How to Get Field order line from Sale order to invoice module? [closed] - module

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Closed 7 days ago.
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i need to get the field order line from Sales module to read it on invoice module.
im new use erp Odoo, i need help. Thankyou
I didn't do any action yet, im just confused where can i did it, it can do by Odoo Studio or need to configure python code?


Amazon API that would allow bulk order without manually entering all information [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I have hundreds of employees that I would like to gift them with items purchased on Amazon. It would be convenient for me to place orders for those gifts directly from my CRM without manually entering the information just using an API.
Would be thankful for a lead.
I did some websearch but not much to be found out there

i am new to all this, any idea how to solve this [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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keep encountering this problem
i am trying to learn SQL on a mac, learning it with sql workbench, and i keep running into this problem, can anyone help?

Odoo enterprises edition [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I tried to pass the value from one pop up model to another model using odoo server action but I could not pass the value.
How to pass string field from one popup model to another model with button click?
Please anybody help me
Could you be more specific?
To me this seems simple.
get record from model1: self.env['model1name'].search([('name', '=', record1name)])
get record from model2: self.env['model2name'].search([('name', '=', record2name)])
do model2_rec.write({'fieldname': model1_rec.fieldname})

view barcode field in POS(point of sale) session [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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odoo version:10e.
i want to display barcode field in point of sale(pos) session at anywhere on product. Is is possible through module or coding ?
Yes, this can be possible. To do that you need to add product barcode field in view. In that, you need to edit template "Product" which is located under "/point_of_sale/static/src/xml/pos.xml file.

Prestashop custom product fields [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to add some custom fields on my prestashop backend and, when filled, to show up in frontend. Here are some examples of what I want to implement:
And here is the frontpage:
Searched everywhere but no results. I just need an idea or an example. Thank you!