Sony camera DSC-RX100M5 remote API - api
Is the firmware problem on Sony DSC-RX100 M5?
M4 have 56 events
M5 have only 17 events
PDF document show that function on the M5 are almost the same events like M4.
Also site show that M5 have API support
Unavailable Camera control API functions, Sony Development SDK, Camera WX500
I am trying to modify the CameraRemoteSampleApp provided by the Sony SDK to add full control over the aperture, iso, and shutter speed to the interface. At this point however all the relevant functions are off limits. The documentation defines these functions as "available if the latest version of the PlayMemories Smart Remote Control is installed and in use". a) The smart remote control is installed and running, with the smartphone connected through it and wifi (Samsung Galaxy SIII). b) I can take photos with the SDK Sample App. c) Using the available API list shows that the functions exist but are not available. d) Calling one of those functions directly returns "Not Available Now". This error code is not present in the documentation. How can one get access to ISO/F-number/Shutter speed functions in this case? JSON requests and responses: Request Methods: {"id":1,"method":"getMethodTypes","version":"1.0","params":[""]} Response: {"id":1,"results":[["actTakePicture",[],["string*"],"1.0"],["actZoom",["string","string"],["int"],"1.0"],["awaitTakePicture",[],["string*"],"1.0"],["cancelTouchAFPosition",[],[],"1.0"],["getApplicationInfo",[],["string","string"],"1.0"],["getAvailableApiList",[],["string*"],"1.0"],["getAvailableExposureCompensation",[],["int","int","int","int"],"1.0"],["getAvailableExposureMode",[],["string","string*"],"1.0"],["getAvailableFNumber",[],["string","string*"],"1.0"],["getAvailableFlashMode",[],["string","string*"],"1.0"],["getAvailableFocusMode",[],["string","string*"],"1.0"],["getAvailableIsoSpeedRate",[],["string","string*"],"1.0"],["getAvailableLiveviewSize",[],["string","string*"],"1.0"],["getAvailablePostviewImageSize",[],["string","string*"],"1.0"],["getAvailableSelfTimer",[],["int","int*"],"1.0"],["getAvailableShootMode",[],["string","string*"],"1.0"],["getAvailableShutterSpeed",[],["string","string*"],"1.0"],["getAvailableWhiteBalance",[],["{\"whiteBalanceMode\":\"string\", 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\"recordableTime\":\"int\", \"storageDescription\":\"string\"}*","{\"type\":\"string\", \"currentBeepMode\":\"string\", \"beepModeCandidates\":\"string*\"}","{\"type\":\"string\", \"currentCameraFunction\":\"string\", \"cameraFunctionCandidates\":\"string*\"}","{\"type\":\"string\", \"currentMovieQuality\":\"string\", \"movieQualityCandidates\":\"string*\"}","{\"type\":\"string\", \"checkAvailability\":\"bool\", \"currentAspect\":\"string\", \"currentSize\":\"string\"}","{\"type\":\"string\", \"cameraFunctionResult\":\"string\"}","{\"type\":\"string\", \"currentSteadyMode\":\"string\", \"steadyModeCandidates\":\"string*\"}","{\"type\":\"string\", \"currentViewAngle\":\"int\", \"viewAngleCandidates\":\"int*\"}","{\"type\":\"string\", \"currentExposureMode\":\"string\", \"exposureModeCandidates\":\"string*\"}","{\"type\":\"string\", \"currentPostviewImageSize\":\"string\", \"postviewImageSizeCandidates\":\"string*\"}","{\"type\":\"string\", \"currentSelfTimer\":\"int\", 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\"focusModeCandidates\":\"string*\"}","{\"type\":\"string\", \"currentIsoSpeedRate\":\"str Request Versions: {"id":2,"method":"getVersions","version":"1.0","params":[]} Response: {"id":2,"result":[["1.0"]]} Request API: {"id":3,"method":"getAvailableApiList","version":"1.0","params":[]} Response: {"id":3,"result":[["getVersions","getMethodTypes","getApplicationInfo","getAvailableApiList","getEvent","actTakePicture","stopRecMode","startLiveview","stopLiveview","actZoom","setSelfTimer","getSelfTimer","getAvailableSelfTimer","getSupportedSelfTimer","setExposureCompensation","getExposureCompensation","getAvailableExposureCompensation","getSupportedExposureCompensation","setShootMode","getShootMode","getAvailableShootMode","getSupportedShootMode","getSupportedFlashMode"]]} Request Flash: {"id":5,"method":"getSupportedFlashMode","version":"1.0","params":[]} Response Flash: {"id":5,"result":[["off","auto","on","slowSync","rearSync"]]} Request speed: {"id":5,"method":"getAvailableShutterSpeed","version":"1.0","params":[]} Response speed: {"id":5,"error":[1,"Not Available Now"]}
There are a couple things that you can check first: Do you have the latest version of Smart Remote Control installed? Do you have the latest firmware update for your camera?
