Rest API: Get Calls: Should return 404 or something else when request have query parameters which are not present in DB - api

Example: GET: {{url}}/path?query1=val1&query2=val2
Now, val1 & val2 are query parameters and there is no combination available in Database with these 2 parameters. So in that case what should API returns?
My Opinion:
If values passed in Query parameters don't find any matching record in DB it should return "204 - No Content" or "404 - Not Found".
If API is expected to always return data, then it should return 404 when no data matches the query parameters value.
If API is expected to return either Null/Data then it should return 204 (Typical Search Case).
Dev Opinion:
If the path parameters are not matching then only return 404 else if the Query parameters are not matching then it should return 204
Need your thoughts, please suggest....
Frist Name
Last Name
Business User
Franchise User
API: {{url}}/find?FirstName=Mukesh&LastName=Kumar
Response: Returning 204 - No Content (Which is okay for a simple search when a record can be present or not)
Expected: Should Return "404 - Not Found" as the requested user is not found (Which is required to throw an error as on the basis of the query parameters it returns a specific value which is required for further processing.)


Karate match two json files(expected json and API response) irrespective of the order of array elements

Expected Response:
I saw a SO post stating to use karate.sort(response, x=>x.locationId), when i tried it's giving me empty response. Is there any simple way i can achieve do the comparison of whole response file irrespective of order?
Note: I even tried contains only, but it's failing the assertion.
Just use contains deep:
* def response = {"assignments":[{"locationId":"1186755","locationName":"X.11.11"},{"locationId":"1186756","locationName":"X.11.12"}]}}}
* match response contains deep {"assignments":[{"locationId":"1186756","locationName":"X.11.12"},{"locationId":"1186755","locationName":"X.11.11"}]}}}

Does gorm interpret the content of a struct with a logical OR?

New to SQL, I am writing as an exercise an API middleware that checks if the information contained in some headers match a database entry ("token-based authentication"). Database access is based on GORM.
To this, I have defined my ORM as follows:
type User struct {
ID uint
UserName string
Token string
In my middleware I retrieve the content of relevant headers and end up with the variables userHeader and tokenHeader. They are supposed to be matched to the database in order to do the authentication.
The user table has one single entry:
select * from users
// 1,admin,admintoken
The authentication code is
var auth User
res := db.Where(&User{UserName: userHeader, Token: tokenHeader}).Find(&auth)
if res.RowsAffected == 1 {
// authentication succeeded
When testing this, I end up with the following two incorrect results (other combinations are correct):
with only one header set to a correct value (and the other one not present) the authentication is successful (adding the other header with an incorrect value is OK (=auth fails))
no headers set → authentication goes though
I expected my query to mean (in the context of the incorrect results above)
select * from users where users.user_name = 'admin' and users.token = ''
select * from users where users.user_name = '' and users.token = ''
and this query is correct on the console, i.e. produces zero results (ran against the database).
The ORM one, however, seems to discard non-existing headers and assume they are fine (this is at least my understanding)
I also tried to chain the Where clauses via
db.Where(&User{UserName: userHeader}).Where(&User{Token: tokenHeader}).Find(&auth)
but the result is the same.
What should be the correct query?
The documentation says the following on the use of structs in Where conditionals:
When querying with struct, GORM will only query with non-zero fields,
that means if your field’s value is 0, '', false or other zero
values, it won’t be used to build query conditions ...
The suggested solution to this is:
To include zero values in the query conditions, you can use a map,
which will include all key-values as query conditions ...
So, when the token header or both headers are empty, but you still want to include them in the WHERE clause of the generated query, you need to use a map instead of the struct as the argument to the Where method.
db.Where(map[string]interface{}{"user_name": userHeader, "token": tokenHeader}).Find(&auth)
You can use Debug() to check for the generated SQL (it gets printed into stderr); use it if you are unsure what SQL your code generates

