I would like to set the following metrics to my API, how do I do that?
Not sure which API you are using. You can add more detail on the question.
If you are using GA4 and want to retrieve data from API
You should use the "Google Analytics Data API (GA4)
Here is the documentation about all the dimension and metrics available.
What API should I use to import cost data into Google Analytics 4? On Universal Analytics I used the Management API.
Right now I'm trying to do the same on GA4 via the Admin API but I can't get the dataset id. I didn't find anything about it in the documentation.
I have found on Google Analytics API page that there is an Ad Content field. However I am wondering whether there is an Ad Content ID field for the Google Analytics Reporting API as a dimension?
When it comes to pulling AdWords data via the Google Analytics Reporting API, some of the information is limited. For example, you cannot pull calls from ads using the Analytics Reporting API.
I've never pulled calls from ads data before using API's, but I believe you can use the AdWords API, so you may have to use the Adwords API to grab the data you need.
I live by Google's Dimensions and Metrics Explorer:
If I ever need to grab a dimension or metric name, I look here.
Looking at AdWords data specifically, there are a number of different dimensions you can include into your object query when you ping the API. I'm a little out of my depth with Adwords so I could be wrong, but I don't believe I see an Ad Content ID available to be used as a dimension in the Analytics Reporting API.
Does anyone know if it is possible to access any of google analytics data from the API?
I am using eCommerce and wanted to be able to pull out the best selling products into a most wanted list.
Does anyone know if this is possible and how it would be done?
Yes, the API is documented here:
HelloWorld example here:
Trying to extract some menu data from a restaurant on Yelp using the v2.0 API. The only thing i am getting via the API response is a menu_provider field which i don't know how to use - any ideas?
My understanding is that Yelp gets their menu information from Locu (and potentially other sources), so they won't share that via their API.
Per their documentation, they provide menu_provider and menu_date_updated, but not actual menu data in their API.
Documentation: http://www.yelp.com/developers/documentation/v2/business
TechCrunch article on partnership: http://techcrunch.com/2013/04/23/yelp-partners-with-locu-allowing-businesses-to-post-menus-daily-specials-photos-to-yelp-in-real-time/
Can we create a Gmail based Event /Boarding Pass Card? What's the format of this Card?
Do we have API to customize this? I only need to update data element. Once the user gets this in Gmail / it will scan this data & will get automatically load in Google Now API.
I am using Android 4.1.2 OS which has Google Search API which has Google Now Widget API with it.Is this do-able option & we have any Google Now API available to do it.
This is a guess
Google Now appears to be an integral part of Glass.
As the nomenclature is similar (cards)
The general shape of the cards look Glass-like
I think it'll be highly probable that they're using google-glass APIs.
Someone ought to get wireshark on the case however.