Python keeps on showing 'EXPRESSION EXPECTED ' in the elif commands in so many different lines like 46th, 54th, 62nd, and so on - google-colaboratory

#Program 9-3
#Menu driven program to do various list operations
myList = [22,4,16,38,13] #myList already has 5 elements
choice = 0
while True:
print("The list 'myList' has the following elements", myList)
print("\nL I S T O P E R A T I O N S")
print(" 1. Append an element")
print(" 2. Insert an element at the desired position")
print(" 3. Append a list to the given list")
print(" 4. Modify an existing element")
print(" 5. Delete an existing element by its position")
print(" 6. Delete an existing element by its value")
print(" 7. Sort the list in ascending order")
print(" 8. Sort the list in descending order")
print(" 9. Display the list")
print(" 10. Exit")
choice = int(input("ENTER YOUR CHOICE (1-10): "))
#append element
if choice == 1:
element = int(input("Enter the element to be appended: "))
print("The element has been appended\n")
#insert an element at desired position
elif choice == 2:
element = int(input("Enter the element to be inserted: "))
pos = int(input("Enter the position:"))
print("The element has been inserted\n")
#append a list to the given list
elif choice == 3:
newList = eval(input( "Enter the elements separated by commas"))
print("The list has been appended\n")
#modify an existing element
elif choice == 4:
i = int(input("Enter the position of the element to be modified: "))
if i < len(myList):
newElement = int(input("Enter the new element: "))
oldElement = myList[i]
myList[i] = newElement
print("The element",oldElement,"has been modified\n")
print("Position of the element is more than the length of list")
#delete an existing element by position
elif choice == 5:
i = int(input("Enter the position of the element to be deleted: "))
if i < len(myList):
element = myList.pop(i)
print("The element",element,"has been deleted\n")
print("\nPosition of the element is more than the length of list")
#delete an existing element by value
elif choice == 6:
element = int(input("\nEnter the element to be deleted: "))
if element in myList:
print("\nThe element",element,"has been deleted\n")
print("\nElement",element,"is not present in the list")
#list in sorted order
elif choice == 7:
print("\nThe list has been sorted")
#list in reverse sorted order
elif choice == 8:
myList.sort(reverse = True)
print("\nThe list has been sorted in reverse order")
#display the list
elif choice == 9:
print("\nThe list is:", myList)
#exit from the menu
elif choice == 10:
print("Choice is not valid")
print("\n\nPress any key to continue..............")
ch = input()
I was trying to write a menu driven program to perform various list operations, such as:
Append an element
Inser an element
Modify an existed element
Delete an existing element from its position
Delete an existing element with a given value
Sort the list in ascending order.
Sort the list in descending order.
Display the list


