How does the camera updates a 2d tile game? - camera

There is this game at the url
My question is about the camera movement, how does it work?
So from my understanding the character is stuck to the middle of the map, the characters coordinates are passed to the camera function that sends them further to the map rendering function that will update what is being drawn to the canvas. So in a way the map is being drawn towards the player.
So my question is, did I understood the right way the structure of a tile game?


How to make 3d text to appear on camera view in blender

I am creating a 3d text on blender2.8 but I am having a hard time trying to make it appear on the camera view.
I have tried rotating and scaling the camera but it doesn't help.
The camera object is the focal point for the final image, like in real life, if you want to get more in the picture you need to move the camera back or zoom out.
With the camera close -
With the camera far away -
To zoom out, you reduce the camera's focal length.

How to get position of finger with leap motion. More specifically, how to detect when finger touches edge of HTML5 canvas

I am trying to do some web work and am utilizing leap motion. Does anyone know how to detect when you are touching the edge of the HTML5 canvas you are working in? And if so do you also know how to grab and store that data?
You have to create a mapping between the 3D, real-world coordinate system of the Leap and the 2D, pixel coordinate system of the web page or canvas object. You could, for example, decide that one real-world millimeter equals one pixel and that you are going to ignore the Leap's Z-axis. Then if a finger is 200mm to the right of the origin, then that could mean that the corresponding position on the HTML canvas is 200 pixels to the right of the center of the image.
See for more information on this topic.
As for getting the 3D finger position in the first place:
* Get a Frame object
* Get a Finger object from the Frame
* Get the tipPosition from the Finger
You will also have to decide when a finger qualifies as touching at all.

How to clip part of a sprite based on its position?

I'm designing a game in Cocos2d, and at one point I have coins shooting out on a platform from a zelda-ish perspective. I'd like to display the coin's shadow sprite (a different sprite from the coin) on the platform, but mask or clip the shadow sprite on the edge of the platform. The coin can continue off the edge of the platform, but the shadow should stop at the edge. The platform also moves, so I need the shadow sprite to track with the platform's movement.
I thought it could work to use a CCClippingNode for this, but I can't add it as a child of anything in a spriteBatchNode which is how I'm making my platform. Without having the shadow as a child of the platform, I'll mess up z-order and the shadow movement won't track correctly. I also checked out Ray Wenderlich's tutorial on masking a sprite but I don't think that'll work since it looks like it masks an individual sprite texture and not an area of the view where the sprite shouldn't be displayed. Any ideas on how to solve this?

Three.js: Camera Collision on Terrain

How should I go about adding camera collision to a terrain in three.js.
The terrain is from 'mrdoob's three.js' examples and is randomly generated and I am currently converting it to height map.
I am thinking of implementing the collision as follows:
Create a 'box' object around the camera
If the box object is not touching the terrain, move the camera down.
If the box object IS touching the terrain, keep the Y axis of the camera.
How should I go about doing this?
The theory is that you send a ray from the location you are (camera position) straight down. You find the intersection point and based on the distance you decide what to do. Implementation wise I cannot help you but THREE.Ray should help you.

How to render a 2d side-scroller game

I do not really understand the way I'm suppose to render a side-scroller? How do I know what to render when my character move? What kind of positionning should I use for the characters?
I hope my question is clear
The easiest way i've found to do it is have a characterX and characterY variable [integer or float, whatever you want] Then have a cameraX and cameraY variable. Every object in the scene is drawn at theObjectX-cameraX, theObjectY-cameraY...
CameraX/CameraY are tweened by a similar-to-midpoint formula so eventually they'll reach playerx/playery[Cx = (Cx*99+Px)/100] ... yeah
By doing this, every object moves in the stage's space, and is transformed only on render [saving you from headaches]
Use a matrix to define a camera reference frame.
Use space partitioning to split up your level into screens/windows.
Think of your player sprite as any other entity, like enemies and interactive objects.
Now what you want is the abstraction of a camera. You can define a camera as a 3x3 matrix with this layout:
[rotX_X, rotY_X, 0]
[rotX_Y, rotY_Y, 0]
[transX, transY, 1]
The 2x2 sub-matrix in the top-left corner is a rotation matrix. transX and transY defines the translation part, i.e the origin. You also get scaling for free. Just simply scale the rotation part with a scalar, and you have yourself a zoom.
For this to work properly with rotation, your sprites need to be polygons/primitives, say like triangles or quads; you can't just apply the matrix to the positions of the sprites when drawing. If you don't need rotation, just transforming the center point will work fine.
If you want the camera to follow the player, use the player's position as the camera origin. That is the translation vector [transX, transY]
So how do you apply the matrix to entity positions and model vertices? You do a vector-matrix multiplication.
v' = vM^-1, where v' is the new vector, v is the old vector, and M^-1 is the matrix inverse. A camera needs to be an inverse transform because it defines a local coordinate system. An analogy could be: If you are in front of me and I turn left from my reference frame, I am turning your right. This applies to all affine and linear transformations, like scaling, rotation and translation.
Split up your level into sub-parts so you can cull objects and scenery which does not need to be rendered. Your viewport is of a certain size/resolution. Only render scenery and entities which intersect with your viewport. Instead of checking each and every entity against the viewport bounds, assign each entity to a certain sub-screen and test the bounds of the sub-screen against the viewport and camera bounds. If your divide your levels into parts which are the same size as your viewport, then the maximum number of screens visible
at any particular time is:
2 if your camera only scrolls left and right.
4 if your camera scrolls left, right, up and down.
4 if your camera scrolls in any direction, and additionally can be rotated.
A screen-change is an event you can use to activate entities belonging to that screen. That could be enemies, background animations, doors or whatever you like.
If this is your first foray into writing a side-scroller, I'd suggest considering using an already existing game engine (like Construct or Gamemaker or XNA or whatever fits your experience level) so you don't have to worry about what order to render things and how to make it all work. Mess with that a bit--probably exploring a few of them--to get a feel for how they do things then venture out to your own once you've gotten used to it.
Not that there's anything wrong with baptism by fire but it can get pretty overwhelming in my opinion.