Question: Math performance with respect to dtype - cupy

It is my understanding that all operations performed on the CUDA toolkit are performed in floats. I am curious if there is any advantage/disadvantage performing math operations against large 3 dimensional arrays using float16 versus uint8 as is the case in numpy.
I have no actual problem, just curious if integer operations are converted into floats during CUDA operations and back again.


Representing high precision floats in tensorflow

We intend to train an ANN with some data which do not fit into float64 or any other existing data types in TensorFlow. For example, an input neuron may receive:
I have two questions:
Is there a way to represent the data in TensorFlow or Keras?
If there is not a clear and convenient solution, do you think that casting the data into complex128 would help us? for example:
1.137600890156565523597960237237 + 73866202919173496865561768901 i
For our case, the more floating-point means more accuracy. So we need to keep them as much as possible.
We prefer to use a GPU so the solution should cover them.
Have you considered preprocessing the data? It's rather rare to see noticeably important divergence with so high precision. It might be also hard to calculate meaningful gradient, when you only operate on such flat space.

Is there any good reason to transpose a tensor from NHWC to NCHW?

I often see the transpose implementation in tensorflow code. I wonder why one would want to transpose the NHWC tensor to NCHW. Please give me the good example and the reason behind it.
Rather than citing the documentation. You should read into how CUDA works and think about how to implement most operations.
The reason for NCHW generally being faster than NHWC is how the CUDA kernels are written. In CUDA you need to specify what each thread is doing like
const int threads = 32;
dim3 block(threads, threads);
dim3 grid(up2(W / 2, threads), up2(H, threads), B);
kernel<Dtype> <<< grid, block>>> (args ...)
Here you get 3 indices threadId.z, threadId.y, threadId.x. And these threads are organized in warps (hardware design).
And you want to have coalesced memory transaction, which means the threads are ordered in such a way, that the GPU can nicely operate in a fast way.
To sum it up:
You want to have "threadId.x" being the most inner-loop and you should organize the data layout such that it reading them in coalesced way. The ideal data structure should accessible by
b * C * H * W + c * H * W + h * W + w
where lower letters denote the index and capitalized letters denotes the shape (e.g., 0 <= w < W).
In convolution operations (a part of the most used layer) what you are essentially doing is cropping a region in each channel computing a dot production with a region in another channel (from another tensor). So the indices which need to run crazy fast are the height-idx and width-idx. In the end, you are adding along the channel axis (like the convolution formulae suggest). This also explains, why it makes no difference to consider NWHC, NCWH.
This has an impact on how you order the data. And it is the reason you want to have the memory layout I described above.
The worst layout would be:
H, C, B, in threadId.z, threadId.y, threadId.x
The best layout would be:
B, C, H in threadId.z, threadId.y, threadId.x
The same is (mostly) true for GEMM as well (here one matrix should be transpose). There is no source for CuDNN available. But you might be interested in looking into cutlass.
From the performance guide of Tensorflow:
NHWC is the TensorFlow default and NCHW is the optimal format to use
when training on NVIDIA GPUs using cuDNN. [...] The brief history of these two formats is that TensorFlow started by using NHWC because it was a little faster on CPUs. In the long term, we are working on tools to auto rewrite graphs to make switching between the formats transparent and take advantages of micro optimizations where a GPU Op may be faster using NHWC than the normally most efficient NCHW.
Essentially, cuDNN is optimized for NCHW, while CPU-only tensorflow is optimized for NHWC. Switching from one to the other is just a matter of performance maximization and/or unavailability of certain operations in a specific data format.

does tensorflow 0.10.0rc version support float16?

In order to reduce the tensor, I defined all the variables with dytpe=tf.float16 in my Model, and then defined the optimizer:
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate)
self.compute_gradients = optimizer.compute_gradients(self.mean_loss_reg)
train_adam_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(self.compute_gradients, global_step=self.global_step)
Everything works ok! but after I run the train_adam_op, the the gradients and variables are nan in python. I wander If the apply_gradients() API supports tf.float16 type? Why I got nan after apply_gradients() was called by
The dynamic range of fp16 is fairly limited compared to that of 32-bit floats. As a result, it's pretty easy to overflow or underflow them, which often results in the NaN that you've encountered.
You can insert a few check_numerics operations in your model to help pinpoint the specific operation(s) that becomes unstable when performed on fp16.
For example, you can wrap a L2 loss operation as follow to check that its result fits in an fp16
A = tf.l2_loss(some_tensor)
A = tf.check_numerics(tf.l2_loss(some_tensor), "found the root cause")
The most common source of overflows and underflows are the exp(), the log(), as well as the various classification primitives, so I would start looking there.
Once you've figured out which sequence of operations is problematic, you can update your model to perform that sequence using 32-bit floats by using tf.cast() to convert the inputs of the sequence to 32bit floats, and cast the result back to fp16.

