tailwindcss classes not applicable - npm

Until yesterday I was quietly working with tailwind css.
But today when I wake up when I open my vs code and try to add the utility classes, none of those classes come through.
I do not understand why !
I don't use the CDN, but I installed with npm.
I tried to close my vs code to open again, but nothing happens.
I was wondering whether to type the npx command every time I open my vs code.


NPM run dev successful in vscode but not terminal (contenlayer + Nextjs)

I am a bit at a loss on this one. Everything in my terminal (hyper) was working just fine the other day until I closed out of it. I came in to launch a Nextjs app I had been working on and now npm run dev just hangs up and doesn't actually start. The strange thing (to me) is that Visual Studio Code's integrated terminal seems to run just fine (and much quicker).
So far, the only packages I have added are contentlayer and next-contentlayer besides the default nextjs packages. Basically, contentlayer looks for md files (in a difined dir) and then generates an api for them. Strangely this seems to work everywhere else but in my actual standalone terminal.
Visual Studio code integrated terminal:
I have found that if I remove makeSource from the contentlayer.config.ts file, next dev will still run. At this point I could just use vscode, but I would really like to figure out the issue on all of this.

How to troubleshoot React Native build error?

Below you can see the output I get when I try to run npx react-native run-android. It suggests some options to try in order to further pinpoint the problem, however they don't work with the aforementioned command so I assume that they are related to a gradle (just an educated guess).
I know ZERO about gradle; I have just seen the name here and there and in the output shown below. So please keep that in mind when you answer. If I need to learn how to run some gradle command(s) directly, please be as verbose as possible in your answer.
The project was working fine just a bit ago, but I wanted the ability to force portrait mode for certain screens but without configuring my entire app to always have to stick to portrait mode. So I found what looked to be a solution in the react-native-orientation-locker module. I installed it with yarn and then proceeded to update files as directed: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-orientation-locker.
After updating the appropriate files, I got an error that suggested axios was the problem. I uninstalled and reinstalled axios. After that didn't work, I proceeded to undo all the file changes I had just made. Then I uninstalled the react-native-orientation-locker module.
To my knowledge, I have undone everything I did between the time the project worked and stopped working.
Sadly, I had not put this into source control yet (a mistake I won't make again), so I can't revert.
Where to go from here?
Problems like this are hard to pin point. What you can do is open the android project in android studio and see the logs as the project is being assembled. I assume you do not have much knowledge about android either so you might need some senior resource to help you.
What I usually do in this case is open android studio and if I am lucky enough, it tells me which file has an issue and I go to the file and do what android studio suggests me. Some times it fixes the problem and sometimes it doesn't.
Another thing I would like to mention is that the documentation of the package you are using is important to follow. I assume you did that already but I would suggest to review it narrowly and closely.
Another guess I can tell you is try to go to your-project/android/build.gradle and over there, you'll see something like this in the start. The package you are using mentions something about target SDK 27. I think you should check that out too. May be it helps
Lastly I would say always use source control while working with react native. It can easily blow up at any time so you should always have a safety net to fallback to :)

Why are some languages not highlighted in an npm project using PrismJS?

I'm using Spectacle 5 in an npm project, which itself uses Prism as a dependency. The CodePane component correctly highlights code for e.g. python, but for e.g. haskell, no highlighting is being performed (I verified the same code snippet worked at https://prismjs.com/test.html#language=haskell).
I don't see any errors in the web console to indicate an issue. I wonder if I still need to manually include CSS, or if this is perhaps an issue with Spectacle. Maybe a workaround would be to try to use something like the prism component loader? As far as I can tell, npm didn't have components for individual languages, and it seemed to be implied that the default is to load all language components.

Loss of developer ergonomics after packaging code as library

I have made a few applications (using webpack, babel, react, d3, npm etc.) that uses very similar charting code. I am in the process of splitting out that charting code into an npm package which multiple apps can then import.
To test this out, I've embedded a demo app inside my chart libraries project directory and install the library at its file path. Now, presumably i'll be able to install this in depending apps A, B and C and so on, and I can change my chart libary and all apps will reflect these changes.
The first thing I noticed is that I now have to cd into my chart library and run npm run build (which runs webpack) any time I change something, and then cd into the depending app I'm working on and run npm i. This can perhaps be improved by using npm link but there are issues there as well (such as versioning and deploying to my server). So my first question is about what a decent rapid development approach looks like now that my charting code is in a separate npm project.
The other problem I've noticed is that I've lost two valuable features with respect to my chart library code. Code completion in VSCode and debugging in chrome dev tools. I'm not sure why VSCode code completion has stopped working. And for debugging, how would i be able to debug both my depending app and the library its depending on at the same time in chrome?
I would use npm link. It's immensely helpful when working on a library and its integration side by side.
Check the Chrome settings to make sure it's not instructed to skip libraries in Settings -> Framework Blackboxing, see e.g., http://blog.edenhauser.com/tell-chrome-debugger-to-ignore-libraries/.

Hot Reload during Unit testing

I develop right now a small flutter app. I think as everyone, I fell in love with the hot reload feature.
So now I'm wondering if there is any possibility to have the same developer experience during unit test. Do have to turn a flag somewhere or is it right know just no possible.
If is not possible, are there any plans to make it possible?
I guess what you want is to run the new tests as soon as they changed. But in that case it's not a hot reload. Simply a watcher that detect whenever your sources or your tests have changed and restart them.
Flutter, and the lower layers, don't implement "watch" yet. Although you can achieve a similar effect quite easily using a node packages
npm i -g watch which will install watch globally so that you can use it in as a command line.
and then in your terminal do
watch "flutter test" lib test which will run flutter test everytime something change inside lib and test folders
You need to run the unit test as an app to be able to use hot reload.
In IntelliJ you can copy the run configuration for lib/main.dart and then select the file test/my_test.dart in the copy.
There is no support to run single tests from a set of tests in a test file in IntelliJ (don't know other IDEs) when you run a test this way.
In my opinion, if you run it as unit test, hot reload doesn't bring much benefit anyway because execution is very fast.