How do I get my neovim settings to work properly and actually save - config

I just installed nvim for the first time, this is also my first time using a terminal based code editor, and I'm migrating from VSCode (ik it's going to be hard),
and now I'm configuring it, I'm following this tutorial:
And when put the code in the options.lua file, it does not do anything, for example, the
opt.relativenumber = true
is not doing anything
I have tried running commands to change settings, and that has worked, for example
:set relativenumber
But as soon as I exit the file and open a new one, it just breaks again
I have tried simply copy and pasting the code, restarting nvim, switching terminal emulators, etc.
It's really annoying because I am trying to get rid of this stupid feature where it continues comments to the next line and I have to run like 50 commands every time I open a new file just so I can edit it the way I want
My .config file is in
and my nvim.exe file is in
I am on Windows 10 and my terminal emulator is called 'Tabby'

I figured it out! All the tutorials I am watching are on Linux, but I am on Windows. So instead of putting the nvim folder in my .config, I am supposed to put it in C:\Users\brady\AppData\Local

Are you sure that you're adding your nvim-config file in the correct directory? I'd assume that you need to add your init.vim into C:\Users\brady\.config\nvim\init.vim.
Maybe this answer helps you.


Intellij and vscode doesn't run a Hello World java program

like this the program seementer image description here
after i setup intellij i tried to run my first java program but it doesn't work and always shows the message of "Abnormal build process termination"
and i tried to work on vscode but it also doesn't work
Looks like from your output that you named a folder with a ? at the beginning (C:\Users\?...) and apparently Java doesn't like that. Try moving the project in another folder or try renaming it.
(Post the whole output if you can, it's filled with useful info)

Intellij isn't analysing my code

I have a scala project that I'm working on in Intellij. When I opened it up this morning, suddenly none of the code is being analysed properly. The main things I've noticed are that it says every variable is unused (even when it's used in the next line), it doesn't show an error if I try to use a variable that doesn't exist, and I don't get any errors if I try to use a class I haven't imported. TODOs also don't come up in blue.
Does anyone know if there is some sort of setting that somehow could have changed that would affect this? The problem only happens in this one project, all of my other projects are fine.
Edit: I have tried closing it and opening it again, invalidating the cache and restarting and restarting the entire computer.
Edit 2: I forgot to say, if I try to run a test it will come up with the correct compilation errors for things that shouldn't work, but it still doesn't show the error in the code itself.
I'm still not sure why it happened, but I fixed it. I deleted the .idea folder and re-imported the project, and everything was analysed properly.

Xcode code folding issue

After updating Xcode(5.0.1),one of my project files is automatically unfolding the code every time i leave the file or close Xcode.And this weird behavior is bothering me a lot,i already tried to delete and recreate it but didn't worked.
Anyone knows what might be causing this single file to have its code unfolded?
With Xcode-9, this issue is resolved. Code folding is being remembered and saved by Xcode 9 Editor.
Code you have/had folded exact before last source build/save, is automatically stored upon document/file closure. And same will be visible as it was (folded) when you will open document/file next time.
You don't need to do anything (there is no any option in Xcode tool bar to enable or disable) to save your code fold.
There's no way around it. xCode will unfold your code automatically. Period. There is no option to "preserve" code folding. (sad, but true...)

Breakpoint jumps to another function/class in VB.NET (VS2008)

I'm trying to debug my code (VB.NET) and I place my breakpoint on a line of code.
I attach to my TEST server and when the debug symbols load, the breakpoint line disappears from where I put it, and relocated it to a totally other line, in another function in another class.
I tried rebuilding the solution, rebuilding a clean solution. I even closed VS2008, and even rebooted my machine.
Has anyone come across this before and what can I do to get this to bebug where I put my breakpoints?
Many thanks in advance for any help.
Have you deployed the PDB file to the server and is it up-to-date?
Try using F12 on your function calls and see where they are coming from and setting break points there, then steping through the functions to get where you need to be at.

Netbeans - Executing files in different projects with [SHIFT]+[F6]

In Netbeans you can run a file by pressing Shift + F6 (on Windows)
So I have three projects open at the moment.
What I want to do is jump between the three projects and compare the results of executing a program in each of these three panes.
Netbeans seems to have a problem with this. It doesn't seem to be able to recognize that I want to execute a file in the project I have just jumped to - instead it simply re-executes the file from the project I was previously in - OR - it does nothing at all.
Am I doing something wrong?
In netbeans 6.5, you can choose to not set a main project.
Run >> Set Main Project >> None
This means that, what ever file you currently have open, when you tell it to run, it will run what ever file you have currently got open, and treat that project as the main project.
Hope this helps!
By default, When you try to run some code, it will run what ever project you have currently set as the working project, not what project you are viewing.