Leetcode 126: Word Ladder 2 in Python code optimization

I have the solution for the Word Ladder 2 (Leetcode problem 126: Word Ladder 2 ) in Python 3.6, and I notice that one of the very last testcases times out for me on the platform. Funnily, the test passes when run on PyCharm or as an individual test case on the site, but it takes about 5 seconds for it to complete. My solution uses BFS with some optimizations, but can someone tell me if there is a way to make it faster. Thank you! (P.S: Apologies for the additional test cases included in the commented out section!)
import math
import queue
from typing import List
class WordLadder2(object):
def is_one_hop_away(s1: str, s2: str) -> int:
Uses the distance between strings to return True if string s2 is one character away from s1
:param s1: Base string
:param s2: Comparison string
:return: True if it the difference between the strings is one character
matrix = [[0] * (len(s1) + 1) for i in range(len(s1) + 1)]
for r, row in enumerate(matrix):
for c, entry in enumerate(row):
if not r:
matrix[r][c] = c
elif not c:
matrix[r][c] = r
if s1[r - 1] == s2[c - 1]:
matrix[r][c] = matrix[r - 1][c - 1]
matrix[r][c] = 1 + min(matrix[r - 1][c - 1], matrix[r - 1][c], matrix[r][c - 1])
if matrix[-1][-1] == 1:
return True
return False
def get_next_words(self, s1: str, wordList: List[str]) -> List[str]:
For a given string in the list, return a set of strings that are one hop away
:param s1: String whose neighbors one hop away are needed
:param wordList: Array of words to choose from
:return: List of words that are one character away from given string s1
words = []
for word in wordList:
if self.is_one_hop_away(s1, word):
return words
def find_ladders(self, beginWord: str, endWord: str, wordList: List[str]) -> List[List[str]]:
Main method to determine shortest paths between a beginning word and an ending word, in a given list of words
:param beginWord: Word to begin the ladder
:param endWord: Word to end the ladder
:param wordList: List of words to choose from
:return: List of list of word ladders, if they are found. Empty list, if endWord not in wordList or path not
found from beginWord to endWord
q = queue.Queue()
paths = list()
current = [beginWord]
q.put((beginWord, current))
# Set to track words we have already processed
visited = set()
# Dictionary to keep track of the shortest path lengths to each word from beginWord
shortest_paths = {beginWord: 1}
min_length = math.inf
# Use BFS to find the shortest path in the graph
while q.qsize():
word, path = q.get()
# If endWord is found, add the current path to the list of paths and compute minimum path
# length found so far
if word == endWord:
min_length = min(min_length, len(path))
for hop in self.get_next_words(word, wordList):
# If the hop is already processed or in the queue for processing, skip
if hop in visited or hop in q.queue:
# If the shortest path to the hop has not been determined or the current path length is lesser
# than or equal to the known shortest path to the hop, add it to the queue and update the shortest
# path to the hop.
if (hop not in shortest_paths) or (hop in shortest_paths and len(path + [hop]) <= shortest_paths[hop]):
q.put((hop, path + [hop]))
shortest_paths[hop] = len(path + [hop])
return [s for s in paths if len(s) == min_length]
if __name__ == "__main__":
# beginword = 'qa'
# endword = 'sq'
# wordlist = ["si","go","se","cm","so","ph","mt","db","mb","sb","kr","ln","tm","le","av","sm","ar","ci","ca","br","ti","ba","to","ra","fa","yo","ow","sn","ya","cr","po","fe","ho","ma","re","or","rn","au","ur","rh","sr","tc","lt","lo","as","fr","nb","yb","if","pb","ge","th","pm","rb","sh","co","ga","li","ha","hz","no","bi","di","hi","qa","pi","os","uh","wm","an","me","mo","na","la","st","er","sc","ne","mn","mi","am","ex","pt","io","be","fm","ta","tb","ni","mr","pa","he","lr","sq","ye"]
# beginword = 'hit'
# endword = 'cog'
# wordlist = ['hot', 'dot', 'dog', 'lot', 'log', 'cog']
# beginword = 'red'
# endword = 'tax'
# wordlist = ['ted', 'tex', 'red', 'tax', 'tad', 'den', 'rex', 'pee']
beginword = 'cet'
endword = 'ism'
