Verical centering of the content with Mudblazor - blazor-server-side

I am using Mudblazor 6.1.7 and .NET 7.
I would like to display my login form in the middle of the window. with this code the content will be centered horizontally:
<MudThemeProvider />
<MudContainer MaxWidth="MaxWidth.Small">
<MudGrid Justify="Justify.Center">
Are there any components or CSS classes from Mudblazor to make the content also centered vertically, or do I have to create a custom CSS class for this?

You need to set align-items: center; to the MudGrid component. To do that you can use the Style or Class parameters:
<MudGrid Justify="Justify.Center" Style="align-items: center;">
<MudGrid Justify="Justify.Center" Class="align-items-center">
and define the css class:
.align-items-center {
align-items: center;
align-items CSS property

You can also use this
<MudGrid Class="d-flex justify-center">


Is there a property that styles margins and positions on the background (vm--overlay) of vue-js-modal?

When vue-js-modal is set to modal Open, the DOM shown below is inserted.
<div class='modal'>
<div class='vm--overlay'></div>
<div class='modal-content'></div>
Since the header exists on the screen where the modal is inserted,
I want to implement it so that it does not cover the header.
Or No need for it(vm--overlay).
The structure of the DOM is as follows.
<div class='modal'>
<div class='vm--overlay'></div>
<div class='modal-content'></div>
I was able to apply styles to modal-content,
just like that below
.modal-content {
// same value as header height
margin-top: 50px;
But I couldn't apply the style against vm--overlay.
The following didn't work.
.vm--overlay {
// same value as header height
margin-top: 50px;
Is there way to remove the vm--overlay or apply the style?
it is a link of properties of vue-js-modal.

Play PWA with max width

My PWA in a desktop browser is not really cool (because i don't have a lot of information to show).
And I would like to limit the width to 768px.
I tried many solutions, but i can't to change elements in position "fixed" like v-navigation, v-footer, v-dialog, ...
they are always 100% of the width of the browser.
I tried this in app.vue or in index.html:
html,body,#app {
max-width:768px !important;
overflow: hidden;
and last time I tried this in index.html:
#mytable {
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
#mytable td{
<table id="mytable">
<div id="app"></div>
<td>other half</td>
But no solutions works.
Thanks for your help
Your problem seems you need different layout in function of screen size. You have several solutions from media queries to simple margin. Here I will explain how to do what you want with just margin.
I advise you to use a div to wrap your content and do not apply all your style in your #app container. Why ? Because you can imagine for instance that you want a top bar that take all the width and a content that take only 768px. If you make your layout in only one block this will be very complex. Separation in several block is a good strategy to have a modulabe UI. So we will use this template. You can make whatever you want in the .content div.
<div id="app">
<!-- Here we can imagine a top bar -->
<div class="content">
<!-- Display whatever you want -->
First you need to prepare your app container to display your application in all screen. I suggest this css :
html,body,#app {
overflow: hidden; // If content is large it will display scroll bar
height: 100vh; // Tell to your browser to take 100% of the available viewport height
Then you can define the css of the .content block :
.content {
max-width: 768px; // Max-width you want
height: 100%; // Take all the height available
margin: 0 auto; // Display div at the center
Here is an example: jsFiddle
If you are very interested in layout design, I strongly advise you to look into flex box and css grid.

Unable to align (vertical-middle) button in UI Bootstrap Accordion header

I need a button in the header section of a UI Boostrap Accordion group item. I was able to added the markup and it works, but the button is not in the middle (vertical) as soon as I add the class pull-right. Click here to view the Plunker. Without the class, the button is correctly positioned and aligned.
Wrap a span around the text and button inside the uib-accordion-heading. Style the span with display:inline-flex; width: 100%; justify-content: space-between; align-items: baseline;.
<span style="display:inline-flex; width: 100%; justify-content: space-between; align-items: baseline;">
I can have markup, too! <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm">OPEN</button>
Updated plunker

Invoking the app bar in Windows 8 app causes scrolled child divs to jump to top

I've encountered an odd behavior in a Windows8 app that I'm building with WinJS, javascript, and HTML. In a particular Page that I'm implementing, there are several divs that have CSS rules like this:
.col {
border: 1px solid none;
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: auto;
height: 100%;
margin: 0px;
width: 100%;
The problem is when I invoke the main app bar by right clicking, the scrolled content in the div snaps to the top of the div. In other words, the scroll position of the div is lost. I've tried a host of ways to fix, but nothing has come up. How can I prevent the scrolled content from jumping around upon invoking the App Bar.
suggest to use -ms-grid for the page. The app bar will overlap the div in that case, which is ok and likely right behavior that you can see in other apps also.
<div class="test5 fragment">
<header aria-label="Header content" role="banner">
<button class="win-backbutton" aria-label="Back" disabled type="button"></button>
<h1 class="titlearea win-type-ellipsis">
<span class="pagetitle">test page</span>
<section class="content" aria-label="Main content" role="main">
<div class="test-content">
Text here.
<div id="appbar" data-win-control="WinJS.UI.AppBar">
<button data-win-control="WinJS.UI.AppBarCommand" data-win-options="{id:'cmd', label:'Command', icon:'placeholder'}" type="button"></button>
.test5.fragment section[role=main] {
display: -ms-grid;
-ms-grid-rows: 1fr;
-ms-grid-columns: 1fr;
#Sushil is correct. AppBar is an overlay control, so you should place it next to the fragment div, not inside it. #Sushil's code shows how to do it.
Placing an appbar inside the fragment has performance penalties as it will need to be rendered every time a user navigates to that page. Another undesirable side effect is that all input to the appbar will propagate to the fragment. This is the problem you are facing.
In theory, you can listen to the various input events for mouse, keyboard, touch and call preventDefault on them. But it is not recommended.

CSS full page width header

Hey I have a little problem I have a full page header but when I zoom in or reduce the screen size and slide along. It is not full page width it just leaves white space. May css code goes a follow.
.header {
background:#242424 repeat-x;
font-family: 'Karla', cursive;
The problem is caused by your <div class="medium-cont"></div> tag.
You are setting its width to 1400px in CSS which is causing the problem.
You don't need to use this element, instead set the background image of .medium-back.
<div class="medium-back">
<div class="register"></div>
<div class="medium-cont"></div> <!-- Remove this line -->
Change your .medium-back style to this:
.medium-back {
background: #19D89B url(images/medium-content.png) no-repeat;
height: 475px;
margin: 0 auto;
Then remove any other width:100%; styles you have on the outermost elements.