skip multiple middle columns in openpyxl - openpyxl

The below code can skip the 1st row and convert it as column but how to skip some desired middle columns ?
rows = ws1.iter_cols(min_row=2, max_row=3, min_col=1,max_col=500, values_only=True)
for col in rows:
expecting to skip some middle column while convert that into row to column


is there a way to give column names to pd.read_clipboard() as it is treating first row of data as column names

I am using pd.read_clipboard() function to get an excel table that doesnt have column names as first row . The dataframe returned has first row as column labels. How to fix that.
I would like results to be
and not this
Though not showing up on help for read_clipboard() function , passing read_clipboard(names=['c1','c2']) where c1 and c2 are the column names fixes the read_clipboard() function to not treat first row as column names i.e provide column names to avoid having the function treat first row as column names

VLOOKUP to return multiple matches

I want to ask if there's a way/formula/vba to return multiple values when using vlookup? For example, I vlookup a data and when that data has multiple values to return, it will return the other values. Thanks.
For something as generic as this, just use Google.
Step #1)
Step #2) get your answer in less time than it takes you to post here.
Return MULTIPLE corresponding values for ONE Lookup Value
The Excel VLOOKUP Function searches for a value (ie. Lookup_value) in the first column of a table array and returns a value in the same row from another column in the table array. In case of multiple occurrences of the Lookup value, the function searches the first occurrence of the Lookup value, and returns the corresponding value in the same row from another column.
In case you want to return multiple corresponding values, for the one Lookup value which has multiple occurrences, we show how it can be done using INDEX, SMALL, IF & ROW excel functions, as follows.
Consider the table array ("A2:B8"), in which you want to lookup the value "Apples" in column A which has multiple occurrences, and return all corresponding values in column B.
Enter the lookup value "Apples" in cell A11. In cell B11, enter below formula, as an array formula (CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER), and copy it downward in the same column B, in 7 rows (ie. number of times as the number of records in the table array "A2:B8". Multiple corresponding values (of the lookup value "Apples") will get copied vertically, starting from cell B11 till B17. Refer Table 1.
=INDEX($B$2:$B$8, SMALL(IF($A$11=$A$2:$A$8, ROW($A$2:$A$8)-ROW($A$2)+1), ROW(1:1)))

Match Column 1 to Column 2, Display Result in Column Three that is next to Column 2 Match

I am looking for an Excel spreadsheet where I am trying to find where one field in column 1 matches a field in column two and spits out the text entry in column 3 that is next next to the match from column 2. They are the same type of field named 'ProjectID', a 5 digit number.
They do not match on the row level because columns 2 and 3 were pasted in from another spreadsheet that contained correlations between ProjectID and Benchmark Definition. Column 1 represents the ProjectID field from the original data extract that did not include the Benchmark definition.
So to recap, I want this formula to look at the ProjectID in column 1, find a match somewhere in Column 2, and spit out the Benchmark definition that is next to the corresponding match. Keep in mind this match will not necessarily be on the same row as the respective column 1 ProjectID.
I tried this formula from another question but couldn't get it to work:
enter image description here

How to parse multiple rows with concatenated data into a single column

I have an excel spreadsheet with delimited information (tracking #s) in various rows:
row a 630521*630621*630215*610517
row b 630522*630611
row c 630531*630651*630265
row d 630524
I would like to organize all rows of tracking #s, separated by a "*", into one column. Can you tell me how this is possible? I have 4,000+ rows like this with up to 21 tracking #s (variable) in each row that I want to convert to one column with multiple rows.
col a
You can do it all in Excel:
Highlight your column
On the Data menu, select Text to Columns => Delimited => Next => Other * => Finish
Then Copy/Paste each of the resultant columns into a single column and sort it to put the blanks at the bottom.
To save step 3. in Ron Smith's answer where you have a LOT of rows, you might add a blank row at the top and on the left, select you entire range (including all the blanks), apply the technique detailed here, delete the columns labelled Row and Column then filter to delete blank rows from column labelled Value.

Concatenating alternate columns

I have 10,000 rows and unlimited data in columns. Two parameters in adjacent columns and are repeating after 13 unwanted columns.
I want to concatenate these adjacent columns of a row separated by space
But I dont know upto which column the data is present.
Can you suggest me a macro which concatenates data upto blank column in one cell of a row and same is continued for first 10,000 rows.
Thanks a lot for help !
First off, are all the rows terminating at the same column? i.e. does every row have data in column AD but not AE?
If the answer to the above is 'yes', then you'll probably want to take a look at:
which is used like:
(see here for more info)
This will return either
the last column with data (when the starting cell contains data)
the first column with data (when the starting cell is empty).
not the last column without data!
Based on your example in the question, your ranges probably start in Column B, P, AC, etc.
If the answer to the above is 'no', then you can use similar functionality, but you'll have to loop through each row...