Intellij disable local history for specific files - intellij-idea

I want to disable the local history in Intellij, but only for the files from src/test/.
I can disable history only for these files, and to keep for the rest?
Or to specify for which folder to have history and automatically to not save for the others.

In order to disable local history for a specific files you need to exclude the folder in "Ignored Files and Folders" under Preferences | Editor | File Types


Intellij Project View does not show log files

Somehow IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1.1 does not show *.log files as you can see in the picture. I tried to delete .idea folder and uninstall .ignore plugin but didn't help.
How to see *.log files in Project View in Intellij ?
Make sure the file type mapping is correct and *.log extension is associated with the Text file type in File | Settings | Editor | File Types:

JetBrains Products: Create a file that includes all shortcut keys

I want to customize shortcut-keys in one JetBrains product, and I want to save these customizations in a file, and use it in all JetBrains products (so I won't be able to customize it again). DO you know whether it's possible?
Your keymap changes are already stored in the .xml file under config directory, keymaps subdirectory.
You can copy this file manually, use File | Export Settings / Import Settings or use the Settings Repository to share it between the IDEs.

Intellij doesn't show .git directory

How I can I get Intellij to show the .git folder in the project viewer? I tried ctrl+alt+A and clicked "show hidden files and directories", but it doesn't switch to the "on" position, so I suppose that's not the way of going about this?
The .git directory is ignored by default. To see it in the project pane, do the following:
Go to the settings (Help | Find Action...Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+A and type "Settings").
Navigate to Editor | File Types in the Settings dialog.
Remove .git from the table under the Ignored files and folders tab.

Jetbrains - Include ignored files when committing

I'm working on quite a large modular project in Webstorm. The js code is compiled with Babel to ./dist folder, so are the assets like html templates and other files.
I would like to EXCLUDE ./dist since when I do a global search of "Navigate to Symbol/Class/etc", I don't want results from ./dist to be shown, so I mark the ./dist folder as excluded.
BUT due to the workflow and the modularity (projects are modules loaded with jspm), I need to commit changed ./dist into VCS (Git). This is our workflow and I can't do anything about that.
The problem:
When I click "Commit changes" I don't see the newly changed files in ./dist when I exclude this folder. Clicking on "Refresh changes" doesn't help.
Can I solve this issue somehow?
The ./dist directory is NOT in .gitignore
You shouldn't exclude this directory from vcs, if you want or need to have it under version control. But for setting the directory, where IDE shouldn't search, you should set up IDE.
You have to remove your directory from git ignore or what ever, and set up ContentRoot in your IDE. I'm using PhpStorm and IntelijIdea, but the settings are common for all JetBrains Products.
Here is the part of JetBrains instruction :
To have files or folders excluded by name
1. Do one of the following: – Open the Settings dialog box, and click Deployment, then click Options below the Deployment node .
– Choose Tools | Deployment | Options on the main menu.
2. In the Options dialog box that opens, specify the patterns that define the names of these files and folders in the Exclude items by name text box. Use semicolons as delimiters. Wildcards are welcome.
The exclusion is applied recursively. This means that if a matching folder has subfolders, the contents of these subfolders are not deployed either.
So , you can read this : exclude files and restore the settings, and after that, use the next link, to set up the root directory.
Here is the instruction from JetBrains : JetBrains-Content Root

Force IntelliJ to use another Home Directory?

I have read this... it does not answer the question.
I would like to have IntelliJ use another location for all of my project files. Currently, it goes to c:\users\ as a default project location.
I want to change that to c:\git.
I tried to change the "Start in" link properties, to no avail.
I don't want to force all of the configuration (ie: the .IdeaIC15 folder) to be relocated, I just want it to go to c:\git when I click "Open project".
To change the directory where project files are located to C:\git:
Select Help->Edit Custom VM Options...
Add the following line to the end of the file that comes up in the editor (*):
Restart IntelliJ.
(*) The file that comes up in the editor will either be idea64.exe.vmoptions or idea.exe.vmoptions.
This will update/create a .vmoptions file in your config directory. It does not modify the vmoptions file in your install directory.
The above steps do not change the default directory that is used
when cloning git repositories. This is the directory that is used in
the File->New->Project from Version Control->Git window. You
still need to set that directory to C:\git and clone one remote repo
into C:\git. Once you have done that IntelliJ remembers the directory and
uses it for subsequent clones.
Locations can be changed by editing the following file:
Follow the comments in file to change the defaults, make sure to un-comment the lines defining these properties: