How to open new tab group in ionic framework (Vue.js) after the user logs into the application - vue.js

At first, I want to display the login and register tab pages but after the user logs in or register I want to show a new group tab.
I tried some solutions but it didn+t work for me


The default out-of-the box template for Blazor doesn't work on mobile

If I create a new Blazor application (Server-side or WASM), the default template that is provided with the Counter and Fetch Data menu items doesn't work properly on a mobile device. It run's ok on a desktop browser. Is there something setup incorrectly?
On the mobile, the menu never opens. The hamburger Menu button cannot be tapped. Apart from that, if you manage to navigate by URL to another page, the page keep loading without giving any error.

Login screen for a Ext JS 4.0.7 application

I've developed an Ext JS 4.0.7 app for my company. It has various modules for different team's needs. Now, the company want to make sure only relevant people have access to relevant modules in an app. It's an ERP application which has CRM, MRP, Engineering, HR and Finance modules. Now, respective team members should have access to respective menus and pages and super admin will have access to everything.
I know how to control the menus based on user login. But not sure how to integrate user login screen into my app. I know basics of Ext JS and able to design a Login screen using form panel ...... but not sure how to make it as my app's first screen and upon successful login, let the user in and able to logout from there.
If anyone already developed such functionality, i request to share the solution here. Any pointers or code snippets will be a great help.
Thanks very much in advance.
My application has a header (company logo and app title - horizontal on north) and left menu and content panel.
So, here is how login/logout screen implemented.
When app is loaded, when viewport is loaded, on render, I load menu store and load 'Login' and 'Change Password' menu items in them.
When user enters login/pwd, via ajax call , will call servlet and process login data. Upon login successful, based on user role, respective menu json built in server side and menu store is loaded with this json. This json has 'Logout' menu by default. So, when user logs out, will load Login screen in content panel.
Not sure whether any other best ways to implement the same. But this is working well.

How to get response back from Chrome Custom Tabs in react-native

I want to get response from URL that is opened into chrome custom tab. actually i have some forms in external url that is submitted and return data array on success page. I want to get array into my app. when user click on button custom tab will open and submit required fields and goes into success page. I want to do custom tab will be close automatically and fetch array into app and want to create success page into app.

Facebook App into Page Tab

We have created a game which is accessible as an app but cannot get the game into a tab. During the submission stage it reads:
"Our review team will use this page to test your Page Tab app. Your Page Tab app must be installed on this page. Only pages that you admin will appear in the dropdown."
I am admin on 3 different pages, one was built specifically for testing the tab but it says there are no eligible pages and the option is ghosted out, even when a new page is created via this step.
Am i missing something or does anyone else know what i'm doing wrong?

SignalR inside _Layout.cshtml - persist connection

I decided to use SignalR for chat on my page. Chat page is opened when user clicks on "Enter Chat" link which is placed inside _Layout.cshtml. This works fine. However, what I would like to achieve is the following functionality:
On the left side of the page I would like to have some kind of
"online users" area and when one user logins, other users whose are
already logged in will be able to see that a new user just enters the
Users who are online can chat with each other by simply
clicking on their names
I am using the following code to connect to the chat application:
$(function () {
//declare a proxy to reference the hub
var chatHub = $.connection.chatHub;
//Start Hub
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
However when I place this code inside my _Layout.cshtml page, users are permanently logged off and connected again each time they navigate through pages (they are intended to be opened inside _Layout.cshtml).
Is there any way for persisting connection with the hub when navigating through page? What is the best practices when using this kind of functionality?
Whenever you navigate away from a page or in any way refresh the contents of the page you will need to start a fresh SignalR connection. There are two ways to handle this behavior when navigating through pages:
Create a single page application.
Handle users connecting/disconnecting on the server in such a way that they're not truly logged out until they leave the site.
Now to dive into a little more detail on #2. Users on your site may disconnect/connect every time they transition to a new page but you can control how they log out or appear disconnected via your server side logic. You can get this functionality by keeping a set of "online" users in your server side code and then only considering them offline after a specified timeout value.