Is there any obvious reason that Tensorflow uses COO format other than CSR for sparse matrix?

I'm trying to take performance advantages from built-in Sparse Matrix Multiplication API of Tensorflow.
And keveman recommended that tf.embedding_lookup_sparse is the right way.
But, it seems that the performance of embedding_lookup_sparse is somewhat disappointed in my experiments. Though it performs fairly small matrix multiplications, <1, 3196> and <3196, 1024>, sparse matmul with 0.1 sparsity fails to win the dense matrix multiplication.
If my implementation is correct, I think one of the reasons is that Tensorflow uses COO format which saves all index-nonzero pair. I'm not an expert on this domain but, isn't it widely known that CSR format is more performant on this kind of computation? Is there any obvious reason that Tensorflow internally uses COO format other than CSR for sparse matrix representation?
Just for the record, you say matrix multiplication, but one of your matrices is in fact a vector (1 x 3196). So this would make it a matrix-vector multiplication (different BLAS kernel). I will assume you mean matrix-vector multiplication for my answer.
Yes, CSR should theoretically be faster than COO for matrix-vector multiplication; this is because the storage size in CSR format is O(2nnz + n) vs O(3nnzs) and the sparse matrix vector multiplication is in many cases memory bound.
The exact performance difference compared to a dense matrix multiplication varies though based on the problem size, sparsity pattern, data type and implementation. It is difficult to say off the bat which should be faster, because the sparse storage format introduces indirection, which potentially leads to reduced locality and poor(er) utilisation of arithmetic units (e.g. no use of vectorisation).
Particularly when the matrix and vector size are so small that almost everything fits in cache, I would expect limited performance benefits. Sparse matrix structures are typically more useful for truly large matrices, ranging from 10sK x 10sK to 1B x 1B, which wouldn't even fit in main memory using a dense representation. For small problem sizes, in my experience, the storage advantage compared to dense formats is usually negated by the loss in locality and arithmetic efficiency. To some extent this is addressed by hybrid storage formats (such as Block CSR) which try to take the best of both worlds, and are very useful for some applications (doesn't look like tensorflow supports this).
In tensorflow, I would assume the COO format is used because it is more efficient for other operations, for example it supports O(1) updates, insertions and deletions from the data structure. It seems reasonable to trade ~50% performance in sparse matrix-vector multiply to improve performance on these operations.

Is there a GPU accelerated numpy.max(X, axis=0) implementation in Theano?

Do we have a GPU accelerated of version of numpy.max(X, axis=None) in Theano.
I looked into the documentation and found theano.tensor.max(X, axis=None), but it is 4-5 times slower than the numpy implementation.
I can assure you, it is not slow because of some bad choice of matrix size. Same matrix under theano.tensor.exp is 40 times faster than its numpy counterpart.
Any suggestions?
The previous answer is partial. The suggestion should not work, as the work around is the one used in the final compiled code. There is optimization that will do this transformation automatically.
The title of the question isn't the same as the content. They differ by the axis argument. I'll answer both questions.
If the axis is 0 or None we support this on the GPU for that operation for matrix. If the axis is None, we have a basic implementation that isn't well optimized as it is harder to parallelize. If the axis is 0, we have a basic implementation, but it is faster as it is easier to parallelize.
Also, how did you do your timing? If you just make one function with only that operation and test it via the device=gpu flags to do your comparison, this will include the transfer time between CPU and GPU. This is a memory bound operation, so if you include the transfer in your timming, personnaly I don't expect any speed op for that case. To see only the GPU operation, use Theano profiler: run with the Theano flag profile=True.
The max and exp operations are fundamentally different; exp (and other operations like addition, sin, etc.) is an elementwise operation that is embarrassingly parallelizable, while max requires a parallel-processing scan algorithm that basically builds up a tree of pairwise comparisons over an array. It's not impossible to speed up max, but it's not as easy as exp.
Anyway, the theano implementation of max basically consists of the following lines (in theano/tensor/
out = max_and_argmax(x, axis)[0]
except Exception:
out = CAReduce(scal.maximum, axis)(x)
where max_and_argmax is a bunch of custom code that, to my eye, implements a max+argmax operation using numpy, and CAReduce is a generic GPU-accelerated scan operation used as a fallback (which, according to the comments, doesn't support grad etc.). You could try using the fallback directly and see whether that is faster, maybe something like this:
from theano.tensor.elemwise import CAReduce
from theano.scalar import maximum
def mymax(X, axis=None):
CAReduce(maximum, axis)(X)