I need your help...
I have one application in which I can create friends (Send and Accept Request).
What to do If I need a friend's suggestion in the below scenario...
If I'm user A on Facebook, and I have friends named B , C , D , E , F , G
and among these friends D , E and F have created account in my application with the use of Facebook login. But we are not friends in my application. So, what to do to get friends suggestions of D , E and F in my application ?
Is there any way to get details of those 3 Users (D , E and F) using Graph API ?
I'm working on a chat app and I want to get a query that pulls out the list of friends and sorts them by last message time just the way whatsapp does its own.
Three tables in the database are important.
Table name: UsersPurpose: It stores the list of all registered users in the chat app.
Columns:- sn, matricno, fullname, password, faculty, department, level, year, study_centre, gender, email,phoneno and picture.
Table name: Friends
Purpose: It stores all the list of friends and friend requests.
Columns:- sn, user1, user2, date_initiated,status(1=request sent, 2=they are friends, 3= They are no longer friends), date_accepted, date_unfriend
Table name: Messages
Purpose:- It stores all the messages that have been sent between friends
Columns:- sn, sender, recipient, content, date, mread(to indicate if the recipient has read the message)
So far, this query pulls the list of friends just the way I want, what is left is to combine the messages table and sort it using the date column
FROM users
WHERE matricno IN (SELECT user2
FROM friends
WHERE user1 = 'NOU1213131415'
SELECT user1
FROM friends
WHERE user2 = 'NOU1213131415'
The picture below is an example of the chat list it pulls out
I don't know the SQL dialect you use and didn't tested it, but maybe you can do something like this:
(SELECT MAX(date) FROM messages m WHERE m.sender = u.matricno OR m.recipient = u.matricno) AS max_date
FROM users u
JOIN friends f ON (u.matricno = f.user1 OR u.matricno = f.user2) AND f.status = 2
WHERE u.matricno = 'NOU1213131415'
enter image description here
I have two tables :
and the join table between them called UserSkill as you can see at the
right part of the diagram.
I want to know whoever knows or is skillful in Java, what else he is skillful at. I mean for example I know java, Go, PHP, python and user number 2 knows java and python and CSS. So the answer to the question: whoever knows java what else he knows would be GO, PHP, Python and CSS.
It's like recommendation systems for example whoever but this product what else do they bought? Like what we have in amazon ..
What would be the best query for this ?
Thank you
More information:
U-id U-name
1 A
2 B
3 C
S-id S-Name
1 Java
2 GO
4 Python
U-id S-id
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
2 1
2 4
2 5
In SQL Server 2017 and Azure SQL DB you can use the new graph database capabilities and the new MATCH clause to answer queries like this, eg
SELECT FORMATMESSAGE ( 'User %s has skill %s and other skill %s.', [user1].[U-name], mainSkill.[S-name], otherSkill.[S-name] ) result
dbo.users user1,
dbo.hasSkill hasSkill1, dbo.skills mainSkill, dbo.hasSkill hasSkill2, dbo.skills otherSkill
WHERE mainSkill.[S-name] = 'CSS'
AND otherSkill.[S-name] != mainSkill.[S-name]
AND MATCH ( mainSkill<-(hasSkill1)-user1-(hasSkill2)->otherSkill);
My results:
Obviously you can answer the same queries with a relational approach, it's just a different way of doing things. Full script available here.
To make this more dynamic, replace the hard coded 'java' with a variable that you can pass to filter by any skill type, possibly make a stored procedure so you can pass the variable,
Edited column names as I didn't look at the image you provided:
--Outer query selects all skills of users which are not java and user has skill of java,
--the inner query selects all user ids where the user has a skill of java
SELECT sk.[SkillName], ui.[UserName], ui.[UserId]
FROM [dbo].[Skill] AS sk
INNER JOIN [dbo].[UserSkill] AS us
ON us.[SkillId] = sk.[SkillId]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[UserInfo] AS ui
ON ui.[UserId] = us.[UserId]
WHERE sk.[Skill] <> 'java' AND ui.[UserId] IN (
FROM [dbo].[UserInfo] ui
INNER JOIN [dbo].[UserSkill] us
ON us.[UserId] = ui.[UserId]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Skill] sk
ON sk.[SkillId] = us.[SkillId]
WHERE sk.[SkillName] = 'java')
This is what I have found
--Formatted query
o.UserName, k.SkillName
UserSkill S
inner join
UserSkill SS on s.UserID = ss.UserID
and s.SkillID = 1
and ss.SkillID <> 1
inner join
Skill k on k.SkillID = ss.SkillID
inner join
UsersINFO O on o.UserID = ss.UserID
Admittedly, I'm not great at joins :/
I have 3 tables and I want to connect them like this
Users.UserID -> Gateway.UserID, Gateway.ProgramID -> Programs.ProgramID
Gateway is a list of all programs a user has already subscribed to. When I output a table, programs where the user hasn't subscribed will have a subscribe link, rows where they have subscribed will contain a link to the program.
So the output, which I can handle (because of course that's the easy part) might look like something like:
Alpha [Enter]
Beta [Enter]
Charlie [Subscribe] - This will insert the row into Gateway
Delta [Enter]
Foxtrot [Subscribe]
I appreciate any help that anyone provides.
declare #userId int;
set #userId = <your user ID>;
(CASE WHEN g.ProgramID IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS IsSubscribed
FROM Programs p
LEFT OUTER JOIN Gateway g ON (g.ProgramID = p.ProgramID AND g.UserID = #userId)
I am having difficulty with writing an SQL query for my application. Below shows a screenshot of some of the tables in my database.
