Event handler cause problem when i force application quit - vba

I have a macro that captures word events. In this macro in the Document_Open event, I'm going to show the dialog box and force word to quit. With the latest update, the exit instruction causes me a serious error that is shown to me when I go to recall the same document. If I delete the Word close statement and do it manually everything works fine.
I tried different solutions but could not solve the problem.
I use Word 365 .
This is the event class where i call the routine and then close the document and quit from Word.
Public WithEvents App As Application
Private Sub App_DocumentOpen(ByVal Doc As Document)
Doc.Close False
End Sub
This is the module where in AutoExec I associate the application with the class.
Dim x As New EventClassHandler
Public Sub AutoExec()
Set x.App = Application
End Sub
When I open the same word document, the document is in the disativated element and I receive this message.
I tried also to force the quit in the routine of the print of the word document but I have the same problem.


Pause VBA Word macro, allow user to make a selection, and restart where it left off

I have a requirement for VBA script in Microsoft Word to pause so that the user can select text that will be copied to the clipboard so that it can exported to an Excel file. The user will make a number of selections and finally indicate he/she is done when the contents of the clipboard will be copied to a template Excel file.
I have the code working to copy each selection to the clipboard and then all rows to the Excel file. But I need assistence in figuring out how to pause the code to allow the user to make the selection and then restart the code to copy the selection to the clipboard. I am able to get the userform with toggle switch to switch states and labels when pressed. But have not figured out how to pause the VBA code to allow the user to navigate to the next section of the Word document for the next selection.
The Stakeoverflow question/answer below appears to address this requirement but I have not been able to get it to work. It appears that the code is incomplete.
Pause VBA macro, allow user to make a selection, and restart where it left off
Can someone provide example VBA code that accomplishes this?
Your assistence is much appreciated as I have been beating my head against the wall and it is starting to hurt!
There's no way in VBA to "pause" a macro. Code must run to completion... Unless there's a command for user input.
Input can be requested via the InputBox and MsgBox methods, but those block access to the document because they're modal. A UserForm, however, can be set to display as non-modal, meaning it stays on top, but doesn't block access to the document or the application features. Since you're already working with a UserForm, this can be implemented relatively easily.
In the small example below, the Continue button runs the code to perform an action on the user selection. When Done is clicked the entire code is exited and the form unloaded.
Code behind the user form
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdContinue_Click()
Debug.Print Selection.Range.Text
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDone_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
'Position the form near the top-left of the window
'So that the user can work with the document
Me.Top = Application.ActiveWindow.Top + 50
Me.Left = Application.ActiveWindow.Left + 50
End Sub
Code in a regular module
Option Explicit
Sub DisplayModeless()
Dim frm As frmModelessForInput
Set frm = New frmModelessForInput
frm.Show False 'Display as non-modal
Set frm = Nothing
End Sub

How to turn on 'Snap To Grid' on Excel start up with an add-in

I am looking for a way to automatically turn on Snap to Grid every time I start Excel.
I worked out this code and put it in an Add-In (.xlam) that I always load on Excel start-up.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim cbc As CommandBarControl
Set cbc = Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=549)
If Not cbc.Enabled Then cbc.Execute
End Sub
But when I start Excel, it throws this error at cbc.Execute:
Can anyone tell me what is wrong?
I think you have two problems:
Problem 1
I believe that what you are trying to do with the Enabled property is to check the toggle state of the control. Instead, I think you want the State property instead (which doesn't show in intellisense). Your code should be something like this:
Public Sub ActivateSnapToGrid()
Dim cbc As CommandBarControl
Set cbc = Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=549)
If Not cbc Is Nothing Then
If cbc.Enabled Then
'if snap to grid is off...
If cbc.State = 0 Then
'State should now = -1
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Problem 2
The 'Snap to grid' control is not enabled if there is no workbook present (check this by closing all workbooks). In its current state, your code tries to execute in this case i.e. If Not cbc.Enabled Then cbc.Execute because I think you are trying to check if it is 'on' not if it is enabled.
Because an Excel add-in will load as a 'hidden' workbook, I don't believe it would enable the 'Snap to Grid' command bar control. Therefore, in the Workbook_Open event of the add-in then the control will be disabled and that's why you get the error.
You need an application-level event handler in your add-in. This is very common for Excel add-ins. See here on MSDN for some explanation. Plus also see this article by Chip Pearson which is very useful. It will allow you to write an event for any Workbook_Open event generated after your add-in loads.
So you will end up with this code (per Chip Pearson) in your add-in to call the sub I presented above (in Problem 1 section):
Private WithEvents App As Application
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set App = Application
End Sub
Private Sub App_NewWorkbook(ByVal Wb As Workbook)
Debug.Print "New Workbook: " & Wb.Name
Call ActivateSnapToGrid
End Sub
I haven't tested this thoroughly as it can't be known how your wrote your add-in. However, this is a very (if not the) standard pattern for doing this kind of stuff. See MSDN and the Chip Pearson article and you will figure out which code goes in a Class, in a Module etc.

