To what extent can the undo button undo if we really try? - data-science

I am a conceptual artist and want to know if there’s any way possible that I can make a software who’s only function is to undo itself when a single act of creation is implemented. For example, if I type the word “hello” into a writing application, can the word undo itself, then the functions of the program and the programme itself, and every other function of the computer, thus ending with the computer being incapacitated? I understand this is a bit absurd but any general direction of how I can do this would be great!
I have no prior knowledge of coding and all of this started as a thought experiment. Can a single computer undo itself?


I need help choosing a game engine for a very specific task

I need a 3D engine for a very specific task in Artificial Intelligence, and I'd like some input.
The first part is the trivial one - basically, all I need is a FPS engine (3rd person would be good, too), such that it allows me to navigate a room and interact with objects (if you have Java and Windows, I'm looking for something similar to the Give Challenge, but a little more up-to-date). Physics would be nice, but is not a must.
Now, the non-trivial part would be: I need to impose a virtual grid over this room, such that at any moment I can say "the player is located at B5 - now he moved to B6", and so on. I need to redirect this information to another system (namely, one which will give the player instructions about what to do) and, at the same time, send messages to the player, so I must be able to have a single point through which the game logic passes through; also, I'd love not having to write my own collision detection and such.
So far, I've tried:
the Source SDK: it seems a little overkill (since I'm not really planning to shoot anyone, at least half the code base is useless to the task), and since I'm not really a Windows developer, I'm spending too much time with the "easy" stuff (such as getting VS up and running). Plus, cross-platform would be really nice.
Blender game engine: while this worked decently, the interaction model seems a little weird, and some easy stuff (such as making sure the camera stays inside the scene or showing the mouse on screen) gets too weird too soon.
Crystalspace 3D: I've tried their demos, but it looks a little old-fashioned, and since that was one of the problems of previous engines (it's easier to get volunteers when your game looks nice) I'd like to try something else.
Now, maybe I'm asking a little too much for a single software, but I'd love some input. Can anyone suggest me an alternative? Or should I give one of the previous ones a second chance?
Try the UDK. All of the things you request are present, and it's free for personal/noncommercial projects. Here are some highlights:
Modern looking. The UDK features an intuitive-ish visual material design system, post-processing effects, Scaleform Gfx UIs from Autodesk, and more.
A visual scripting interface called Kismet that can control gameplay elements, the camera, and more.
UnrealScript, a scripting language similar in syntax to C, C++, Java, that gives you the ability to extend existing functionality or create your own.
Comprehensive documentation available on UDN.
Lots of community support outside of Epic, in places such as Polycount, Eat3d, 3dbuzz, and more.
Basically, "and more".
If what you're looking for is a professional, free (as in beer) engine that will allow you to focus primarily or solely on your differentiating gameplay features, Epic has set the bar high.

How to program an RPG game's scripted event/Cut scene system in a tile based RPG in objective C?

For background I have been working on an RPG based off Ray Wenderlich's tutorials. (Example)
Now I am trying to build a scripted event/Cut scene system so that for instance when a player enters a building, the different characters can have a discussion of the current events, before continuing the adventure. My only problem is I can't really visualize how one would implement this.
I would guess some sort of one time use trigger, maybe kept in a large switch statement on a singleton somewhere ? Which maybe draws all the temp characters ? Then the event then deactivates itself.
I am just looking for a blueprint of how one would do this. Although programming examples are welcome as well.
It depends a lot on how much time you want to commit to the system and how versatile you want the final system to be. A powerful cut-scene system can be flexible enough to be used in almost every interaction in a typical 2d RPG.
If you want to go all out I would suggest a heavily data drive approach. Keep as much data in files and use the filesystem to your advantage. If you say 'all the dialog scenes are in this folder' then when adding a new scene it just needs to be dropped in the folder rather than creating the scene then touching some master switch statement somewhere. Just keep in mind with a large system you want to make adding a new cutscene as simple as possible, not 400 different places to touch.
I would also stay away from switch statements for tracking progress in a cutscene. It adds a lot of code overhead per scene. Idly a cutscene would be a simple as an array of data and a position. Your cutscene manager, the singleton, can parse through the array, decode the data into commands and fire them off.
Sorry if thats a big vague but a lot of these decisions depend on how your engine is structured and what you want out of the system. Keep in mind that the more general the system is, the more uses you may find for it going forward but it will take longer to get up in running to begin with.
you can just check for the tile you are on while you are moving, and when you are on a specific tile you can start a cutscene, also you can add a tag via TiledEditor (this is the recommended editor for using with CCTMXTiledMap) to your map to specify where the cutscene should begin just like he pointed the character start point in that tutorial. the you check for the triger specified (either a specific tile or what the point taged in map) in every gamecycle. and then it's almost very easy you just freeze controls and play a prerecorded camera and object movements till the cutscene finishes. the restore the game to normal mode and turn off checking for the triger.

