How can the circle be removed from the date in v-date-checker? - vue.js

I have a v-date-checker set to disable current and future dates. So, the current date is one day behind and that's fine, but the current date circle is still showing up. I'd like to remove that.
I've tried styling the individual date color and border using scss and /deep/ but nothing seems to target that circle border.

Related winforms datetimepicker - change font colors of disabled dates

On my datetimepicker I set the maxdate to today's dates. The font color of the days in the next month is gray but the days in the current month that is disabled still shows as black.
Is there a way to change change the font color of all disabled days to gray.
Thank you
Use DateTimePicker.MaxDate property to sets the maximum date and time that can be selected in the control.
Using DateTimePicker1.MaxDate = Date.Today automatically hide future dates without the necessity to disable them.
For example, with Date.Today = 2019/02/26:

Create calendar for event using FSCalendar library

I am using FSCalendar third party library.FSCalendar
Please check linked library. I have attached reference of calendar in image.
Create Screen in which past 5 months dates are displayed with maximum day as today and make every Wednesday as preselected.
Preselected date background colour : Green Colour,
Current Selected date background colour : Purple Colour,
Rest date background colour : grey colour.
Thanks in advance.

Movable/Draggable RectangleAnnotation to Select a Range

I'm using OxyPlot to show a rectangle annotation to the user, so it can select a range. However , I want to make this RectangleAnnotation Movable across the X-axis. Besides that, the user should be able to change the range by dragging the two sides of the rectangle (MinimumX and MaximumX).
Is this even possible? Any ideas or starter points for me to do this?

Why can't I set DataLabel.Position to xlLabelPositionCustom?

I am working with and excel 2007 to create some graphs for myself. I wanted to set the datalabel positions to a custom value since the default above position (xlLabelPositionAbove) causes the labels to clash with error bars and the default option for a side (such as xlLabelPositionRight) may leave the label over another point or other errorbar. Due to this, I wanted to set the label to a custom position where it is off to about a 45 degree angle to the top right (like right in the middle of where the default above and right positions would place it).
I tried doing this by adjusting xlMySeries.Points(index).DataLabel.Top and xlMySeries.Points(index).DataLabel.Left at first, however I ran into an undescriptive error leading me to believe I was not doing things correctly. I then thought to try setting xlMySeries.DataLabels.Position = xlLabelPositionCustom and then adjusting top and left. However, to my surprise, I could not even change xlMySeries.DataLabels.Position to xlLabelPositionCustom!
Whenever I try to adjust top, left, or the position to certain datalabel positions, I get HRESULT: 0x80004005 (E_FAIL), which I have generally found to mean "You are doing it wrong" in my experience so far with excel. I cannot set the position member to custom, or anything other than just above, left, right, center (so not bestfit, custom, or any inside___ one)
Any idea why I cannot set the position property to what I need it or otherwise change the position of my datalabels? I just need SOME way to adjust the positioning of my datalabels to a custom psoition (or position other than above, left, right, center, bottum). Thanks in advance!
You can set positions only to whose which you can see on the Data Label properties window.

Custom coloring a gridcell in dijit.calendar and keeping it persistent

I am using dojo 1.6 and using dijit.calendar in a project and it's working great except for the goal of colorizing a selected grid cell. I have three innerHTMLs that are being manipulated by the calendar clicks. No problem there.
dijit.calendar's behavior is to highlight a gridcell (calendar day) as blue when clicked and when another gridcell is clicked, it then turns that blue.
What I'd like to do is colorize the cell a custom color when it's clicked and have it persistent.
Specifically the calendar is for a project that has an official date (blue), start date (green) and an end date (red).
I'm not even aware that there is a way to colorize a specific gridcell in dijit.calendar. Has anyone successfully done this or have a pointer to send me in the right direction?
Edit below:..
OK folks, I have a pretty good lead on where to go with this thanks to Philippe below. Philippe's solution will color the cell EXACTLY as intended (so he's got the answer karma). Turns out that if a selected grid cell is red and I switch to the month to pick a subsequent date, the cell stays red.
I have most of it figured out. I can get, say, the first couple of dates successfully colored but if I have to do something like put in a third date in the next month and change the calendar, the cells stay colored. So there's going to have to be a way to change my color change to a distinct value that corresponds with the actual date.
I know that onChange that the only argument returned is the Date itself like this (using debug.console in Firebug).....
[Date {Wed Jan 18 2012 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (EST)}]
I inspected the code through Firebug and noticed in that same cell that the code looks like this....
<td role="gridcell" class="dijitCalendarSelectedDate dijitCalendarCurrentMonth dijitCalendarDateTemplate" dijitdatevalue="1326866400000" style="background-color: green;" tabindex="0"><span class="dijitCalendarDateLabel">18</span></td>
That distinct value seems to be "dijitdatevalue".
I suppose I could follow a chain of ......
on click, store the "dijitdatevalue" of the first date in a hidden field (as well as the second and third dates)
Then go back and set the background-color of the corresponding dijitdatevalue to blue, green or red.
Question now is how to return the dijitdatevalue string to a hidden field. I'll update this post again as I figure out the answer.
If you look at the widget code you'll see a private method called _onDayMouseDown which is responsible for turning the cell blue...
You can add your custom code to that function through dojo.connect, like this :
dojo.connect(dijit.byId('calendar1'), "_onDayMouseDown", function(/*Event*/ evt){
var node =;, "backgroundColor", "green");
Otherwise, if you use dojo 1.7, you may give a try to the MultiSelectCalendar