Consequences for not using camel case in Kotlin file names - kotlin

What would happen if I didn't use the camel case to name my Kotlin file? Would it cause performance issues or any other kind of technical issues?
e.g. SouthGeorgiaAndTheSouthSandwichIslands.kt instead of its country code SGS.kt

No technical issues, and no performance issues. The only drawback: it could be tricky to navigate and search classes. So, in general, it is better to stick to the Java convention, where a file name must be the same as a class name.

There are no technical or performance issues.
Names are written for developers and not for machines, so you choose a name you (and your team) understand and know what is meant by it. Also it is good practice stick to the convetions of CamelCase as all Java/Kotlin developers are used to it and tooling like auto-completion and search in IDEs are optimised to support the camel case schema.


Which best practice in Kotlin for get class simple name

I'm using both ways for get the simple class name in Kotlin, but I don't know which the best.
I often use for logging, so I use only into current class, therefore I use this in example bellow.
Someone help me, please.
It's probably more important to pick one method and be consistent. I doubt there is an established best practice on this particular matter (though you never know). It's also unlikely either of these perform better or worse than the other.
That being said, this.javaclass will only be available when running on the JVM:
Whereas this::class I believe is commonly available whether you are targeting JVM, JS or Native. As a rule of thumb, I tend to favor whichever is common across all targets when there is a choice.

Naming conventions: Client, Driver, Actor, Adapter, Broker, Manager, EventEmitter, PubSub, EventBus

I have a mild case of analysis paralysis when it comes to naming.
Suppose we are wrapping some google API. These all seem reasonable:
Actor might be more suited to a more concurrent program. But then google API is inherently asynchronous so maybe a good fit.
Suppose the API supports websockets or push messages and it supports methods like .subscribeToEventA(... it might make sense to call it
or even
The issue being they all seem reasonable and I have no rule of thumb for choosing between them. Is there a general style guide to lean on or a rule of thumb? Maybe some authoritative glossary for terms like these?
Naming things is subjective and so there is no right or wrong answer to what something should be named.
However you can name things based on well established design patterns so readers are more likely to be knowledgeable as to why something is named as it is.
Also key to naming things is to try to be consistent. Once you have settled on a name for a type of entity it's a good idea to add it to a Domain Specific Language (DSL). Having a documented vocabulary for your domain then makes it easier for other authors to use consistent naming conventions in your environment.

What is the point of the lower camel case variable casing convention (thisVariable, for example)?

