The intent of this question is to provide an answer to the daily questions whose answer is "you have DOS line endings" so we can simply close them as duplicates of this one without repeating the same answers ad nauseam.
NOTE: This is NOT a duplicate of any existing question. The intent of this Q&A is not just to provide a "run this tool" answer but also to explain the issue such that we can just point anyone with a related question here and they will find a clear explanation of why they were pointed here as well as the tool to run so solve their problem. I spent hours reading all of the existing Q&A and they are all lacking in the explanation of the issue, alternative tools that can be used to solve it, and/or the pros/cons/caveats of the possible solutions. Also some of them have accepted answers that are just plain dangerous and should never be used.
Now back to the typical question that would result in a referral here:
I have a file containing 1 line:
what isgoingon
and when I print it using this awk script to reverse the order of the fields:
awk '{print $2, $1}' file
instead of seeing the output I expect:
isgoingon what
I get the field that should be at the end of the line appear at the start of the line, overwriting some text at the start of the line:
or I get the output split onto 2 lines:
What could the problem be and how do I fix it?
The problem is that your input file uses DOS line endings of CRLF instead of UNIX line endings of just LF and you are running a UNIX tool on it so the CR remains part of the data being operated on by the UNIX tool. CR is commonly denoted by \r and can be seen as a control-M (^M) when you run cat -vE on the file while LF is \n and appears as $ with cat -vE.
So your input file wasn't really just:
what isgoingon
it was actually:
what isgoingon\r\n
as you can see with cat -v:
$ cat -vE file
what isgoingon^M$
and od -c:
$ od -c file
0000000 w h a t i s g o i n g o n \r \n
so when you run a UNIX tool like awk (which treats \n as the line ending) on the file, the \n is consumed by the act of reading the line, but that leaves the 2 fields as:
<what> <isgoingon\r>
Note the \r at the end of the second field. \r means Carriage Return which is literally an instruction to return the cursor to the start of the line so when you do:
print $2, $1
awk will print isgoingon and then will return the cursor to the start of the line before printing what which is why the what appears to overwrite the start of isgoingon.
To fix the problem, do either of these:
dos2unix file
sed 's/\r$//' file
awk '{sub(/\r$/,"")}1' file
perl -pe 's/\r$//' file
Apparently dos2unix is aka frodos in some UNIX variants (e.g. Ubuntu).
Be careful if you decide to use tr -d '\r' as is often suggested as that will delete all \rs in your file, not just those at the end of each line.
Note that GNU awk will let you parse files that have DOS line endings by simply setting RS appropriately:
gawk -v RS='\r\n' '...' file
but other awks will not allow that as POSIX only requires awks to support a single character RS and most other awks will quietly truncate RS='\r\n' to RS='\r'. You may need to add -v BINMODE=3 for gawk to even see the \rs though as the underlying C primitives will strip them on some platforms, e.g. cygwin.
One thing to watch out for is that CSVs created by Windows tools like Excel will use CRLF as the line endings but can have LFs embedded inside a specific field of the CSV, e.g.:
is really:
so if you just convert \r\ns to \ns then you can no longer tell linefeeds within fields from linefeeds as line endings so if you want to do that I recommend converting all of the intra-field linefeeds to something else first, e.g. this would convert all intra-field LFs to tabs and convert all line ending CRLFs to LFs:
gawk -v RS='\r\n' '{gsub(/\n/,"\t")}1' file
Doing similar without GNU awk left as an exercise but with other awks it involves combining lines that do not end in CR as they're read.
Also note that though CR is part of the [[:space:]] POSIX character class, it is not one of the whitespace characters included as separating fields when the default FS of " " is used, whose whitespace characters are only tab, blank, and newline. This can lead to confusing results if your input can have blanks before CRLF:
$ printf 'x y \n'
x y
$ printf 'x y \n' | awk '{print $NF}'
$ printf 'x y \r\n'
x y
$ printf 'x y \r\n' | awk '{print $NF}'
That's because trailing field separator white space is ignored at the beginning/end of a line that has LF line endings, but \r is the final field on a line with CRLF line endings if the character before it was whitespace:
$ printf 'x y \r\n' | awk '{print $NF}' | cat -Ev
You can use the \R shorthand character class in PCRE for files with unknown line endings. There are even more line ending to consider with Unicode or other platforms. The \R form is a recommended character class from the Unicode consortium to represent all forms of a generic newline.
So if you have an 'extra' you can find and remove it with the regex s/\R$/\n/ will normalize any combination of line endings into \n. Alternatively, you can use s/\R/\n/g to capture any notion of 'line ending' and standardize into a \n character.
$ printf "what\risgoingon\r\n" > file
$ od -c file
0000000 w h a t \r i s g o i n g o n \r \n
Perl and Ruby and most flavors of PCRE implement \R combined with the end of string assertion $ (end of line in multi-line mode):
$ perl -pe 's/\R$/\n/' file | od -c
0000000 w h a t \r i s g o i n g o n \n
$ ruby -pe '$_.sub!(/\R$/,"\n")' file | od -c
0000000 w h a t \r i s g o i n g o n \n
(Note the \r between the two words is correctly left alone)
If you do not have \R you can use the equivalent of (?>\r\n|\v) in PCRE.