Aren't passwords written in inputbox vulnerable through a stack trace?

I am not a guru of stack traces, at all. I don't even know how to get them. Anyway, I am wondering if entering a password entered in an inputbox is safe. Can't it be retrieved by getting a stack trace?
A password entered that way will be found in many places:
Caption property of the TEdit
Result of the function which creates the inputbox
probably, a variable that stores the Result of the InputBox Command
If the answer is "yes, it is a vulnerability", then my world collapses :p. What can be done to avoid this security hole?
NOTE: The InputBox is an example but it can be with a "homebrewed" login prompt.
InputBox is a Delphi command but I haven't tagged the question with the Delphi tag because I suppose that the question concerns any language.
This is called the airtight hatchway problem, and stems (at least one of the sources) from a chapter in a book by Douglas Adams called The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. In it, our two protagonists are being carried by a large guard and dumped into a airlock, pending being evacuated into space. At some point, one of our protagonists says that he had a solution, but "it rather involved being on the other side of the airtight hatchway.".
Let me explain.
If you have a cracker that is able to execute code (or in other ways "be") on your own machine, you have already lost. There's a ton of things that the cracker can do at that point.
So your first line of defense should be to prevent bad-guys access to your machine, if you can handle that, security becomes much easier.
So no, this is not a vulnerability, it is the fundamental way your computer works.
In the simplest form, if someone is able to get hold of runtime live stack-traces of your program in motion, it probably means they have hooked up something that looks like a debugger to your program and is able to "debug" your program as it runs. A breakpoint could easily grab data from memory, process it, and then resume the program without the user ever knowing anything has happened, but in practice, there are far easier way to get hold of such information provided you can execute code on the system.
Now, having said that, in .NET and many other runtimes there is support for attempts to at least make it harder, by instead of storing the whole string, they intercept one and one keystroke into your input box, and encodes it together with the rest of the password, so that each character is not stored in plain-text.
However, the code that handles this becomes very cumbersome to work with, simply because any attempt to get the whole password in clear-text would make the whole exercise pointless, so unless you're able to pass such encoded passwords end-to-end around your system, this won't really help much.
In .NET, the class in question is System.SecureString.
However, again, if the bad-guy can execute code on your platform, what is there to stop him from intercepting the keystrokes and just combining them together to form your password?
Here's a couple of links with examples of similar questions:
It rather involved being on the other side of this airtight hatchway: Dubious escalation
It rather involved being on the other side of this airtight hatchway: If they can inject code, then they can run code
It rather involved being on the other side of this airtight hatchway: Elevation to administrator
You can tell I'm a fan of Raymond Chen.

How to save a program's progress, and resume later?

