So I am trying to use an OAuth 2.0 Client to authenticate my replit project. It gives me the link in the replit console to the web page, but says it is an invalid request when I reach the page.
The issue now relies in that I cannot figure out which URI I need to use, these are the ones I tried (Jumpedia is my project name): Authorized URIs
I also tried entering ":80" for the port that replit uses. Does anybody know which URI I should be using for replit?
I don't think this issue is specific to PyDrive, but rather Google OAuth. However, some of the solutions I've seen on stackoverflow don't seem to be transferable over to my PyDrive application, which is just a python script to upload files programmatically to a shared drive. It worked fine 2 months ago but I tried to rerun it today and it's not working. Here is the error I'm getting:
Authorisation Error
Error 400: invalid_request
You can't sign in to this app because it doesn't comply with Google's OAuth 2.0 policy for keeping apps secure.
You can let the app developer know that this app doesn't comply with one or more Google validation rules.
Request Details
The content in this section has been provided by the app developer. This content has not been reviewed or verified by Google.
If you’re the app developer, make sure that these request details comply with Google policies.
redirect_uri: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
I am using a web application OAuth 2.0 Client ID creds on GCP. All secrets are stored in a local client_secrets.json file.
I run my script, it sends a message to the console that says
Go to the following link in your browser:
Enter verification code:
How it used to work: After I click the link above, it returns a code I paste into the console and then its authenticated. FYI: I plan on running this 24/7 on a remote server.
Now: I click the link above and get the error I posted above. I've tried to change the redirect uri to and it does allow me to auth, then I get a code in my URL, but once I copy that and paste it into the console, I get more errors.
Anyone know the solution for this?
Following Nordigen's Quickstart details here
where my VB.NET desktop calls the Nordigen API, to let my customers choose their account then login so I can retrieve transaction details. My chosen component for the various web requests is Chilkat using Chilkat.Rest objects.
Going well until Step 4.2. I open a browser window with the url provided to me from the API, go through the end-user authentication process but once that is complete I am struggling to return 'control' to my VB.NET application. My redirect uri is http://localhost but I simply get "localhost refused to connect". There's obviously something missing but I'm unsure what. Managed this before with the HMRC MTD API for oAuth where you provide a port on ListenPort and all magically works. No oAuth needed this time however.
Any help/pointers gratefully received
I just started to learn about Google Analytics Embed API from ""
I followed their example, and deployed my HTML file onto local Tomcat server hosting at port 8080. I've added everything they mentioned including the whitelists for the host origin etc, provided my OAuth 2.0 key
when I hit my HTML page and logged in with google, I keep on getting 403 error when requesting for ""
Anybody has any suggestions where I might have gone wrong?
p.s. the only thing I see on my page after login with Google is "You are logged in as: ***********"
Upon checking your link, I can see that the error code is 401. Regarding that error, you can check this SO thread.
I think you need to set up a service account as advised in answer.
By setting up a service account in Google apis console it will
allow you to access your own data with out needing to login and
autenticate the code all the time.
I am using a custom local URL for development of a project that authenticates with both Google and Adwords using OAuth2.
The entry in my /etc/hosts file looks like:
In the Google Cloud Platform console I have an OAuth 2.0 client ID setup with:
type: Web Application
Authorized JavaScript origin:
Authorized redirect URIs:
I authenticate with with both Google and Adwords separately. Previously I was using localhost:3001 instead of the custom URL which was working for both Google and Adwords. After switching to the custom local URL the Google auth still works, but when I try to authenticate with Adwords I get a redirect_uri_mismatch error.
The error page tells me that "The redirect URI in the request,, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client." The URI reported here is exactly the same as what I have as an authorized redirect URI (minus the protocol).
Why does this work with Google OAuth, but not Adwords? How can I get a custom local redirect URL to work with Adwords OAuth?
I found the issue, and there was a hint in the question itself. The redirect URL that I pass during the OAuth flow needs to contain the protocol and I had missed that in my config.
The redirect URL I was passing in the OAuth flow was
I changed it to and now it works! :D
I would like to develop a desktop application.
Sadly I got stuck at login. I want to use a web view which be SoundClound login end point.
Using the above I received error : "invalid_client: The configured redirect_uri of the client application is invalid."
Would be nice if API would tell you which parameters are required and which are optional. As I read about OAuth 2.0, redirect uri is optional. This caused me confusion when received this error. I also tried curl version, same kind of error.
If I tried to add a random redirect_uri won't pass either. (I'm aware this is about security.)
I found this answer, but I doesn't work and I think is error-prone: it requires 2 text fields and you're asking the user to provide their credentials (then you're able to do what you want with them...)
Soundcloud API authentication without a web browser
I would like to do the flow this way:
Open a web view with SoundCloud login end point.
User is providing his credentials to SoundCloud Server.
SoundCloud Server is sending me a token.
Something similar to OAuth 1.0.
Is possible or is there something similar to achieve my goal?
After another few hours of research and keep trying to login I figured it out.
It works with redirect_uri after I did the setup for it on page "Your apps" on SoundCloud.