2 3 1. 43 53.5 4.4 8.5 473.2456
I know it is possible to use pivot to flatten the data and then calculate variance on column (rd_value) in the flattened data. But the SQL I use do not support Pivot method. I tried using UNION but it appears that it messes up with user_id.
I would approach this just by applying the formula for variance:
select t.*,
( (rd_1 - rd_avg) * (rd_1 - rd_avg) +
(rd_2 - rd_avg) * (rd_2 - rd_avg) +
(rd_3 - rd_avg) * (rd_3 - rd_avg) +
(rd_4 - rd_avg) * (rd_4 - rd_avg) +
(rd_5 - rd_avg) * (rd_5 - rd_avg) +
) as variance
from (select t.*,
(rd_1 + rd_2 + rd_3 + rd_4 + rd_5) / 5 as rd_avg
from t
) t
I am importing data from a flat file to a SQL table called TCVS_tmp_PO_Detail using SSIS and SQL. Now and then I get some characters in the Purchase Order column that I would like to find and eliminate if they occur.
The characters are , so could I trim these 3 characters on the left of the number out? It does not occur all the time so I can run it on the front end of my SSIS job as a query to correct it before exporting it.
Here is an example of what it looks like when it occurs
Purchase Order
I'm not sure where the data lies for the processing, but you can easily do this with a case expression:
(case when purchase_order like '%' then stuff(purchase_order, 1, 3, '')
else purchase_order
end) as purchase_order
I suppose you use "Data Flow Task"
Add "Derived Column" component
Add new column
Add this code to the Expression
The results:
You insert 5 numbers to an empty binary search tree. The numbers output from applying in-order scan algorithm to this tree are:
4 7 8 9 11
and the numbers output from applying level-order scan algorithm to the tree are
7 4 9 8 11
What is(are) leaf node value(s) in the tree after you delete node 4?
Now this will be a very rough sketch to do, but bear with me. So you gave me a field of numbers, and I'm just assuming 7 is the root. so it goes like this.
/ \
4 8
In this case, 4 and 11 would be the leaf nodes. Now after you delete 4 from it.
Leaving 11 to be the leaf since it has no children.
I am trying to make an auctions system but can not figure out the logical conditions for doing so..
Lets say that I have 10 credit
I have already bet 5 credits on another auction... so I owe 5 from 10 $owe
I thus have 5 available... $available = $credit - $owe (=5)
I bet 3 from available (on a different item)...
I wish to bet again 4 (cancel 3, update to 4), but credit available is now $available - 3 (=2)
Can't find a logical solution.... written in code.
What is the condition for setting a bet???
Made up a matrix with the dependence between variables:
bet available owe lastbet
1 10 10 0
2 9 11 1
3 7 13 2
4 4 16 3
5 0 20 4
6 -5 25 5
7 -11 31 6
8 -18 38 7
9 -26 46 8
10 -35 55 9
11 -45 65 10
Need to translate it into a condition statement.... (the next row would not meet the conditions)
The condition should fail on the 11th row....
Based on the Matrix... I found out that the condition is:
if ($bet <= (($owe + $available) / 2)) {}
Not very intuitive......