filtering twitter api user lookup - api

I am trying to collect some data from twitter using API v2 via the users//followers endpoint and I didn't find a parameter for filtering results, specifically I wish to filter results on their follower count.
Please tell me this feature exists!


Rally API get user stories not able to filter Schedule state

The rally Api I used is unable to filter ScheduleState of type Accepted
Can some one please help? how to get user stories that are accepted
You seem to be combining queries for the Web Services API and the Lookback API. You will need to update this query to be:
https://XXXX/slm/webservice/v2.0/hierarchicalrequirement?query=(ScheduleState = Accepted )&fetch=ObjectID,FormattedID,ScheduleState,FlowStateChangedDate,InProgressDate,PlanEstimate,Blocked,BlockedReason,HasParent,Parent,RevisionHistory,Project&pagesize=100

How to get list of users in Box using api

is it possible to get the list of users in Box using api calls?
i'm currently using "" to get all users but what i want to achieve is that i want to get list of users filtered by date created? is there any way how to do that?
here's a sample screenshot for api call using postman
You can get a list of users filtered by date created using the Enterprise Events endpoint.
When you query the Enterprise Events endpoint, you can filter for specific event types using the event_type parameter. The API event name for new user creation is "NEW_USER". The created_after and created_before parameters let you specify a time range for the events needed.

Where is the api for retrieving user joined communities in Google+?

I'm creating a tool for a person to login into their google+ account and to lists all communities they were created or joined. I had googling around for a day and read google+ api references, but I couldn't find any information on:
Url of the API for accessing user's created or joined comminities,
Request parameters to perform such query
My tool has already succeed to perform oauth login and get access_token and ready to make any API call, But now I'm stuck trying to find the right Url and requirements to perform the API call as I wanted.
Please help
There currently is no API method to do this. If you would like to see such a feature added, you can star this feature request.

Using the Twitter API, how to ensure a tweet comes from a specific source

If I want to ensure that the tweet comes from a specific service (using Foursquare for example), what is the best way to accomplish this using the API? Is the Users field enough, if I know the ID of the user?
Each Tweet returned by the Twitter API contains a source field. The source attribution of a Tweet is set by the name of the application used to create it e.g., Foursquare. So that's the field you should be looking for.
You can see source data in the example API output on this page:

Question about twitter api

I want to create a simple Twitter application, but I have a problem. I want to show the user information about his followers, but this requires one API request to get a list of all user IDs following him, and then many additional API requests to get the user information corresponding to the user IDs that were just fetched. Is it possible to get user info for many followers in one request?
Use the Followers method: (Twitter API Documenation)
It returns detailed information about each follower.