wordlist = ["kid","tag","pup","ail","tun","woo","erg","luz","brr","gay","sip","kay","per","val","mes","ohs","now","boa","cet","pal","bar","die","war","hay","eco","pub","lob","rue","fry","lit","rex","jan","cot","bid","ali","pay","col","gum","ger","row","won","dan","rum","fad","tut","sag","yip","sui","ark","has","zip","fez","own","ump","dis","ads","max","jaw","out","btu","ana","gap","cry","led","abe","box","ore","pig","fie","toy","fat","cal","lie","noh","sew","ono","tam","flu","mgm","ply","awe","pry","tit","tie","yet","too","tax","jim","san","pan","map","ski","ova","wed","non","wac","nut","why","bye","lye","oct","old","fin","feb","chi","sap","owl","log","tod","dot","bow","fob","for","joe","ivy","fan","age","fax","hip","jib","mel","hus","sob","ifs","tab","ara","dab","jag","jar","arm","lot","tom","sax","tex","yum","pei","wen","wry","ire","irk","far","mew","wit","doe","gas","rte","ian","pot","ask","wag","hag","amy","nag","ron","soy","gin","don","tug","fay","vic","boo","nam","ave","buy","sop","but","orb","fen","paw","his","sub","bob","yea","oft","inn","rod","yam","pew","web","hod","hun","gyp","wei","wis","rob","gad","pie","mon","dog","bib","rub","ere","dig","era","cat","fox","bee","mod","day","apr","vie","nev","jam","pam","new","aye","ani","and","ibm","yap","can","pyx","tar","kin","fog","hum","pip","cup","dye","lyx","jog","nun","par","wan","fey","bus","oak","bad","ats","set","qom","vat","eat","pus","rev","axe","ion","six","ila","lao","mom","mas","pro","few","opt","poe","art","ash","oar","cap","lop","may","shy","rid","bat","sum","rim","fee","bmw","sky","maj","hue","thy","ava","rap","den","fla","auk","cox","ibo","hey","saw","vim","sec","ltd","you","its","tat","dew","eva","tog","ram","let","see","zit","maw","nix","ate","gig","rep","owe","ind","hog","eve","sam","zoo","any","dow","cod","bed","vet","ham","sis","hex","via","fir","nod","mao","aug","mum","hoe","bah","hal","keg","hew","zed","tow","gog","ass","dem","who","bet","gos","son","ear","spy","kit","boy","due","sen","oaf","mix","hep","fur","ada","bin","nil","mia","ewe","hit","fix","sad","rib","eye","hop","haw","wax","mid","tad","ken","wad","rye","pap","bog","gut","ito","woe","our","ado","sin","mad","ray","hon","roy","dip","hen","iva","lug","asp","hui","yak","bay","poi","yep","bun","try","lad","elm","nat","wyo","gym","dug","toe","dee","wig","sly","rip","geo","cog","pas","zen","odd","nan","lay","pod","fit","hem","joy","bum","rio","yon","dec","leg","put","sue","dim","pet","yaw","nub","bit","bur","sid","sun","oil","red","doc","moe","caw","eel","dix","cub","end","gem","off","yew","hug","pop","tub","sgt","lid","pun","ton","sol","din","yup","jab","pea","bug","gag","mil","jig","hub","low","did","tin","get","gte","sox","lei","mig","fig","lon","use","ban","flo","nov","jut","bag","mir","sty","lap","two","ins","con","ant","net","tux","ode","stu","mug","cad","nap","gun","fop","tot","sow","sal","sic","ted","wot","del","imp","cob","way","ann","tan","mci","job","wet","ism","err","him","all","pad","hah","hie","aim"]
wl = WordLadder2()
# beginword = 'hot'
# endword = 'dog'
# wordlist = ['hot', 'dog', 'dot']
print(wl.find_ladders(beginword, endword, wordlist))
The part that slows down your solution is is_one_hop_away, which is a costly function. This is called repeatedly during the actual BFS. Instead you should aim to first create a graph structure -- an adjacency list -- so that complexity of calculating which words are neighbors is dealt with before actually peforming the BFS search.
Here is one way to do it:
from collections import defaultdict
class Solution:
def findLadders(self, beginWord: str, endWord: str, wordList: List[str]) -> List[List[str]]:
def createAdjacencyList(wordList):
adj = defaultdict(set)
d = defaultdict(set)
for word in wordList:
for i in range(len(word)):
derived = word[:i] + "*" + word[i+1:]
for neighbor in d[derived]:
return adj
def edgesOnShortestPaths(adj, beginWord, endWord):
frontier = [beginWord]
edges = defaultdict(list)
edges[beginWord] = []
while endWord not in frontier:
nextfrontier = set(neighbor
for word in frontier
for neighbor in adj[word]
if neighbor not in edges
if not nextfrontier: # endNode is not reachable
for word in frontier:
for neighbor in adj[word]:
if neighbor in nextfrontier:
frontier = nextfrontier
return edges
def generatePaths(edges, word):
if not edges[word]:
yield [word]
for neighbor in edges[word]:
for path in generatePaths(edges, neighbor):
yield path + [word]
if endWord not in wordList: # shortcut exit
return []
adj = createAdjacencyList([beginWord] + wordList)
edges = edgesOnShortestPaths(adj, beginWord, endWord)
if not edges: # endNode is not reachable
return []
return list(generatePaths(edges, endWord))

