How to capture/intercept network api calls (Request and Response) with webdriverio framework? - automation

I am trying to capture all the api's called on clicking submit action using **wdio-intercept-service ** npm library with method browser.getRequests({includePending: true }) in WebDriverIo framework.
Total 3 api's gets called on clicking submit button: beacon, getPNR, fulfilPNR.
Right now when I click on Submit, it returns only 1 beacon api which gets called on every UI action. The other 2 apis are not captured.
Can't we capture other user defined api's with this service?
I am using Wdio-intercept-service version : 4.3.1.


Paypal sdk integration in vue 3

Usecase -
I have a PayPalButton vue file where I am loading the Paypal script.
I have to load 2 forms, each containing the above PayPalButton vue in a single page. So when I am rendering the PayPalButton vue twice the Paypal script is being added twice and getting zoid destroyed al components issue.
So when I am making sure the Paypal script is loaded only once, I am not having Paypal object in the window to invoke Buttons(). Currently, the Paypal Button is only shown in 1 form.

Intercepting a HTTP request in the middle of a test in Testcafe

I am writing a functional test using Testcafe. The test scenario is as below,
There is a toggle button that activates/deactivates based on an API call
When I open my application, an API call is made that returns a value ON/OFF; based on that, the toggle switch is activated or deactivated.
I want to intercept that call when the user clicks on that toggle button again.
Long story short:
User logs in
XYZ API is called made, and it gives the response ON
Based on that response, the toggle button is activated
Then user will click on the toggle button
Now the XYZ API should be called again which will return OFF
await t.navigateTo(`${url}`);
await t
.addRequestHooks(myPage.xyzAPI.respond([{ valueBar: "ON" }
I want to intercept that call when the user clicks on that toggle button again.
You need to add the target request hook before the click action. Also, before the click action, the actions chain should be broken.
await t.navigateTo(`${url}`);
await t.addRequestHooks(<hook that caught the API calls>);
await t

Submit button clicked multiple times (jmeter)

I have a web application where there is a login page, an application submission page and a logout page. Once the submit button in the page is clicked, the button gets disabled. I created a script in jmeter for this. I' am using a ultimate thread group with 10 threads. I have a default login credentials as parameters in the login page sampler. When i run this script, first login page sample is executed 10 times, then application submission sample is executed 10 times. Here i have a doubt, how can i handle this application submission sample as in the first thread itself the submit button will be disabled. But, i get a pass scenario when this scenario is ran 10 times.
JMeter is not like QTP/Selenium - It does not check if the button is enabled / disabled.
It sends the http request for the user action. So you will be able to send requests again and again (unless there is a server side logic to handle this - ie user can send only one request or something like that).
But in the source code/http response , you can check if the button is disabled or not by using Regular Expression Extractor. You can build your test accordingly.

Handling the google interactive post onclick via javascript

My scenario is as follows:
Our application is building on top of google-plus and takes advantage of the google-plus connections.
Is this supported with Interactive posts? I want to:
Block showing the interactive post dialog on the button click if a certain condition is not met
Perform a certain action once the button to show the dialog is clicked - onClick works for this but I could not find documentation on it.
var options = {
contenturl: url,
clientid: googleappid,
cookiepolicy: "single_host_origin",
prefilltext: text,
calltoactionlabel: "START",
calltoactionurl: ctaurl,
recipients: connectionid,
onClick: specialFunctionToRunOnClick(params)
gapi.interactivepost.render('submitInvitationongoogle', options);
Is there something like beforeSend that can prevent the click from firing?
There currently is not an API for testing whether the user has created an interactive post on their stream. You can know when the interactive post was rendered to the user by logging the API calls for gapi.interactivepost.render and can use the call-to-action url for testing when the recipient clicked the button. You can also look at their public stream activity to test whether the post was shared publicly but this is probably not what you want.

Communication Between WebView and WebPage - Titanium Studio

I am working in a Mobile project (using Titanium Studio), in which i have the below situation
1) My Mobile app contacts Rails backend to check some data, say check validity of a
user id.
2) I found a way to load web pages in Mobile app, i.e., WebView
3) I could able to load the desired url, ex
which would return data like status:success
But i need to read this data to show whether the response from server is a success or failure, how do i achieve this?
NOTE : The above mentioned scenario is an usecase, but actually what happens is i load a third party url in WebView and when user enters the data and submits, the result will be posted back to my website url.
EDIT : So the process is like below
1) WebView loaded with third party url like
2) User will enter set of data in this web page and submits the page
3) The submitted data will be processed by the apiprovider and it returns data to my web page say
This is the reason why i am not directly using GET using HTTPClient
FYI : I tried to fire Ti.APP events right from the actual web page as suggested by few articles, but most of them says this will work only if the file loaded is in local and not a remote file. Reference Link
Please suggest me if my approach has to be improved.
If you don't want to follow Josiah's advice, then take a look at the Titanium docs on how to add a webview.addEventListener('load',... event listener and use webview.evalJS() to inject your own code into the third party HTML.
Maybe you can inject code to trap the submit event and fire a Ti event to trigger the downloading of data from your website.
Communication Between WebViews and Titanium - Remote Web Content Section
I found a solution for my problem
1) Load the in a webview
2) Let user enter and submit data to third party url
3) Recieve the response from third party url and print only <div id="result">status:success</div> in page.
4) Add event listener for the web view as follows
webView.addEventListener('load', function(data)
//Add condition to check if the loaded web page has any div with id = result (to check if this is /recievedata page)
The above alert would print the result status:success, read it in webview load event
and take actions in web accordingly.
It works fine for me.
Instead of loading it in a WebView why not just GET it using a HTTP Client? This is much cleaner, and more standards based:
var xhr_get = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient({
onload : function(e) {
// Here is your "status:success" string
var returnValue = this.responseText;
onerror : function(e) {;'CheckUserProgressOnActivity webservice failed with message : ' + e.error);
});'GET', '');