Asserting Against Large Dynamic Response

I have a very large response array I want to assert against, but without knowing the order. I have a variable with the expected response values so I can do a single giant comparison, but I'm unable to load the entire response and compare it with the entire expected response variable at the same time.
* def obligationsQuery = Java.type("tests.account.sql.Obligations").getObligations(division, account)
* def getObligations = db.readRows(obligationsQuery)
Given path "account", "v1", "accounts", systemId, "obligations"
And header api-key = gatewayKey
When method GET
Then status 200
And match $.data != null
And match $.data[*].transactionType contains any "<transactionTypeResponse>"
And match $.data[*] contains only getObligations
| description | transactionType | transactionTypeResponse |
| Invoice | 001 | invoice
The error I get is:
get_obligations_collection.feature:49 - path: $.data[*][*], actual: [{"object1"}, {"object2"}, {"etc"}], expected: {"object1"}, reason: actual value does not contain expected
I've also tried:
And match each $.data[*] contains only getObligations
But then I get:
get_obligations_collection.feature:49 - path: $[0], actual: [{"object1"}, expected: [{"object1"}, {"object2"}, {"etc"}, reason: actual value is not list-like
I assume $.data is a JSON array so no need to use json-path to again get the data into another array by calling as $.data[*].
And match $.data contains only getObligations
should work.
If this still not working, please provide some proper response and getObligations values to investigate further.
I assumed that contains only would show the complete value of my variable, but smartly, it only shows the object that fails to match the api response object. Was able to verify that through a simpler assert, and then checking the error message saw that an ID was missing padding that the API adds, but the DB does not.
As usual, just looking more closely at the data returned provides a simple explanation.

Can Karate generate multiple query parameters with the same name?

I need to pass multiple query parameters with the same name in a URL, but I am having problems getting it to work with Karate. In my case, the URL should look like this:,DESC
Notice 2 query parameters named "sort". I attempted to create these query string parameters with Karate, but only the last "sort" parameter gets created in the query string. Here are the ways I tried to do this:
Given path 'v1/orders'
And param sort = 'order.orderNumber'
And param sort = ',DESC'
And header Authorization = authInfo.token
And method get
Then status 200
Given path 'v1/orders'
And params sort = { sort: 'order.orderNumber', sort: ',DESC' }
And header Authorization = authInfo.token
And method get
Then status 200
Given path 'v1/order?sort=order.orderNumber&,DESC'
And header Authorization = authInfo.token
And method get
Then status 200
The first two ways provide the same query string result: ?
The last example does not work because the ? get encoded, which was expected and explained in this post - Karate API Tests - Escaping '?' in the url in a feature file
It's clear that the second "sort" param is overriding the first and only one parameter is being added to the URL. I have gone through the Karate documentation, which is very good, but I have not found a way to add multiple parameters with the same name.
So, is there a way in Karate to set multiple URL query parameters with the same name?
Yes you can generate multiple query parameters with the same name in karate
All values of similar key should be provided in an array.
Given path 'v1/orders'
And params {"sort":["order.orderNumber",",DESC"]}
And header Authorization = authInfo.token
And method get
Then status 200
And for setting single parameter using param it will be like
And param sort = ["order.orderNumber",",DESC"]

Same asserts for every scenario can be put in a separate file to avoid duplication in karate?

Here are two scenarios , One after the other
Scenario: Positive - Create a discount with ABSOLUTE discount and ROOM_NIGHT_PRICE and search
Given url baseUrl + SEARCH
And request changes
When method post
Then status 200
And match $[0].transaction_discount.discounts[0].discount_id == discountId
And match $[0].transaction_discount.discounts[0].code == couponCode
And match $[0].transaction_discount.discounts[0].discount_value == incentive_value
And match $[0].transaction_discount.discounted_sell_price == (sellPrice-incentive_value)
Scenario: Positive - Create a discount with ABSOLUTE discount and TRANSACTION_PRICE and search
Given url baseUrl + SEARCH
And request changes
When method post
Then status 200
And match $[0].transaction_discount.discounts[0].discount_id == discountId
And match $[0].transaction_discount.discounts[0].code == couponCode
And match $[0].transaction_discount.discounts[0].discount_value == incentive_value
And match $[0].transaction_discount.discounted_sell_price == (sellPrice-incentive_value)
If you notice that assertions are same for these scenarios , I have similar 20 scenarios with exactly same assertions , Can I put it in a separate file to avoid duplication and easy to maintain ?
If Yes then how ?
If No then is there any other way to avoid duplication in karate
I don't see any change on your request either.
If only change in your scenarios are payload
You can try using Scenario Outline:
and pass different payloads from Examples: table
Scenario Outline: Positive - Create a discount and search
Given url baseUrl + SEARCH
And request <changes>
When method post
Then status 200
And match $[0].transaction_discount.discounts[0].discount_id == discountId
And match $[0].transaction_discount.discounts[0].code == couponCode
And match $[0].transaction_discount.discounts[0].discount_value == incentive_value
And match $[0].transaction_discount.discounted_sell_price == (sellPrice-incentive_value)
| changes |
you can create these payloads instances in Background:, this could help you avoid scenario duplication.
If your intention is still to have this on a separate file
You can create a feature file which takes both expected and actual JSON as an input and perform match operation in it.
Then you can call that feature file in all of your scenarios passing the values to the calling feature.