Grafana: Adding indivisual Ldap user using ldap.toml - ldap

I am looking for a solution on how to add a specific LDAP user to access grafana. The current configuration I have in "ldap.toml" works for a group or multiple groups but not sure how to add individual ldap users. We want to only add specific group and individual members to the grafana.
Note: I do not want to add used through UI. Just wanted to make sure whether that is feasible or not.


Choosing selecting one account sometimes and choosing multiple accounts sometimes on plaid

I can see that plaid allows configuring whether one account can be selected or multiple accounts can be selected via the account select configuration (, but does plaid support allowing one account to be selected vs multiple accounts to be selected based on some flag?
As you mentioned, this setting is controlled by the account select configuration. The account select configuration itself is set up on a per-Link customization profile basis.
So, if you want to sometimes use account select in multi-select mode and sometimes use it in single-select mode, all you need to do is create two different Link customization profiles and associate one with multi-select and the other one with single-select. Then, when you call /link/token/create, specify which of the two customization profiles you want to use via the optional link_customization_name parameter.

How to automatically discover and add users via LDAP in SonarQube?

I guess this question basically boils down to some misunderstanding that I have about how the SonarQube LDAP plugin works in general. We have integrated the LDAP plugin and our users are authenticating against our corporate LDAP server. When we we want to create a new group and add users to that group for a new project, we have assumed that the users themselves must authenticate into SonarQube first so they get added as a user to SonarQube. After that, then we are able to put them into the appropriate groups that they belong to. This is a pain for our administrators since the people that need to be added are logging in at differing times or forgetting to log in at all. What we would like is something that Nexus provides where we can do a lookup of that user's account id, then add them and place them into the appropriate group(s). In that way, the user is not bothered by having to login first and then the administrator has to give the privileges and then the user logs out and logs back in. Is this a misunderstanding on my part? I ask because when I go to the users page and click on 'Create New User' it not only asks for the user's id but also the user's password which I obviously don't know so this is telling me that this will be a local account.
By default SonarQube's LDAP plugin works like you think it does. You can configure LDAP group mapping so that when the user enrolls, he/she is automatically added to the appropriate group.
In other words, create the group for the project in SonarQube, and then create the same group in LDAP and add users to it. Then when users login for the first time they will be in the appropriate group, and on each subsequent login any group changes will be reflected in SonarQube.
This, in my opinion, is infact better than adding users manually.

How to retrieve attributes from LDAP in ping federate?

I have specified the LDAP filter option as uid=${username} to get the username. I also need to get other attributes such as organization, telephone no, email etc.. I have only one LDAP store configured in my system. I know all the configuration steps to acheive it. I am struck with the LDAP filter to get those attributes. That's where I am getting error.
for eg, in order to get organization, I should give something like o=${SOMETHING}
How to provide the filter?
Please let me know.
Aswini J
I'm assuming you have already specified in the Assertion Mapping screen that you wish to "Retrieve Additional Attributes" and that you then added your existing LDAP Data Store.
The filter is simply used to locate a single user's record that you wish to return the associated attributes from. In the previous Admin screen (LDAP Directory Search) is where you specify the user attributes you wish to return. You simply specify your LDAP Base DN and then select the attributes from the drop-down list. You can find more information in the Admin Guide -
After choosing the attributes, you then get to setup your LDAP Filter where something as simple as "uid=${username}" will usually suffice. It really depends on what user identifier is coming in from your IDP Adapter and how specify that lookup needs to be. If you're using the HTMLForm Adapter, then chances are your users are entering their LDAP userID values.

Using openLDAP groups to authenticate users for different services

I am currently setting up a small server with several applications. Since no Active Directory etc is planned, but I do need a centralized user administration, I decided for LDAP since all applications are capable of authenticating against it.
I have already set up a domain "dc=example,dc=lan". It has two organizational Units. Groups and Users. My plan was, to create a posixGroup for every application, so that a user can be added to each group (if he/she was allowed to use this application).
The structure would then be (example):
for each group
where cn=ejabberd is of type "posixGroup"
and for users
where cn=user1 is of type "posixAccount"
Some, but not all, applications expect the "mail" attribute as login name. Some don't.
My problem is, that searching for users in ou=users is easy as 1,2,3 - searching in "cn=ejabberd,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=lan" is sheer driving me crazy since the users are not a "child" to this group but a "memberuid" attribute.
I have tried different filters and thought about another setup.. Just cannot think of anything different making sense right now.
Am I running down the wrong way, or maybe just blind to what's right in front of me?
I'd be glad for any finger pointing out a direction.
So here is, how I did it:
I created the following structure.
| +employees (PosixGroup)
| +service1 (GroupOfNames)
| +service2 (GroupOfNames)
| +user1 (User Account)
| +user2 (User Account)
Groups like "service1" and "service2" are of type "GroupOfNames". Furthermore I had to install the "memberOf"-Overlay so I could search for this exact attribute of a user.
This now gives me the possibility to tell each service to use a search filter that returns only the members of one special group, which will be granted access. For instance, ejabberd will use this filter:
Found these informations on the following website. Just take care to set the filter case sensitive! "memberOf" will not return any results, since the overlay in this example uses "memberof".
I suggest you're on the wrong track. You don't want to authenticate by application, you just want to define overall roles that users can be in. The applications can then be defined to require certain role(s) per application funtion, web page, etc. As a limiting case, an application can be a role, but if you set out to define it that way you're overly limiting yourself.
To answer your immediate problem, you only have to search under the ou=Groups item for posixGroups which have memberUID={0} where {0} is the DN of the user. In other words the search filter is
Iterating those search results then gives you the DNs of all the groups of which he is a member.

How do I determine who has access to modify an active directory group

I'm working on creating an administrative interface that allows managing users in groups in Active Directory.
I would like to only show groups to the active user if the user actually has the rights to add or remove other users within those groups, but I'm not sure at this point, how to determine which people can modify the groups, or whether the current person has access to modify a specific group.
I suppose the application can find out after the user tries and we get an access error, but I don't like to use error trapping as a way of determining if some feature is available and I would prefer not to tempt the users with a list of groups they can't control.
If possible, please supply an answer that targets 3.5 using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement as that is the environment that I am currently working within. I can translate from C# if necessary.