Selenium scraping div table, getting duplicate rows

I wrote a script that scrolls through an infinitely loading table on a site and scrapes the entries, but instead of being a the entire thing is made up of elements. I can't scroll through and then scrape since new elements are loaded as it scrolls (shows about 6-8 at a time), so it scrolls, scrapes, appends to a dataframe, then repeats. It works great for the first few hundred rows, then it starts to get duplicate rows. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
def scrapenotis():
WebDriverWait(driver, 120).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.vue-recycle-scroller__item-view")));
tbltitles = ["Datetime","Username","User Link","Description","Category","Desc Link"];
tablelist = [];
starttime =
while driver.title == "WEBSITE TITLE":
# gets list of all entries
entries = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.vue-recycle-scroller__item-view");
if len(entries) == 0:
# iterates through entries
for x in entries:
# checking for those elements that persist for some ungodly reason
if x.get_attribute("style") == "transform: translateY(-9999px);":
#each entry is 83 pixels long with about 6 on screen at a time
driver.execute_script("window.scrollBy(0, 300);");
# entries need to load after scroll, they load twice within a second(?)
# datedesc = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//*[#id='content']/div[1]/div[1]/div/div[3]/div/div[1]//div/div/div[5]/span/span").get_attribute("title");
datedesc = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "span.b-notifications__list__item__actions__item.g-date span").get_attribute("title");
username = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.b-username-wrapper div.g-user-name").text;
userlink = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.b-username-wrapper a").get_attribute("href");
description = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.b-notifications__list__item__text div.g-truncated-text").text;
#sorting them out for categories
if "ubscribed" in description:
cat = "New Sub";
desclink = "N/A";
elif "iked your" in description:
cat = "Like";
desclink = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.b-notifications__list__item__text div.g-truncated-text a").get_attribute("href");
elif "restarted their monthly subscription" in description:
cat = "Sub Renewal";
desclink = "N/A";
elif "purchased your" in description:
cat = "Purchase";
desclink = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.b-notifications__list__item__text div.g-truncated-text a").get_attribute("href");
elif any(x in description for x in ["eplied","esponded"]):
cat = "Comment";
desclink = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.b-notifications__list__item__text div.g-truncated-text a").get_attribute("href");
elif "tip" in description:
cat = "Tip";
desclink = "N/A";
dict1 = [datedesc,username,userlink,description,cat,desclink];
#specify stop time in seconds
if ( >= 14400: #3600(1 hour) * 4 = 14400
#convert list to df
df = pd.DataFrame(tablelist,columns=tbltitles);
df.drop_duplicates(subset=tbltitles, inplace=True, keep='first');
#save to csv
path = filesavebox("Save your updated data file","","",["*.txt","*.csv"]);
if path == None:
df.to_csv(path + ".csv");