Please let me explain how a section of my application works, and then I can show you the problem I am having with my SQL query.
A User can create an application form on my system (dbo.Form). An application form consists of several sections, one of those sections is Employment History (dbo.FormEmployment). An employment record includes details like employer name, start date etc, but also a gradeID. A User can add one or more employment records to the table dbo.FormEmployment.
A system administrator can add a Shift (dbo.Shift) to the system, and also then assign Grades to a Shift. These Grades are recorded in the dbo.ShiftGrade table. A Shift can be assigned 1 or more Grades, i.e. it could be assigned 1,2,3,4 or 5 Grades.
When the system administrator has added the Shift and Shift Grades, I then want to perform an SQL query to return a list of Users whose Grades match that of the Grades assigned to a Shift (remember the User adds their Grade when they add an employment record).
I have written the following SQL query which works, however, the issue with this query is that it returns a list of Users, that have any Grade that matches that of the Grades assigned to a Shift.
SELECT u.userID, u.userTypeID, u.firstName, u.lastName, u.email, u.password,
u.contactNumber, u.organisationID, u.emailVerificationCode, u.mobileVerificationCode,
u.userStatusID, u.AddedBy, u.AddedDate, u.ModifiedBy, u.ModifiedDate
FROM [User] u
--Check Grades Match
SELECT f.locumID
FROM dbo.Form f, dbo.FormEmployment emp
WHERE f.formID = emp.formID
AND emp.statusID = 101
AND emp.workYN = 1
AND emp.gradeID IN (
select gradeID from dbo.ShiftGrade where shiftID = #p0
You can see I am using the IN statement to do this. However, I only want to return a list of Users who can match exactly the same Grades that have been assigned to a Shift. Therefore, if a Shift has been assigned 3 Grades, then I want a List of Users who also have the exact same three Grades to be returned.
I apologise for the lengthy post, I just thought it would be better explained this way.
Any feedback or help with this would be greatly appreciated.
select u.*
from dbo.Users u
join dbo.Form f on u.? = f.formId
join dbo.FormEmployment fe on fe.formId = f.formId
join dbo.Grade g on g.gradeId = fe.gradeId
join dbo.ShiftGrade shg on shg.gradeId =g.gradeId
join dbo.Shift sh on sh.shiftId = shg.shiftId
sh.shiftId = -- recently added shift id
and g.gradeId == -- recently added grade id
I have two tables.
USER user_id password
FRIEND_LIST user_id friend_id
If user 1 is friend of user 2 then in friend_list there will be 2 records:
1 2
2 1
Thats how I'm controlling friend list.
My question is how can I create an efficient query that validates if a user is a friend of a friend.
For example user 1 has in his friend list user 2. and user 3 has in his friend list user 2. So user 2 is a common friend of both 1 and 3.
Here is how friend_list table looks like:
1 2
2 1
3 2
2 3
No I want to know if user 1 has a friend that has as friend user 3.
The pseudocode is as follows:
valid = false
list = get all friends from user 1 and store them in 'list'.
for each friend in list {
list2 = get all friends from friend
for each friend2 in list2 {
if friend2.user_id = 3 }
valid = true
break; //stop here because we have found that 3 is a friend of a friend of 1
return valid
This is how it would look like in a programming language. Now I want to validate the same but just with an SQL query.
I tried this but I dont know if this is a good way to validate that.
select *
from friend_list fl1
inner join friend_list fl2 on fl1.user_id = fl2.user_id
inner join friend_list fl3 on fl2.friend_id = fl3.user_id
where fl1.user_id = 1 and fl3.friend_id = 3
Thanks in advance.
Thank you very much for your support. This is the first time I use this forum
and helped me a lot.
I used the EXISTS code you posted like this.
friend_list AS users
friend_list AS friends
ON users.friend_id = friends.user_id
users.user_id = 1
AND friends.friend_id = 3
) AS result
As you're looking to find out if there are Any instances of "a and b have a friend in common" you're better of using the EXISTS keyword.
The benefit of this over using COUNT or DISTINT is that the optimiser knows a couple of things:
1. The actual data doesn't matter
2. It can stop searching after the first hit
For example...
friend_list AS [user]
friend_list AS [friend]
ON [user].friend_id = [friend].user_id
[user].user_id = #user_id
AND [friend].friend_id = #friend_of_friend_id
-- Or whatever code you want to execute
-- Or whatever code you want to execute
Although this doesn't have "TOP 1" and uses "*", it neither actually returns multiple fields or rows. It literally just searches for the existance of a match and stops when it finds one.
The query you already wrote is along the right lines, I think you need one less join to the friend-list table:
select distinct fl1.user_id, fl2.friend_id
from friend_list fl1
inner join friend_list fl2 on fl1.friend_id = fl2.user_id
where fl1.user_id = 1 and fl2.friend_id = 3
So '1' (fl1.user_id) is friends with 'x' (fl1.friend_id and fl2.user_id) who is friends with '3' (fl2.friend_id).
Because you have two complementary entries in friend-list for each pair of friends, the query is nice and simple. It would be a bit tougher if each pair of friends only got one row in friend-list ....
(edit: realised too many joins were happening...)
(edit: added a distinct into the select after comment conversation)