Reading output produced by Pig in Hive properly - hive

I have a pig script outputting a map[float] using PigStorage. When I try to read this output in hive, the square brackets surrounding the map are not read properly (or maybe an extra pair of brackets is added when reading it as a map in hive).
The opening bracket is read as part of the first string, i.e., "[string1" instead of "string1," and the closing bracket is read as part of the final float value (making the float invalid or null in hive). Are there any proper solutions for this? Thank you.
I tried 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.RegexSerDe' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES with various parameters but couldn't resolve the issue.


How to resolve the invalid number in orcale

I am facing an issue with some data that start with a strange character before the number 5
how can I discover all of these characters and remove it
what do you recommend to resolve this issue knowing that I get the data from a specific source so I can not change anything but I am trying to mask it in the view?
regexp_replace can always help to find or replace/remove any characters you want.
For example, if you want to delete all characters escept alphanumeric, space, comma and dot:
regexp_replace(t.str,'[^ ,.[:alnum:]]')

Multi-line text in a .env file

In vue, is there a way to have a value span multiple lines in an .env file. Ex:
Instead of:
someValue=[{"someValue":"Here is a really really long piece which should be split into multiple lines"}]
I want to do something like:
someValue=`[{"someValue":"Here is a really
really long piece which
should be split into multiple lines"}]`
Doing the latter gives me a JSON parsing error if I try to do JSON.parse(someValue) in my code
I don't know if this will work, but I can't format a comment appropriately enough to get the point across so see if this will work:
someValue=[{"someValue":"Here is a really\
really long piece which\
should be split into multiple lines"}]
Where "\" should escape the newline similar to how you can write long bash commands while escaping the newline. I'm not certain the .env interpreter will support it though.
Looks like this won't work. This syntax was actually proposed, but I don't think it was incorporated. See motdotla/dotenv#333 (which is what Vue uses to parse .env).
Like #zero298 said, this isn't possible. Likely you could delimit the entry with a character that wouldn't show up normally in the text (^ is a good candidate), then parse it within the application using string.replace('^', '\n');

How to escape delimiter found in value - pig script?

In pig script, I would like to find a way to escape the delimiter character in my data so that it doesn't get interpreted as extra columns. For example, if I'm using colon as a delimiter, and I have a column with value "foo:bar" I want that string interpreted as a single column without having the loader pick up the comma in the middle.
You can try
A = LOAD 'somefile' AS (s:chararray);
The regex might have to be adapted.
It seems Pig takes the Input as the string its not so intelligent to identify how what is data or what is not.
The pig Storage works on the Strong Tokenizer. So if u want to do something like
a = LOAD '/abc/def/file.txt' USING PigStorage(':');
It doesn't seems to be solving your problem. But if we can write our own PigStorage() Method possibly we could come across some solution.
I will try posting the Code to resolve this.
you can use STRSPLIT(string, regex, limit); for the column split based on the delimiter.

Postgres 9.3 end-of-copy marker corrupt - Any way to change this setting?

I am trying to stream data through an AWK program to a Postgres COPY command. This works great usually. However, in my data recently I have been getting long text stings containing '\.' values.
Postgres Documentation mentions this combination of characters represents the end-of-data marker,, and I am getting the associated errors when trying to insert with COPY.
My question is, is there a way to turn this off? Perhaps change the end-of-data marker to a different combination of characters? Or do I have to alter/remove these strings before trying to insert using the COPY command?
You can try to filter your data through sed 's:\\:\\\\:g' - this would change every \ in your data to \\, which is a correct escape sequence for single backslash in copy data.
But I think not only backslash would be problematic. Also newlines should be encoded by \n, carriage returns as \r and tabs as \t (tab is a default field delimiter in copy).

Pentaho Spoon - Validate Fixed Width Input File Format

I'm trying to process a fixed width input file in pentaho and validate the format. The file will be a mixture of strings, numbers and dates. However when attempting to process a number field that has an incorrect character present (which i had expected would throw an error) it just reads the first part of the number and ignores the bad char.
I can recreate this issue with a very simple input file containing a single field:
I specify the expected number format, along with start position and length:
On running the transformation i would have expected the 'Q' to cause an error instead the following result is displayed, just reading the first two digits "67" and padding the rest to match the specified format:
If the input file is formatted correctly it runs perfectly well, but need it to throw an error otherwise. Any suggestions would be awesome. Thanks!
Just an FYI in case someone stumbles accross this question after hitting the same issues as myself.
I was able to construct a workaround by reading all values in the "Text File Input" step as strings, and then using a "Data Validator" step equipped with regex evaluation to ensure numbers were correctly formatted before parsing to number type with a following "Select Values" step.
Takes a bit longer to do this for every field, but was the most robust solution i could come up with.