Document_New Not Working

I have created Macro Enables Templates which will execute the Document_New sub when it opens but to have something for all word documents I can seem to get it right.
I have included the following Script into the Normal Project
Microsoft Word Objects > ThisDocument
Private Sub Document_Open()
'When you open an Exisiting Word Document
MsgBox "This Worked"
Call SomeMacro
End Sub
Private Sub Document_New()
'When you open a New Word Document with Word already Open
MsgBox "This Worked"
Call SomeMacro
End Sub
Note: This will only auto run the Macro when you open a Word Document that exists already. It will not work if you open Word using the Application Button as found in the Start Menu > Programs >Microsoft Office.
I have seen people referring to Event handlers, but I am not sure what that it.
I am using Word 2010.
Want to see if there is a way for a Macro to execute if the Word.exe is run
For a macro that executes whenever Word starts up use the macro name: AutoExec. Be sure to place the macro in a "normal" module, not a class module or ThisDocument (which is also a kind of class module).

Creating buttons or front page for VBA word

Just a quick question. Is there a way to create a front page as a dashboard with buttons in word to assign to the macros created?
I have to paste the code in every word sheet I open each time I want to run it.
I would like to open a word sheet of my choice and the modules to be exported into that sheet each time where I can run them by aid of buttons.
Try this:
Place your Code (Modules and Userforms) into the Normal Project, if not in there already. If they are not there already then drag each Module and Userform from your current Project to the Normal Project.
Then in the Normal Project select the following:
Microsoft Word Objects > ThisDocument
The Select Document as your Object and then New as your Procedure.
Then in the Document_New Sub Call your "DashBoard" or the Macro which initialises your code and bring up the first Userform.
Private Sub Document_Open()
'When you open an Existing Word Document
MsgBox "This Worked"
Call SomeMacro
End Sub
Private Sub Document_New()
'When you open a New Word Document with Word already Open
MsgBox "This Worked"
Call SomeMacro
End Sub
Note: This will only auto run the Macro when you open a Word Document that exists already. It will not work if you open Word using the Application Button as found in the Start Menu > Programs >Microsoft Office.
To run a macro if the Word Application has been Executed (Started from the Microsoft Word Application Button) then have a macro in the Normal project named AutoExec.
Sub AutoExec()
MsgBox "This Messages Appears Every time"
End Sub

Application.Quit in UserForm attempts to run rest of macro before exiting

My question is: using VBA in Excel 2013 how can I gracefully close an entire instance of Excel when the user decides they don't want to fill out a UserForm and clicks quit or cancel?
Currently, if the user clicks quit or cancel, I check to see if my instance is the only one open. If it is not, I can use ThisWorkbook.Close and I think I will be okay. However, if it is, I do not want the application to still be present, so I used Application.Quit. This, though, tries to finish running the macro, throws errors (originally "type mismatch" because I unload the form), and only closes after I click "Debug" or "End" (which it does so fast for either I cannot actually debug). I'm ignoring the first case for now and just trying to exit the entire application. It's a very long macro with a lot of subroutines and functions, so for debugging and posting here, I have shortened it. The type mismatch error no longer occurs, but I believe that was a consequence of the actual error: code running after the command to close the application is called.
First, here's the code that starts everything:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Call form_variables
Call a_REQUEST_main
End Sub
The subroutine
is a subroutine that creates public variables so I can store the data from the UserForm.
initializes (including calling a function that finds another workbook, extracts a list, does some formatting, closes the workbook and enters the list into the userforms drop down box) and shows the form, and finally
uses the public variables (where UserForm data is stored) and does its thing (but shouldn't do anything if the UserForm is closed).
The code that is executed when .Show is called is:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
' Get job numbers from other workbook
Dim job_selection_list As Variant
job_selection_list = get_job_list()
With frm_REQUEST.Job_Number_ComboBox
.List = job_selection_list
End With
' set focus on Job Numbers
End Sub
Private Sub cancel_button_Click()
Set job_selection_list = Nothing
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub submit_button_Click()
' Values from userform saved as global (?) variables so other subroutines can access.
End Sub
I stepped through the program and saw that, once Application.Quit is called in the UserForm, the macro, in the main subroutine, steps to
Call a_REQUEST_main
but it should really just close everything out. I tried doing "save" commands, and changing the order of things, and read about objects needing to be set to nothing (hence the setting of the job_selection_list which is created when the drop down list is initialized), but I cannot seem to get this to work, or find anything online. Can anyone provide some guidance or let me know of a better way to close an excel instance? Help me Stack-Overflow Kenobi, you're my only hope!
Just add a variable to account for when the user closes the form
in the form
'hold flag if users cancels form
Public btnCancel As Boolean
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Unload Me
btnCancel = True
End Sub
'set the flag each time the form active
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
btnCancel = False
End Sub
then in your code
Call form_variables
If frm_REQUEST.btnCancel Then
Call a_REQUEST_main
End If
Put Application.Quit in the form's Terminate event handler instead of in the button's Click event handler.
The reason is that clearly the procedure will keep running even if the form has unloaded. So use the events to your advantage.
Putting it in the Click event will unload the form, but the procedure will keep running which of course may raise errors or other undesired effects.
Note: You may be prompted to save/discard changes (if any) to the workbook.