Checking Previously Granted Permissions in React Native using PermissionsAndroid API - react-native

Is there a way to check if a list of permissions have already been granted in React Native using the PermissionsAndroid API, similar to how PermissionsAndroid.requestMultiple() can be used to request multiple permissions? I'm looking for a method like PermissionsAndroid.checkMultiple() to allow me to check if a list of permissions were already granted.
I would appreciate some suggestions on this.

The simple wrapper would be something like this (not the same thing, but solves the problem):
const checkPermissions = (permissions: Permission[]): Promise<boolean[]> => {
return Promise.all( => PermissionsAndroid.check(p)))
let granted = await checkPermissions([
console.log(granted) // [false,false]


React Native - Google Fit API not getting feedback if permission was granted for particular scope (react-native-google-fit)

In my react native application, I have used react-native-google-fit library to get data for multiple scopes.
.then(authResult => {
if (authResult.success) {
} else {
dispatch("AUTH_DENIED", authResult.message);
.catch(() => {
If I do not grant permission to few scopes, the api consider's its "AUTH_SUCCESS".
Is there a way to find if permissions were granted to individual scope?

how do i authenticate my vuejs app using azure active directory and get the security groups to which the user belong to

i saw something similar here: How do you authenticate a VueJS app with Azure AD?
but it did not work for me...
my problem is that after authenticating the user at login - i still needed to get the users security groups and that information was not received using the graph-api described in the above mentioned post
thank you for any help
it was something that took me a long time to figure out so im posting my findings here, hopfully this will help someone:
this was a hard one for me so im posting here - hopfully this will save some time to someone:
my problem was that i need not only to authenticate my vuejs app with azure-ad, but i need also to get the security groups to which the user is belonging to.
to achive this, this is what i done:
i used the vue-adal sample app mentioned above( you can find it in: ) - under sample folder.
but i still had to make some changes to make it behave the way i need. the problam was that after logging in with my user the sample app used graph api for retrieving user info with the token from the user authentication, so i had to change in main.js this:
const graphApiBase = ``
const graphApiResource = '00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'
to this:
const graphApiBase = ``
const graphApiResource = '00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'
in addition, inside the return url component i had to change the axios query to get the security groups to which the user belongs i changed this (in the home.vue file):
async getUserInfo () {
let res = await this.$graphApi.get(`me`, {
params: {
'api-version': 1.6
to this:
async getUserInfo () {
let res = await this.$`/me/getMemberGroups`, {
securityEnabledOnly: true
and then the data that i received back from the api contained the security groups to which the user belongs to...

How to open Skype from a react-native app using Linking

I want to be able to open Skype with a call setup with a specific username from my react-native app. I had planned to use linking to do this, For example:
onLaunchPress = () => {
const { user } = this.props
Linking.openURL('' + user)
.catch((error) => console.log(error))
This is not enough to add the correct query parameters, However I am unable to view the documentation on this as the page doesn't load here:
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I am also concerned as to whether this is actually possible given what is posted here:
According to this, you should be able to open Skype with the following:
You should also be able to pass the User in too with:

Correct way to use initialize firestore in react-native expo app

Have seen two different ways to initialize firestore in a react-native app and would like to know what the differences between the two are. The method shown in the firestore docs ( looks like
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
export fs = admin.firestore();
while the "firebase" way (as seen in this expo post:, which is the way I currently use and appears to work, looks like
import * as firebase from 'firebase';
import 'firebase/firestore';//for using firestore functions, see
import { firebaseConfig } from './firebase-credentials';//WARN: gitignored, exports object containing firebase (web)app credentials
// Initialize Firebase
// why in separate file? see and
// firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
try {
#firebase/firestore:, Firestore (5.0.4):
The behavior for Date objects stored in Firestore is going to change
To hide this warning and ensure your app does not break, you need to add the
following code to your app before calling any other Cloud Firestore methods:
const firestore = firebase.firestore();
const settings = {timestampsInSnapshots: true};
With this change, timestamps stored in Cloud Firestore will be read back as
Firebase Timestamp objects instead of as system Date objects. So you will also
need to update code expecting a Date to instead expect a Timestamp. For example:
// Old:
const date = snapshot.get('created_at');
// New:
const timestamp = snapshot.get('created_at');
const date = timestamp.toDate();
Please audit all existing usages of Date when you enable the new behavior. In a
future release, the behavior will change to the new behavior, so if you do not
follow these steps, YOUR APP MAY BREAK.
const fsSettings = {/* your settings... */ timestampsInSnapshots: true};
} catch (err) {
// we skip the "already exists" message which is
// not an actual error when we're hot-reloading
if (!/already exists/.test(err.message)) {
console.error('Firebase initialization error', err.stack)
export const fs = firebase.firestore()
The post linked to is the only instance where I could find someone else doing this, but again it does work for me (can read and write to firestore).
Very new to using firebase/firestore and would like to use the more 'correct' method. Is there any difference between initializing firestore in the app in these separate ways?
import * as firebase from 'firebase';
import 'firebase/firestore';
const db = firebase.firestore();
This is a JavaScript bridge to the native Firebase SDKs for both iOS and Android therefore Firebase will run on the native thread.
It has a step-by-step instructions for react-native app integration with firebase.
One important thing is that you have to consider about your react-native version and firebase sdk version.
They do the same things though? The first one simply does it by declaring and expo does it by declaring it inline. You can do it however you like, but both of them do the same things

How do I share an action using react-native-fbsdk?

We're doing this in the web version of our react application and our native Android app so our setup and everything is working fine. I'm trying to implement sharing an action in react-native using react-native-fbsdk. I'm following the Android code because it looks the closest to the react-native-fbsdk code.
Should I be using ShareApi.share or something else?
I tried creating an instance of ShareOpenGraphContent to use with ShareApi.share, but there's no constructor.
I wish they would provide more thorough documentation :s
Based on the code my colleague used for the ShareApi on Android it seems like react-native-fbsdk is missing a few things related to sharing actions.
ShareOpenGraphContent isn't directly exported from react-native-fbsdk so this
import { ShareOpenGraphContent } from 'react-native-fbsdk';
Actually doesn't work. There must be some way to use the ShareApi in react-native-fbsdk to share an action...I'm just missing something.
Someone help...please.
I figured it out! I had to manually create an instance of the ShareOpenGraphContent object which has 3 mandatory properties: contentType, action and previewPropertyName. The react-native-fbsdk doesn't currently have a constructor for this object type.
ShareApi.canShare isn't mandatory, but it checks to ensure you have the correct permissions before trying to share. This would allow you to get the user logged in before trying in case their token expired, or the user hasn't agreed to the needed permissions yet.
const ogAction = new ShareOpenGraphAction('<your_facebook_namespace>' + ':' + '<your_facebook_action>');
ogAction.putString('song', 'https://<url_to_your_song_app_etc>');
ogAction.putString('place', '<fbPlacePageID>'');
ogAction.putNumber('fb:explicitly_shared', 1); // Normally this is a boolean, but putNumber with a value of 1 works
// Manually create an instance of ShareOpenGraphContent (no constructor in the API)
const ogContent = {
contentType: 'open-graph',
action: ogAction,
previewPropertyName: 'song',
ShareApi.canShare(ogContent).then((canShare) => {
if (canShare)
return ShareApi.share(ogContent, '/me');
function(result) {
// Shared successfully
function(error) {
// Failed to share