You may know a lot of programs, e.g some password cracking programs, we can stop them while they're running, and when we run the program again (with or without entering a same input), they will be able to continue from where they have left. I wonder what kind of technique those programs are using?
[Edit] I am writing a program mainly based on recursion functions. Within my knowledge, I think it is incredibly difficult to save such states in my program. Is there any technique, somehow, saves the stack contents, function calls, and data involved in my program, and then when it is restarted, it can run as if it hasn't been stopped? This is just some concepts I got in my mind, so please forgive me if it doesn't make sense...
It's going to be different for every program. For something as simple as, say, a brute force password cracker all that would really need to be saved was the last password tried. For other apps you may need to store several data points, but that's really all there is too it: saving and loading the minimum amount of information needed to reconstruct where you were.
Another common technique is to save an image of the entire program state. If you've ever played with a game console emulator with the ability to save state, this is how they do it. A similar technique exists in Python with pickling. If the environment is stable enough (ie: no varying pointers) you simply copy the entire apps memory state into a binary file. When you want to resume, you copy it back into memory and begin running again. This gives you near perfect state recovery, but whether or not it's at all possible is highly environment/language dependent. (For example: most C++ apps couldn't do this without help from the OS or if they were built VERY carefully with this in mind.)
Use Persistence.
Persistence is a mechanism through which the life of an object is beyond programs execution lifetime.
Store the state of the objects involved in the process on the local hard drive using serialization.
Implement Persistent Objects with Java Serialization
To achieve this, you need to continually save state (i.e. where you are in your calculation). This way, if you interrupt the probram, when it restarts, it will know it is in the middle of calculation, and where it was in that calculation.
You also probably want to have your main calculation in a separate thread from your user interface - this way you can respond to "close / interrupt" requests from your user interface and handle them appropriately by stopping / pausing the thread.
For linux, there is a project named CRIU, which supports process-level save and resume. It is quite like hibernation and resuming of the OS, but the granularity is broken down to processes. It also supports container technologies, specifically Docker. Refer to for more information.

What is the "Fountain Development Model"?

It is mentioned on the Systems Development Life Cycle page on Wikipedia:
To manage this, a number of system development life cycle (SDLC) models have been created: waterfall, fountain, spiral, build and fix, rapid prototyping, incremental, and synchronize and stabilize.
I found a few things on Google, but I felt that they were vague and they just didn't click for me. Perhaps an explanation from someone here might be more clear.
Fountain: Stand in a circle and throw some patterns and key words in the air to see where they land. Pick up only the ones that land inside the circle. Repeat until cancelled.
Waterfall: Wrangle everyone into a boat, then yell "Geronimo!" while going over Niagra Falls. Pick up the shattered pieces then rinse and repeat. Make sure it's well documented what part of the boat each individual should be sitting in, what they should be holding on to, how loud to yell, and exactly where they should land. See form 3684-B for additional instructions.
Spiral: Pick one team member and have everyone else spin them around in circles until dizy.
Build and Fix: Just throw it against the wall to see what sticks. If something falls off add some duct tape. Used gum may also work. Any part that won't stay stuck, just throw away.
Rapid Prototyping: Do exactly what the client asked for. Repeat until they figure out what they want.
Incremental: Only build the parts you want to, and only when you want to do it. An alternate version is to only build the parts they scream loudest for, and only when they are actually standing at your desk waiting for it.
Synchronize and Stabilize: Like Spiral except only one person at a time spins the unlucky team member. When their turn is over, stop the spinning for a moment.
Waterfall is a model that enforces control and avoids parallelism; every requirement for a task has to be fulfilled before starting the task. Fountain says that a new task can be started before all requirements are met, because not all requirements are necessary at the start of the task.
Think of this: Super Mario Game,
Waterfall: first, design everything, then get hardware done (Hardware Team), then create some test sprites, then code the engine, then create artwork, then music and finish.
Fountain: while the hardware team is doing its job, artwork starts conceptual work, and coding starts some prototyping on preexisting hw. When artists and hw finishes, coders integrate these onto their code and continue 'til finishing the game...
As I understand it, they essentially contain the same steps but a fountain approach is much more iterative, with less focus on initial design and more on analysis.
You basically bodge your way through things. See what needs to happen, and improve it. See what needs to happen. Improve it.
It's more agile but at the cost of project stability. Waterfall is a lot better for large projects.