How to get all audio devices for Android APIs < 23
how can i get all device info not using the method of api 23 ? AudioDeviceInfo[] devices = audioManager.getDevices(AudioManager.GET_DEVICES_ALL); //or GET_DEVICES_OUTPUTS is there any way? In this case the target api is 19 - KitKat. Thank you.
A20 OLinuXino-Micro 4GB from Olimex - understanding GPIOs
i am using a A20 OLinuXino Micro 4GB from Olimex with Debian on SD Card. I want to use the GPIOs and have some short question about the configuration of the GPIOs. The GPIO-1 connector on the board has pins numbered from 1 to 39. In the manual I have entries like that: Pin # | Signal name | Processor pin 23 | PG9 | C19 ... 39 | LRADC1 | AB22 In the fex file, I find this: [gpio_para] gpio_used = 1 gpio_num = 64 ... gpio_pin_10 = port:PG09<0><default><default><default> How is defined that the processor pin C19 is routed to port PG9? And port means exactly what? How is defined that the port PG9 is routed to pin23 of the connector? Can the gpio_pin_10 designation be chosen arbitrarily? At the end I would like to use the LRADC1, to sample a signal, but the fex file doesn't have any LRADC1 entry. Why is that? Maybe somebody could answer may questions in 2 or 3 sentences so it makes sense to the rest of what I read. Thanks!
Please take a look at A20-OLinuXino-MICRO schematics. You can find wiring: PG09 - C19 PG10 - D18 PG11 - C18 (...) In mentioned schematics is also section GPIO EXTENSION in which you can find which A20 SoC pin is assigned to which GPIO: PG09 - 23 GPIO-1 PG10 - 25 GPIO-1 According to Wikipedia: A GPIO port is a group of GPIO pins (typically 8 GPIO pins) arranged in a group and controlled as a group. Mapping between physical pin and pin exposed through fex file to operating system is arbitrary. Of course to get correct results you have to assign GPIO ping not. I don't think that fex compiler check anything other then syntax. In case LRADC0 (again schematics) it us used for buttons (vol +/-, menu, search, ...) and LRADC1 is exposed through GPIO-1 pin 39.
Manual focus with flash using Android camera2
How to perform manual (Touch) focus with flash using Android camera2 api? My captureRequest settings are: 1. type - TEMPLATE_PREVIEW 2. CONTROL_AE_MODE - CONTROL_AE_MODE_OFF 3. FLASH_MODE - FLASH_MODE_SINGLE 4. CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER - CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER_START usage: CaptureSession.capture(, captureCallback, null); Result: Camera get focused if there is enough light. Otherwise flash blinks very fast and focus fails.
you can try to perform manual (Touch) focus with flash by this way: mPreviewBuilder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE, CameraMetadata.CONTROL_AE_MODE_ON_AUTO_FLASH); when use TRIGGER,use both AE and AF: mPreviewBuilder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER, CameraMetadata.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER_CANCEL); mPreviewBuilder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER, CameraMetadata.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER_START); mPreviewBuilder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER, CameraMetadata.CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER_START); and then: mCameraCaptureSession.setRepeatingRequest(, mPreviewSessionCallback, mHandler);
Addressing ECUs directly using ELM 327 dongle and ISO 9141
I have a VW Golf 4, which is quite old and talks KWP 2000 (ISO 9141) on its CAN bus. I use a dongle powered by ELM 327, connected to the OBD-2 port of the car. I am trying to send messages individually to each ECU. I tried to change the header of the messages: AT SH 48 XX F1 (I hoped XX would be the ECU ID; 48 is the flag for "use physical addressing"). Any command I issue (e.g. tried 3E for "tester present") returns NO DATA (I disabled automatic timeouts and set the timeout to maximum value). Is there a way to send messages directly to the ECU? I am not interested in the set of data provided via OBD-2, neither do I want to re-flash the ECUs. At the moment I just try to find out which ECUs are available on the bus. Thanks!
VW works on Transport Protocol TP 2.0, hence you need to initialize with 0x200 header. See above link for more info.