I hope this doesn't get closed due to being too broad. I know it comes down to personal preference, but there is an origin to all casing conventions and I would like to know where this one came from and a logical explanation as to why people use it.
It's where you go all like var empName;. I call that lower camel, although it's probably technically called something else. Personally, I go like var EmpName. I call that proper camel and I like it.
When I first started programming, I began with the lower camel convention. I didn't know why. I just followed the examples set by all the old guys. Variables and functions (VB) got lower camel while subs and properties got proper camel. Then, after I finally acquired a firm grasp on programming itself, I became comfortable enough to question the tactics of my mentors. It didn't make logical sense to me to use lower camel because it wasn't consistent, especially if you have a variable that consists of one word which ends up being in all lowercase. There is also no validation mechanism in place to make sure you are appropriately using lower vs. upper camel, so I asked why not just use proper camel for everything. It's consistent since all variable names are subject to proper camelization.
Having dug deeper into it, it turns out that this is a very sensitive issue to many programmers when it is brought to question. They usually answer with, "Well, it's just personal preference" or "That's just how I learned it". Upon prodding further, it usually invokes a sort of dogmatic reaction with the person as I attempt to find a logical reason behind their use of lower camel.
So anyone want to shed a little history and logic behind casing of the proper camelatory variety?
It's a combination of two things:
The convention of variables starting with lower case, to differentiate from classes or other entities which use a capital. This is also sometimes used to differentiate based on access level (private/public)
CamelCasing as a way to make multi-word names more readable without spaces (of course this is a preference over underscore, which some people use). I would guess the logic is that CamelCasing is easier/faster for some to type than word_underscores.
Whether or not it gets used is of course up to whomever is setting the coding standards that govern the code being written. Underscores vs CamelCase, lowercasevariables vs Uppercasevariables. CamelCase + lowercasevariable = camelCase
In languages like C# or VB, the standard is to start private things with lowercase and start public/protected things with uppercase. This way, just by looking at the first letter you can tell whether the thing you are messing could be used by other classes and thus any changes need more scrutiny. Also, there are tools to enforce naming conventions like this. The one created/used internally at Microsoft is called StyleCop and is available as a free download.
Historically, well named variables in C (a case-sensitive language) consisted of a single word in lower case. UPPERCASE was reserved for macros.
Then came along C++, where classes are usually CapitalizedAndCamelCased, and variables/functions consisting of several words are camelCased. (Note that C people tend to dislike camelCase, and instead write identifiers_this_way.
From there, it spread.
And, yes, probably other case-sensitive languages have had some influence.
lowerCamelCase I think has become popular because of java and javascript.
In java, it is specifically defined why, that the first word should be a verb with small letters where the remaining words start with a capital letter.
The reason why java chose lowerCamelCase I think depends on what they wanted to solve. Java was launched in 1995 as a language that would make programming easy. C/C++ that was often used was often considered difficult and too technical.
This was something java claimed to solve, more people would be able to program and the same code would work on different hardware. The code was the documentation, you didn't need to comment code, just read and everything would be great.
lowerCamelCase makes it harder to write "technical" code because it removes options to use uppercase and lowercase letters to better describe the code from a technical perspective. Java didn't want to be hard, java was the language to use where everyone could learn to program.
javascript in browsers was created in 10 days by Brendan Eich in 1995. Why javascript selected lowerCamelCase I think is because of java. It has nothing to do with java but it has "java" in its name "javascript".

Are namespace collisions really an issue in Objective-C?

Objective-C doesn't have namespaces, and many (such as CocoaDevCentral's Cocoa Style Guide) recommend prefixing your class names with initials to avoid namespace collision.
Quoting from the above link:
Objective-C doesn't have namespaces,
so prefix your class names with
initials. This avoids "namespace
collision," which is a situation where
two pieces of code have the same name
but do different things.
That makes sense, I suppose. But honestly, in the context of a relatively small app (say, an iPhone game), is this really an issue? Should I really rename MyViewController to ZPViewController? If not, at what point do namespace collisions really become a concern?
If you're writing an application that uses some set of libraries, then you already know what your namespace looks like and you just need to select names that do not conflict with existing available functions.
However, if you are writing a library for use by others, then you should pick a reasonably unique prefix to try to avoid name collisions with other libraries. With only two characters there may still be name collisions, but the frequency will be reduced.
Small apps shouldn't use up all the good names, so won't have a problem with namespaces.
But it is a good idea to get used to the style that languages are generally written in. It makes it easier to read other people's code, and for others to read yours.
E. g., use camelCase variables in Java, but CamelCase vars in C#, hyphen_separated_names in C, etc.
It will make it easier for you to learn in the long run.
I have read (but haven't verified) that Apple has private classes in their frameworks that don't include any prefixes on the names. So if your application classes' names have no prefixes, you risk colliding with those.
I've worked with repositories where classes were not prefixed. (Or only some of the classes were prefixed.)
One thing that I found painful is it's sometimes hard to tell if code was written by someone inside or outside the company. Using a consistent prefix makes it immediately obvious for someone reading the code for the first time.
Keep in mind that code will be read many more times than written.
Also, it can definitely come in handy when using tools like grep and sed.

What should I use the "My" namespace for in VB .NET?

