Flink connector for RabbitMQ Streams? - rabbitmq

The RabbitMQ Connector for Apache Flink apparently can't be used for RabbitMQ Streams. At least I wasn't able to make it work.
Does someone have experience with that and/or has been able to connect Apache Flink to RabbitMQ Stream queue?


RabbitMq Consumer not working because micronaut assigns executor threads to kafka consumer

I am running kafka in micronaut v3.4.3 in Kotlin and recently I integrated RabbitMq with the server using micronaut-rabbitmq v3.4.0. In the docs it is mentioned to specify the executors for the RabbitMq consumers in application.yml.
Now when the server starts, since the kafka listeners are already using the executor threads indefinitely RabbitMq consumers are not able to get a lock on those threads.
So, Is there a way to segregate consumer executor threads for both kafka and RabbitMq?

Integrate Rabbitmq With NiFi Instance Or How to consume a rabbitmq que from NiFi : Consume AMQP

How to subscribe a rabbitmq que from NiFi?
Is there any possible way to configure to integrate nifi with rabbitmq, in such a way that nifi can consume the data in which rabbitmq publishes.
When tries to connects with amqp getting connection errors as in the image below.
Thanks in advance.

ActiveMQ Bridge Configuration for Solace

I have a requirement to create a bridge between a Queue in ActiveMQ and a Queue in Solace. When ever there is a message in ActiveMQ Queue it should automatically get transferred to SolaceQ.
I'm struggling to find the steps for this configuration. I have ActiveMQ installed on my local machine. Request you to please throw some light on this.
FYI: I'm very new to ActiveMQ/Solace
I think you'll need to do this via JMS since both ActiveMQ and Solace support it. Check out ActiveMQ's docs here: https://activemq.apache.org/jms-to-jms-bridge

ActiveMQ Artemis read messages without consuming it in JMeter

I want to know if it is possible to read queue messages in ActiveMQ Artemis without consuming or removing it using JMeter.
I have find similar question Here. But I really don't know how to configure it in JMeter. I'm new in it.
In a normal JMS client you'd do this using a QueueBrowser. However, JMeter doesn't support this. It only supports:
JMS Publisher
JMS Subscriber
JMS Point-to-Point

Does ActeiveMQ require zookeeper anymore?

I'm investigating the usage of some message broker that does not depend on any external services. I hit upon ActiveMQ which was using replicated LevelDB and that apparently required ZooKeeper services. With ActiveMQ now switching to KahaDB, is zookeeper still required for using ActiveMQ ?
Any recommendations on what the best message broker would be, my deployment does not deal with high scale pub-sub. I'm looking for something very lightweight that can support reliable message delivery, persistent messages and HA.
I found the answer to my own question
yes, even KahaDB requires zookeeper at the moment
ActiveMQ does not require ZooKeeper to run, the default store KahaDB does not have a replication feature such as that in LevelDB and so does not need any ZooKeeper instances.
For HA you might want to look into ActiveMQ Artemis which offers solutions beyond what exists in ActiveMQ proper.