Using interactive treemap (d3tree) in slide presentation - d3tree

I have created a treemap using the treemap package and successfully made it interactive using the d3tree package.
How can I add the interactive treemap into a Google Slide, so that it will be interactive from within the presentation?
I currently use the saveWidget function to save it and it saves as a .html file, which works in a browser but not as a stand-alone graphic in my presentation. Code below--I think I'm missing some really basic step because I've never worked with interactive graphics before. TIA!
inter_treemap <- d3tree2(treemap, rootname = "Distribution of Respondents" )
saveWidget(inter_treemap, file=paste0(getwd(), "/HtmlWidget/interactiveTreemap.html"))


Easy way to export Vega interactive Visualization into PowerPoint (and keep interactivity)

Looking to export Vega (or Vega-Lite) into PowerPoint as an interactive visualization. Are there any known libraries/techniques to do this easily? If not with Vega, are there other interactive visualization libraries you would recommend with this capability?
Interactive Vega/Vega-Lite charts are rendered via HTML and Javascript, so your question is equivalent to asking whether arbitrary HTML/JS documents can be displayed in Powerpoint. The answer appears to be yes, if you're using Powerpoint Online with the WebViewer addon; see Editable HTML, CSS and Javascript within Powerpoint Presentation?
You can create an HTML view of your chart using Vega-Embed, and then use this in the online powerpoint.

How to export image in powerpoint using core 2.0

I have to export some images into powerpoint (.ppt or .pptx format) using core 2.0. Any ideas welcome!
Maybe you could use SlideMight, a data merge tool for PowerPoint.
You should be able to get 1 slide per image, or 1 table row per image, or 1 table cell, or so. You can also make a thumbnail slide that links to 15 detail slides. You define this in a "pattern file", which is much like a PowerPoint template.
Your program should write the images to the file system, or have URLs available. It should also create an input data file (XML, JSON or YAML) that refers to these images. Then it should invoke SlideMight to generate the desired presentation. Normally SlideMight runs in a GUI. It should also be able to run as a command line program, although this has not been tested lately (please let me know if you need it).
Would this be of use?
Disclaimer: I am the developer and vendor of SlideMight.

Placing a bitmap into a Powerpoint Add-In

I am writing a PowerPoint add-in that will allow a user to drop specific safety related images onto a map. I've written the code that copies the images and places them on the slide and I would like to place it into an add-in. Unfortunately, I cannot find a way to either:
a) place the images into the add-in
b) reference images if I were able to place them in the add-in
The alternative approach is to require the user to start with a special template that includes all of the images and then load the add-in to get the menu functionality. I would much rather have a single file that contains both the code and bitmap images.
With best regards,
PPA files contain only code, not presentation content like images. As an alternative, you could distribute a PPT/PPTX that you open invisibly and extract the image you need.
After quite a bit of looking around I found a solution that resolves the problem adequately. Using Microsoft's Custom UI Editor, I created an XML entry in the PowerPoint Presentation that performs the Auto_Open function that would have been part of the Add-In. This allows me to add the menu functions that will be responsible for loading the specific images.
I've added a reference page at the beginning of the presentation that contains instructions on how to use the template... This page also contains all of the images that are used by the visual basic code. The 'Visible' flag on these images are set to False so the user does not see them. As they are copied from the reference page into the presentation, the Visible flag is set to True and they are pasted onto the current slide.
It is not a perfect solution, but it is adequate...

How do I debug a script relying heavily on an existing Illustrator document?

I'm using Adobe Illustrator CS5 and ExtendScript Toolkit CS5.
I've got a very involved script and alert() isn't working anymore because stuff is within a loop. How can I simulate the fact that I'm using a specific Illustrator document so that I can use the debugging features of ExtendScript Toolkit?
I want it to be the same as being inside an Illustrator document and going "File->Scripts->Scriptname". If I just test the script inside ExtendScript, I get an error on
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
I had to change the target application to Illustrator within ExtendScript Toolkit and set the debug level to $.level=2
to get it to work properly. I can now have breakpoints and all that good stuff.

Is it possible to have PowerPoint 2007 export slides to a PDF including animations?

I'm exporting PowerPoint presentations using PowerShell. This works fine with the Office XPS/PDF exporter plugin. However, only the complete slide, without animations, are exported.
When exporting a presentation as a web page, the presentation can be run step-by-step (e.g. revealing bullet points one by one) if you check the "Show slide animation while browsing" option (under "Web options").
Is there any way to generate a PDF with one page per animation step in the presentation, through scripting? (If not - any tips on how to do it in general?)
When exporting to PDF it will export simple text and images so animation are not there :(
For method to generate a page per animation, you will have to explore Powerpoint object model and use some PDF generation library like iTextSharp to out put all transitions one by one.
The Powerpoint Object model is here