I'm considering building a framework for VB.NET, and using the My namespace to plug it into VB seems like a reasonable idea. What is "My" used for?
The purpose of My, as I understand it, is to be an easy shortcut to certain API tasks that are common but hard-to-find or hard-to-use. You probably shouldn't completely subsume your framework under My. (For one thing, C# people using your framework may get grouchy.)
Instead, you should design it as a normal framework. When you're finished, make a list of some common tasks that people might want to use your framework for. See whether any of those could be useful to have under My, especially where there are classes or methods that can be used in a number of ways, but they have one or two really common usages that can be abbreviated with My.
This article shows how to extend My, and it has a section at the end that describes a few design guidelines to follow: Simplify Common Tasks by Customizing the My Namespace
As to your main question, when coding in VB .NET, I use My as often as I can. It reduces a number of operations to one line of code.
I really like the "My" Namespace in VB.NET and I always use it in my WindowsForms applications, because it is very intuitive.
I use primarily these categories:
My.Computer: primarily for file system and network purposes
My.Application: Version number, current directory
My.Resources: Access to resources used by the application residing in resource files in a strongly typed manner.
My.Settings: very handy
I think, if your extensions for My of your framework fit well, then many VB.NET programmers would appreciate them.
I've used My in my VB.NET projects, and I don't feel guilty about it. I am primarily a C# guy, but until I transitioned my company to C#, we were a VB shop. In my mind, the My namespace is a nice piece of syntactic sugar. Just as I'm not embarrassed to use C#'s coalesce operator and other sugar, I'm not embarrassed to use VB's sugar, either. (To an extent; I won't use the classic VB functions that .NET still exposes.)
That said, never put anything in that namespace. It's Microsoft's namespace, and just as you wouldn't put anything under System nor Microsoft, don't put anything under My. It will cause confusion later on -- if not for you, then for others who maintain your code. Create your own namespace for your own code.
We do use it in some code, but hesitantly so. It's true that My often helps make code more readable. For example, the Environment.SpecialFolder enumeration curiously lacks a Temp member, whereas My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories has one (Path.GetTempPath() will do as well, but is hardly intuitive compared to other special folders).
But My is only beneficial in such cases because the existing APIs are badly-designed, not because My is inherently better. Like JAGregory, I strongly suggest one avoids extending My — or any other kind of global namespace, variable, etc. — whenever possible. The idea just doesn't fit a clean OOP architecture.
I never use the My namespace (I'm a C# developer), but my VB co-worker doesn't as well. I found the My members not necessary, because in many cases, they're counter-intuitive for me, e.g. in my opinion opening a file has something to do with IO (hence System.IO.File) and not with my computer (My.Computer.FileSystem). They always seem so scattered and bunched together.
It's just some re-roll of functionality that is already available otherwise, from all languages. And I don't like depending on Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll when I'm developing for .NET - I always prefer System.*.
And then, it's always kind of limited. I see VB developers struggle with their app when they can't find something in the My namespace, because they can't imagine that you can use something in the System namespace. That of course is not a problem of the My namespace itself.
I mainly use C# and Boo, but when I do use VB.NET I use My namespace quite often. I dont see any reason to not simplify coding. It still retains its readability.
I've only used it from a user perspective, I've never plugged anything into it. I consider the My namespace to be some highly reliable, platform-provided, global helper mechanisms. Officially sanctioned shortcuts, really. I might be surprised to see external user or third-party code in there.
As such, I'd encourage a vb framework to define its own appropriately-named namespace instead of latching on to the existing My namespace. Such a framework shouldn't have that "global" feel to it.
Never used it so far, although I've never actually looked into it either.
I wouldn't advise putting anything into the My namespace yourself, it's much more clear just to lay it out like you would if it were a non-VB framework.
Love the My! Anything that helps me get the job done faster, and provides code for solutions that I don't have to write, the better!
I use My.Settings and My.Computer often while programming in VB.NET. I particularly enjoy My.Settings as an alternative to using ConfigurationManager.AppSettings when it is appropriate.
I agree with John Rudy about the use of My. It is syntactic sugar that makes life a little more readable.
I don't use it a lot.
I'm considering building a framework for VB.NET, and using the My namespace to plug it into VB seems like a reasonable idea. Is it?
If it fits, by all means, use it. Since you didn't offer any further information about your framework it's hard to say. I wouldn't put general-purpose stuff into the My namespace (such as the My.Computer stuff) because there isn't really any advantage to putting it there. However, application-centered helpers fit in well.