Is it possible to integrate Cypress 12 with Cucumber BDD? - testing

I tried to configure Cypress 12 with Cucumber using the instructions below:
Has anyone had any success with this? I had been getting constant errors and Cypress will not run my feature file. I'm thinking I may need to go back to Cypress 10 to get this to work. Many thanks.


How to run E2E test with Cypress if backend and frontend are on different repos?

I have a React frontend and a Node backend, I've made several E2E tests with Cypress for the frontend and run them locally. I love how end to end testing allows me to catch errors in the frontend as well as on the backend! so I'd like to have a way to run them automatically when sending a PR.
I'm using bitbucket pipelines, and I've configured it to run the npm test command which works perfectly to run my unit tests, but what I still don't understand is how to be able to run my Cypress tests automatically, because I'd need to have access to the backend repository from my pipeline that runs on the frontend repo.
What I've tried
I've read the documentation and played with the example repo, but I still don't understand how could I automate running my tests, on the example both backend and frontend are on the same repository.
I'm sorry if this is a vague question, I just don't seem to get if this is even possible with bitbucket pipelines, if it's not, what other tool could help me run my Cypress test in a similar way that I do locally? (running both backend and frontend).
I've really tried to search for an answer to this, maybe it's too obvious and I'm just missing something but I don't seem to find anything on the internet about this, any help will be very appreciated!
When your frontend and backend are versioned in different repositories, then you have to check out at least one of the two repositories (e.g. the other for which the pipeline is not currently being executed) during the pipeline execution to get access to the code and thus have the possibility to start frontend and backend together locally to run your tests.
This question has also already been asked and answered here:

Runner got struck after running the test cases I am using 1.1.0 version [duplicate]

We have currently about 200 test features. We start to face something strange, most of the times tests are just stuck and would not proceed when we run mvn test command as the following:
mvn clean test -Dcucumber.options="--tags $tags" -Dtest=TestRunner -Dkarate.env=$env
Some tests would run as it was perfectly fine. But at some point the rest will just stuck as it it hangs.
We run the tests in parallel using 10 threads.
It stucks like this
Anybody experienced similar things? Any ideas what could possibly went wrong?
This should be fixed in 0.9.5.RC3 - it is stable to use for API testing, so I recommend you upgrade.
If anyone faces this problem for any other version of Karate, please understand that the best (and possibly only) way to troubleshoot or solve this - is to follow this process:
I actually have the same problem as you but I can't comment because of reputation, my project works with Gradle and I'm using IntelliJ IDEA and JDK1.8(at another moment before all this I tried Jetbrains SDK11 but had the same problem, I downgraded to java 8 and everything worked again) on this ocassion I did as peter said and upgraded to 0.9.5.RC4 but still when I execute some of my features they never end, for example, I'm currently working on a very simple feature that calls another feature for login, it works for many other features but for this one it appears to get to the end of its execution and never go back to the caller feature, as I was running out of options I made a new simple project copied the resources folder I store my features in and my run parallel class and tried again but it behaves in the same way, the execution never ends.
I'll upload an image with my screen while it executes as you can see it's been executing for 15 minutes

Run only few tests from nunit selenium test suite via command line

I want to run 5 tests from a suite of 200 tests via commandline. The framework uses Selenium with nunit and is built on c#.
After looking for solution online, /run was what I thought could fix my problem but it says invalid argument. Can someone please guide me with what is the parameter to run only few tests from suite via command line for nunit selenium?
You are using obsolete documentation or online answers relating to an older version of NUnit. For NUnit 3, you want the /test option.
BTW, the docs link posted by #vitalis is to legacy docs, as it says on the top of that page. Current docs for the nunit3-console command-line are at
(You're dealing with a program that has been around in various versions for more than 20 years, so it's extra important to make sure you are looking at current information.)

Rubymine / Cucumber: Tests run fine, but are shown as “Failed to start” in Event Log

I have several Cucumber tests that are running fine (I closely watch them), all pass, and everything works good. But Event Log in Rubymine keeps showing all the tests that pass in this way:
Failed to start: 0 passed, 19 not started
Besides, the Run tab (which shows all tests as Passed) also says this after (otherwise successful) run:
Done: Scenarios 0 of 19
Can someone please help me understand why could it happen?
My setup: Rubymine / Ruby / Selenium / Cucumber.
Ok, apparently it is a bug that exists in the current release build.
I contacted them, and they said it is related to this issue.
They fixed it in EAP build 145.184.8.
I was able to confirm the fix after I installed that build.

django-jenkins ERROR: runTest (django_jenkins.tasks.lettuce_tests.LettuceTestCase)

I've been working with lettuce for interface testing for the last year and lately I've been trying to use it with django-jenkins for continuous integration.
However, I am having problems on executing only the lettuce tests cases I have into the app directory of my Django project.
When I run python jenkins I get the lettuce tests executed and the lettuce.xml file with the execution details created into the reports folder. Although I am getting two errors I don't know why (see the errors at the end of my post).
I've been trying to google it to see if someone else is having the same problem but I couldn't find anything. If anyone has any idea I will appreciate.
I've been following this tutorial.
You can check the error here
Here you can access my code on github.