`I have SSL certificate file for react application. i have added those certificate is package.json but pem and key path not found. i have marked details in image. image-details
Here i need help how specify certificate path `
I am trying to install the SSL certificate on the IIS, I am following the exact step mentioned here https://pk.godaddy.com/help/manually-install-an-ssl-certificate-on-my-iis-10-server-27349.
Steps I did:
I purchased the SSL certificate from Go Daddy
I configured that on Go Daddy by giving the domain name
Submit the changes for getting the certificate
After verification downloaded the certificate
Created .Cer file from the .crt file
Imported the gd-g2_iis_intermediates.p7b in MMC under the intermediate certificate authority
Create a request in IIS and import .Cer file
After refreshing that window, the certificate doesn't appear
Am I doing something wrong in this?
So the thing is I was facing an issue because I couldn't able to produce the .pfx file from my machine using MMC, but DigiCert tool helped me to create the .pfx file from the .crt file I got from the Go Daddy. Instructions to create the file are on this link
Later I went to the MMC and to the intermediate certificate authority and I imported the .pfx file along with the password and the certificate got exported to the system and to the IIS and now it's visible in the IIS.
I need to create a PEM file of a SSL (CA) certificate. Chrome does provide an option to view the certficate and export it as Base64 encoded X.509 (.CER)* file. In addition, the file extension can be changed to .PEM. Does the certificate only contain public information and can it safely be shared with other people (let's say colleagues)?
E.g. Stackoverflow contains a Root CA certificate. If I create the PEM file and share it with somebody, does it even matter or is there any security risk?
Background info: I need to export the SSL certificate (as .PEM) from an API endpoint in order to add it as trusted CA certificate in Postman.
I have website, where I doesn't installed ssl certificate.
In apache.conf I have only two files:
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/domainname.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/domainname.key
https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html give me this error:
The certificate is not trusted in all web browsers. You may need to
install an Intermediate/chain certificate to link it to a trusted root
In docs I have see that I must have this files to create a certificate chain:
But in my /etc/ssl/ directory I have only domainname.crt file
Can I download other files from anywhere? Or I must buy new certificate with all files?
I have downloaded needle files from https://github.com/cloudflare/cfssl_trust/tree/master/intermediate_ca
and It's work
I have generated a .key file, .csr file and .crt file from following URL:
I skip steps for shell script file.
All 3 files are generated successfully and ssl host is generated successfully. Now I open my domain with https it display me some success part and some error part like following image:
When I click on certification information I show following info
What am I missing?
You created a self-signed certificate. That's what the browser is going to show for a self-signed cert. If you don't want a browser warning you will have to use a certificate from a verified certificate authority.
I followed the instructions given on this page to import the server certificate.
When I use keytool -list, I can see that the certificate is actually in the keystore. If I try to import the .crt file, keytool warns me that the keystore already contains the certificate.
Then I updated wrapper.conf with the two ssl options. I can see them on the command line of the Nexus process after a restart.
But when I try to add a proxy repo for the remote server, I always get sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
What did I miss?
You have to import the custom CA certificate into the 'trustStore' and not into the 'keyStore'.
The procedure for creating a 'trustStore' is the same as the one for the 'keyStore'.
Once you have your *.jks file then link it using the following system properties:
Error message means the JVM cannot properly authenticate the remote server's SSL cert. Very common if the remote server is using a self-signed cert instead of one signed by an official certificate authority (like verisign).
Your message is confusing. You've enabled SSL on your Nexus instance, however you talk about a proxy repo implying the problem SSL cert might be on another server.