Unable to iterate a list to a thread

I am trying to pass a json return between functions but I get errors. So I convert the json to a list. However, I cannot iterate the list from a while loop unless I specify an actual number.
Full code is
class BackendThread(QThread):
update_date = pyqtSignal(list)
def run(self):
device_mode = []
while True:
#do stuff and get json_return
for xx in json_return["result"]["devices"]:
for y in xx["nodes"]:
if y['type'] == "FRAME_BUFFER":
data = xx["device_id"] + "\n" + y['configuration']['display_mode']
device_mode = []
class Window(QDialog):
def __init__(self):
def initUI(self):
def handleDisplay(self,data):
count = 0
while count < 11:
count += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
win =Window()
So this part does not work. I only get the last item in the list
count = 0
while count < 11:
count += 1
When I do this, it works but I cannot hard code the item number becuase the list will never have the same amount of items
Any ideas as to how to get that while loop working?

return pandas dataframe from function

I want to return a dataframe from this function, which can be used elsewhere (for plotly graph to be exact).
My idea is to use the dataframe I can create with points_sum(), save it as the team name, and then use that dataframe in my px.line(dataframe = team_name).
In essence, I want to use the men_points_df variable after I created it.
def points_sum(team):
points = 0
men_points = []
for index, row in menscore_df.iterrows():
if row['hometeam'] == team:
if row['homegoals'] > row['awaygoals']:
points += 2
elif row['homegoals'] == row['awaygoals']:
points += 1
elif row['homegoals'] < row['awaygoals']:
points == points
date = str(row['date'])
men_points.append([date, points])
if row['awayteam'] == team:
if row['homegoals'] < row['awaygoals']:
points += 2
elif row['homegoals'] == row['awaygoals']:
points += 1
elif row['homegoals'] > row['awaygoals']:
points == points
date = str(row['date'])
men_points.append([date, points])
men_points_df = pd.DataFrame(men_points, columns = ["Date", 'Points'])
return men_points_df
In plotly, I am trying to use my new dataframe (men_points_df), like below, but I get the error undefined name, even though I can print it (for example: test = points_sum("FIF") (FIF is one of the team names) and it shows the correct dataframe in the console (when I type test):
elif pathname == "/page-3":
return [html.H1('Seasonal performance',
html.H2('Select team',style={'textAlign':'center'}),
options=[{'label': v, 'value': k} for k,v in teams_all.items()],
Output(component_id="performance_graph", component_property="figure"),
Input(component_id="team_dd", component_property="value")
def update_graph(option_selected):
title = "none selected"
if option_selected:
title = option_selected
line_fig = px.line(
test, # <------------ THIS IS THE ISSUE
title = f"{title}",
x = "Date", y = "Points")
return line_fig
Just call points_sum in the update_graph function, before you use test:
def update_graph(option_selected):
title = "none selected"
if option_selected:
title = option_selected
# vvv Here vvv
test = points_sum("FIF")
line_fig = px.line(
title = f"{title}",
x = "Date", y = "Points")
return line_fig

Error while validating User Input in Python

I am having problem validating the user input (I am asking user if they wish to continue with the program of calculating factorial). The code is as follows: (User input validation is towards the end of the main function and I have not included the factorial function)
def main():
valid_inp = False
usr_continue = True
while usr_continue:
while valid_inp == False:
usr_inp = int(input('Please ENTER a number: '))
if usr_inp < 0:
valid_inp = True
result = factorial(usr_inp)
print(str(result) + '\n')
con_inp = str(input('Would you like to continue ? '))
if con_inp == 'Y' or con_inp == 'y':
elif con_inp == 'N' or con_inp == 'n':
Make a function that only returns on valid input. Use an exception handler to deal with bad integer input, then validate the integer is the range you want:
from math import factorial
def get_nonnegative_integer(prompt):
while True:
val = int(input(prompt)) # bad input for int such as "abc" will raise ValueError
if val >= 0: # good input will be range-checked
return val
print('enter a number >= 0')
except ValueError:
print('invalid input for integer')
def main():
while True:
usr_inp = get_nonnegative_integer('Please enter a number: ')
result = factorial(usr_inp)
con_inp = input('Would you like to continue(Y/n)? ').upper() # default Yes
if con_inp.startswith('N'):