Is it practically possible to create a PDF/A-3 document using any Javascript libraries?
Subject: I am rewriting an extension for special language. It's like XML with embedded C#, JS and CSS.
Problem: I used external extension API as C# formatter, but now it's deprecated and even removed from marketplace because OmniSharp C# extension now covers all the needs of formatting. But I didn't find any text formatting in the code of this extension to request for similar API.
Question: what is best way to format pieces of text as C# inside VSCode extension? Or is there any free JS library for formatting actual version of C# language?
is there anyone who tried to make PDF file with external sources like images/style/scripts?
These external sources should be loaded from internet whenever is PDF opened.
Somebody told me that metasploit can do it, bud I didn't find out how to.
A PDF file is not a webpage, you shouldn't rely on online resources to be displayed in it when you open it.
However, if you mean using online resources when you create a PDF file, I would say any PDF creation library can do this. My personal favorite is a Java lib called iText. If you prefer C#, it's been ported as iTextSharp.
I'm currently using my scanner to turn my PDFs into searchable PDFs. The OCR is already taken care of, since I can use ctrl-f within the PDF.
How can I get at the OCR'd content from my program though.
I'm open to using java, ruby, the question is kind of programming language agnostic. Is the OCR'd text openly accessible by reading the file?
Not sure how your OCR software creates the PDF, but could you use a third-party library (jPedal) or tool such as iText or XPDF to extract the text from the resulting PDF?
I Tried with iText and PDFBox .
It is not simple , we need to understand lot of code for this.
Can anybody provide a simple way of reading and writing PDF using Java Application.
Make sure the application is standalone, and no need of any web/application server.
There are loads of simple examples for manipulating PDFs with Itext in the Itext in Action Book.
PDF is a complex file format. What are you trying to do exactly?
I am brandnew to PDF Generation or rendering but have a project to, create a PDF Template system that allows users to save Template to Database,
and later generate a PDF document using the template and values from my database.
Language to use C#
a) Is there a PDF tool out there that can help me with this and documentation I can study to learn of this?
b) Are there free tools out there for this?
c) How do I create a PDF Template? XML?
Thanks in Advance!
You should have a look at xsl:fo.
Apache has a tool which might be helpful.
You can use PHP to create and modify PDFs. (Everything below is completely free.)
Here are two extensive tutorials on generating PDFs in PHP:
You can use the FPDF library located here to handle generating PDFs based off of templates.
If You are using Java, you could try Docmosis or JODReports - they work from templates and can produce PDF output dynamically based on data and those templates. Depending on your template requirements, you might also be able to use Jasper Reports or Apache POI. All have free versions.
If you are looking for an instant solution, take a look on . You can upload your XSL/FO-Templates and simply generate PDF-Templates with a simple webservice call.
I would give a shot to jsreport. You can install it on premise for free or use it online. It supports html -> pdf transformation using phantomjs or xml -> pdf transformation using apache fop.
The idea is that first you create report template using javascript templating engines like handlebars in jsreport studio and then you get back pdf by calling jsreport api.
If you are in c# there is jsreport c# sdk for it.
Note: I am the author of jsreport