Are there any AWS WorkMail APIs to get the list of inbox messages? - testing

We need to verify a scenario, where we trigger an email from one of our test application, which sends an email to aws workmail which is used..
In order to verify this scenario, we need AWS workmail APIs to login and get the messages list..
I tried looking for API calls through network console when logging into AWS workmail via browser, all the calls that are made are ajax calls, hence wasn't able to find any..
Do we have any APIs as such which can be used to test following scenario
Login to AWS workmail via API by passing username and password
get the Inbox messages list to read the email which we want to verify.


Answering reviews on google play with service account

I wanna answer my application's reviews with service account. But regarding to api documantation of google play console, for answering review's, i need to have my auth'key. :
But in my json file that i got from "create key" on my service account page, i have nothing like: "auth token". What should i do?
Note: I also have 1 more small question: I wanna list all of my applications for google play. I found some non-offical api's that can retrieve all app's for spesific developer. But for that i need to have people's developer name that i cannot retrieve from any api.
But in my json file that i got from "create key" on my service account page, i have nothing like: "auth token". What should i do?
Your auth token is not in the key file you downloaded it contains what you need to request an access token.
Assuming that you have created service account credentials on Google cloud console. What you have in that file is the credentials you need to create an access token.
Your application calls Google APIs on behalf of the service account, so users aren't directly involved. This scenario is sometimes called "two-legged OAuth," or "2LO." (The related term "three-legged OAuth" refers to scenarios in which your application calls Google APIs on behalf of end users, and in which user consent is sometimes required.)
Requesting an access token using a service account requires a number of steps Preparing to make an authorized API call I recommend you look for a client library in your chosen language coding it yourself is not for the feint at heart.
I wanna list all of my applications for google play.
In order to do that you will need to grant the service account access to your accounts data probably by sharing the data with it. Or you will need to use Oauth2 to authorize your application then you will have access to it.

AWS [SES]: the reason(s) behind getting ProductionAccessNotGrantedException

To use the SES within AWS to handle my site's subscriptions, I did the following:
Verified my email and domain that I want to send the email from. Also used IAM and gave the proper access to send a customized email
Using AWS Cli created a CustomVerificationEmailTemplate.
Created a configuration set and linked it to a SNS.
Used Java SDK, created a client of type AmazonSimpleEmailService and a sendCustomVerificationEmailRequest variable and used the sendCustomVerificationEmail method to send the invitation email.
However I do get the following exception:
[ProductionAccessNotGrantedException: null (Service: AmazonSimpleEmailService; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ProductionAccessNotGranted; Request ID: *****
Any idea why I do get this exception? Where should I get the production access?
SES service will be under sandbox status by default in all AWS accounts. In sandbox status, we can not do certain things like using CustomVerificationEmailTemplate.
We need to raise a service request to take it out of sandbox status. more documentation process on how to get it out sandbox status is here.

Using Anypoint Access Management - Mulesoft APIs

Good morning I am using internal mulesoft Access Management APIs API Reference. I have successfully setup my postman to get the security token after login, and even executed successfully the /api/users/me. However, regardless of the access provided to the connection/login user, i can't get the full list of users (/api/users), receiving a Not authorized error. Let me explain the context. We are running on a federated platform, so we can't manage the users registration from the console, but need to wait until they login through SSO the first time to grant access to the correspondent business group and role. There is a complain as the users need to send the admin a note letting know of their successful first login, and afterwards wait to receive the access to the business group. After they login for the first time, their profiles are created in the root org. You can see them only when you are in the master organization. However, you can't get their new user id when you request a list of users of this master organization (/api/organizations/{orgId}/users). We are looking to execute this /api/users in a batch app that runs periodically and do a cross verification to get the users not associated to any orgid or role. This way we can avoid the requirement of the user sending a note to the admin. When I execute the /accounts/api/users, (API Call), we receive a 401 Unauthorized response, despite the token is correct as it is working fine with the others APIs. there is no mention of any other parameter or requirement in the API reference.
Please advise what can be done to solve this authorization error and complete our app. Thank you in advance.
Had the same issue but figured it out.
Instead of calling /api/users, you should be calling{orgId}/members
to get a list of users

Call an external Web Api REST endpoint using AWS Lambda invoked by a WorkMail event

We are using a number of AWS services and would like to implement WorkMail to manage email accounts and invoke various Web Api endpoints. My high-level requirements are below. Is this possible?
Create email addresses (user accounts) * Done
When email is received for an email address (or alias), copy the email, with attachments, to a S3 Bucket folder that is associated with that user account / email address (the S3 folder name will be retrieved via an external rest endpoint)
ex: https://54.166../api/accounts/getS3Folder/
Trigger a Lambda action that calls an external Web Api REST endpoint that will process the saved email message
You can use a Lambda function to listen to incoming Amazon SES messages.
Then read the attachment info in the event object.
With that, you'll have what you need to send the attachment and other data that you need to a certain directory in an S3 bucket.
Then, have the S3 bucket call another Lambda function (which can then call your external API) when they receive that file created by the first function.
Let us know if you need more information.

How to get user data from Google API with OAuth remotely from a server?

I've been reading lots of documentation about Google API access and OAuth flow using it but I don't seem to get it working in my mind, so I want to get some help first in order to have a clear idea about how it works then I can code it using the corresponding API.
What I want to achieve is feed a Java application running in a PC with specific Google user data, like localization through Google Latitude API. In order to get this, OAuth must be used, so I need getting the user consent, then access the user data from the application running in my computer, and I don't know how to manage this.
I've already registered my application with the Google APIs Console and enabled the Google Latitude module. I've also tried the Latitude console application here and it works properly (a browser tab opened asking for a Google user; I entered it and I got the location data), but I'm having problems when trying to adapt the program flow to my needs.
In my application, the 'remote' user is supposed to send a request (a custom JSON message) to the server asking for service enable/disable, like allowing the server to track his/her position through Latitude. Then, AFAIK, the server should send to the user a URL so the user can give the consent, but I don't know how to get this URL and how the server realizes about this consent and gets the token (automatically? Google tracks this authorization process?). Once my server gets the specific user token, then I should be ready to get service data for that user using the received token.
As I said before, I've tried according to different references, but as the documentation seems to be really scattered and much of it is already deprecated, I've been unable to get it working.
Judging from your description, the installed app OAuth2 flow seems to be the right one for you.
At some point, presumably when a user is installing your desktop app, you should fire up a browser - either embedded one in your app or the default browser - and sent them to this Google OAuth2 endpoint. In your request, fill out all the parameters as required by the doc: Latitude API scope, client_id, etc. Google, as an authorization server, will take care of user authentication, session selection, and user consent. If the user grants access to her data to your API, you will receive an authorization code either in the title of the browser window or at a localhost port.
Once you have the code, you can exchange it for an access token and a refresh token. The access token is what you need to call the API and access the user's data. It is short lived though - check the expired_in parameter in the response, I believe it is 3600 sec. - so you will need to periodically ping the token endpoint with your long lived refresh token and exchange it for an access token.
You can find a more thoroough description of this flow in the doc linked above.