Clojure IntelliJ Repl can't reload files properly - intellij-idea

First, thank you for take your time reading my question!
The problem is that when I try to start my system, the repl can't find some files, but if I go and load manually, each of this file's dependencies one by one before it, the file loads perfectly.
Example of manual loading:
The commands I'm trying to execute:
Getting this error:
:via [{:type clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException,
:message "Syntax error compiling at (purchase_listinator/adapters/db/purchase_category.clj:1:1).",
:data #:clojure.error{:phase :compile-syntax-check,
:line 1,
:column 1,
:source "purchase_listinator/adapters/db/purchase_category.clj"}
I also tried this one:
(do (require '[com.stuartsierra.component.repl :as crepl])
(require 'purchase-listinator.core)
Getting this error:
Syntax error compiling at (purchase_listinator\core.clj:1:1).
namespace 'purchase-listinator.components.pedestal' not found after loading '/purchase_listinator/components/pedestal'
Repository at the moment of this error for future reference
I have no idea what is happening, actually, I've been working on this project for many time and it was working well until this week.
I tried to research, but I had no success, it should be a simple thing that I'm missing, but I can't see it. I would be glad if you help me with this. Thank you so much in advance :)

(Maybe)Removing the .idea folder and reopen the project helps.

First, the problem is not related to the repository itself.
I have no idea what is happening, but I just clone the repository in another folder and I tried to start the system again, and guess what? It worked...
Probably there is a strange thing happening in my local folder, but I don't know what :/
Thank you so much!


MySql.Data.MySqlClient shows confusing error

I'm using VS2019 and today I opened my project to continue working but a strange error occured that I really don't understand. The MySql.Data.MySqlClient namespace shows this:
and every mysql commands shows this error:
but when I start the debugging it's working fine i don't know whats causing this since I'm not very knowledgeable with programming. How do I get rid of this?
From your scenario it's bit unclear what exactly problem at your end. You could try couple of hacks though
Clean solution and rebuild your project
If that does not resolve your issue, try to remove dll reference "MySql.Data.MySqlClient" from reference and referring to latest documentation from Microsoft, import correct namespace again. Hope this helps you.

Intellij IDEA syntax warnings, cannot resolve symbols

I've one problem on Intellij IDEA.. There are everything working but, IDEA shows warnings like this.
Here are some screenshots:
And when I compile it, it's working:
Please, who can tell me, where is a problem?
I watched Duplicates questions and can't find answer for it!
I Fix this problem: just two steps
File --> Invalidate Chaches / restart
There is one warning: you clear your local history..
Idea say you:
The caches will be invalidated and rebuilt on the next startup.
WARNING: Local History will be also cleared.
Would you like to continue?
Accept it and wait, after restarting, problem has been fixed.


I'm using the gem rack-google-analytics in my rails project but when I run it in production mode I get an error.
rack-google-analytics-0.11.0/lib/rack/google-analytics.rb:11:in `initialize': Tracker must be set! (ArgumentError)
I'm trying to find out what this means. initialize': Tracker must be set!
in my application.rb file I have this at the bottom of it.
if Rails.env == "production"
config.middleware.use("Rack::GoogleAnalytics", :web_property_id => "UA-18760745-1")
If O take that out the error goes away so it has something to do with initializing this behavior, but just not quite sure why.
Anyone ran into this issue and have a solution to it, that they could share.
The only answer I could find was to not use that Gem and use this one instead as it works right out of the box. Maybe someone else can prove me wrong, which I hope.
Hope this other link helps someone else.
Don't know if it helps, but here is my code:
config.middleware.use Rack::GoogleAnalytics, :tracker => 'UA-XXXXXXXX-1'
in application.rb
I'm assuming it requires a value for the :tracker symbol upon initialization (I'm following this readme on the gem's GitHub:
Obviously, replace XXXXXXXXX with your organization's tracker code.
And it seems like setting the :web_property_id symbol is a feature of a different (but similarly named) gem, rack-google_analytics:

Redefinition of enumerator / Semantic issue

I've got serious issues with XCode right now and i cant really figure out what to do, or even whats wrong.
The project i'm working on was working perfectly yesterday, but today when i started it i got like 20 "Redefinition of enumerator" errors, and to the point where "Too many errors emitted. Stopping now".
The wierd part is that ALL my backups of the project does this aswell. Even the ones from 2,3 or 4 days ago which hasnt been altered.
No other project seems to be affected by this.
I've tried Cleaning the build, removing Derived data, checking for duplicate files somehow (even though that shouldnt be possible), all linker seems to be in order. Anyone got any tips for me?
Thank you!
you should import
#import "Facebook.h"
#import <FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h>
I just had this exact problem about "Redefinition of enumerator" errors coming out of nowhere.
The problem was that accidentally (maybe some unintended drag with the mouse) I had copied one of the project directories into some other, thus duplicating it.
On the other hand I use git and generally was using 'git status -uno' which hides untracked files.
So I was not seeing the untracked duplicated directory that was duplicating enums in the project, from my perspective I had a clean HEAD with weird errors :S
Lesson learned: use .gitignore rather than '-uno' option
This issue still happens in 2019 smh.
If you get this go check File->Workspace Settings and set build system to Legacy Build System. This should fix the issue.
I had the same error and was really stuck. But found that the project folder nam had white spaces. I changed that and the error went off!
Eg: Changed folder name My Project to MyProject
For anyone has the same problem, who pulled out hair for hours/days.
Let's double check and remove redundant Header Search Paths, delete Derived Data if needed.
After that, the issue will be resolved.

Bulkloader syntax Error

Having been struggling trying to bulkload data to the datastore, I have reached the point where expert help is needed.
I don't think what is am doing is tricky, I have the following configuration file:
and when I use the command, the error messages end with:
File "config.txt", line 1
Syntax error: invalid syntax.
I have used a .txt file as it is faster to edit in notepad initially - I don't know if that is a problem and the remote_api for the appspot all seems to be okay.
I am thinking it is a fairly fundemental problem as it has stopped working at the top line. I removed the comment lines at the top of the original file - maybe that caused it.
I have tried to find working examples to set me right but they all seem to follow the syntax above, or where they are slightly different, I have tried both variants.
Help on bulkloading for my first cloud app would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance for anyone taking time to read my post whether they solve it or not.
Be sure the configuration file extension is .yaml