With straight POSIX tools, your best bet is likely awk like so:
$ awk '{sub(/\r$/,"")} 1' file | od -c
0000000 w h a t \r i s g o i n g o n \n
Things that kinda work (but know your limitations):
tr deletes all \r even if used in another context (granted the use of \r is rare, and XML processing requires that \r be deleted, so tr is a great solution):
$ tr -d "\r" < file | od -c
0000000 w h a t i s g o i n g o n \n
GNU sed works, but not POSIX sed since \r and \x0D are not supported on POSIX.
GNU sed only:
$ sed 's/\x0D//' file | od -c # also sed 's/\r//'
0000000 w h a t \r i s g o i n g o n \n
The Unicode Regular Expression Guide is probably the best bet of what the definitive treatment of what a "newline" is.
Run dos2unix. While you can manipulate the line endings with code you wrote yourself, there are utilities which exist in the Linux / Unix world which already do this for you.
If on a Fedora system dnf install dos2unix will put the dos2unix tool in place (should it not be installed).
There is a similar dos2unix deb package available for Debian based systems.
From a programming point of view, the conversion is simple. Search all the characters in a file for the sequence \r\n and replace it with \n.
This means there are dozens of ways to convert from DOS to Unix using nearly every tool imaginable. One simple way is to use the command tr where you simply replace \r with nothing!
tr -d '\r' < infile > outfile
The intent of this question is to provide an answer to the daily questions whose answer is "you have DOS line endings" so we can simply close them as duplicates of this one without repeating the same answers ad nauseam.
NOTE: This is NOT a duplicate of any existing question. The intent of this Q&A is not just to provide a "run this tool" answer but also to explain the issue such that we can just point anyone with a related question here and they will find a clear explanation of why they were pointed here as well as the tool to run so solve their problem. I spent hours reading all of the existing Q&A and they are all lacking in the explanation of the issue, alternative tools that can be used to solve it, and/or the pros/cons/caveats of the possible solutions. Also some of them have accepted answers that are just plain dangerous and should never be used.
Now back to the typical question that would result in a referral here:
I have a file containing 1 line:
what isgoingon
and when I print it using this awk script to reverse the order of the fields:
awk '{print $2, $1}' file
instead of seeing the output I expect:
isgoingon what
I get the field that should be at the end of the line appear at the start of the line, overwriting some text at the start of the line:
or I get the output split onto 2 lines:
What could the problem be and how do I fix it?
The problem is that your input file uses DOS line endings of CRLF instead of UNIX line endings of just LF and you are running a UNIX tool on it so the CR remains part of the data being operated on by the UNIX tool. CR is commonly denoted by \r and can be seen as a control-M (^M) when you run cat -vE on the file while LF is \n and appears as $ with cat -vE.
So your input file wasn't really just:
what isgoingon
it was actually:
what isgoingon\r\n
as you can see with cat -v:
$ cat -vE file
what isgoingon^M$
and od -c:
$ od -c file
0000000 w h a t i s g o i n g o n \r \n
so when you run a UNIX tool like awk (which treats \n as the line ending) on the file, the \n is consumed by the act of reading the line, but that leaves the 2 fields as:
<what> <isgoingon\r>
Note the \r at the end of the second field. \r means Carriage Return which is literally an instruction to return the cursor to the start of the line so when you do:
print $2, $1
awk will print isgoingon and then will return the cursor to the start of the line before printing what which is why the what appears to overwrite the start of isgoingon.
To fix the problem, do either of these:
dos2unix file
sed 's/\r$//' file
awk '{sub(/\r$/,"")}1' file
perl -pe 's/\r$//' file
Apparently dos2unix is aka frodos in some UNIX variants (e.g. Ubuntu).
Be careful if you decide to use tr -d '\r' as is often suggested as that will delete all \rs in your file, not just those at the end of each line.
Note that GNU awk will let you parse files that have DOS line endings by simply setting RS appropriately:
gawk -v RS='\r\n' '...' file
but other awks will not allow that as POSIX only requires awks to support a single character RS and most other awks will quietly truncate RS='\r\n' to RS='\r'. You may need to add -v BINMODE=3 for gawk to even see the \rs though as the underlying C primitives will strip them on some platforms, e.g. cygwin.
One thing to watch out for is that CSVs created by Windows tools like Excel will use CRLF as the line endings but can have LFs embedded inside a specific field of the CSV, e.g.:
is really:
so if you just convert \r\ns to \ns then you can no longer tell linefeeds within fields from linefeeds as line endings so if you want to do that I recommend converting all of the intra-field linefeeds to something else first, e.g. this would convert all intra-field LFs to tabs and convert all line ending CRLFs to LFs:
gawk -v RS='\r\n' '{gsub(/\n/,"\t")}1' file
Doing similar without GNU awk left as an exercise but with other awks it involves combining lines that do not end in CR as they're read.
Also note that though CR is part of the [[:space:]] POSIX character class, it is not one of the whitespace characters included as separating fields when the default FS of " " is used, whose whitespace characters are only tab, blank, and newline. This can lead to confusing results if your input can have blanks before CRLF:
$ printf 'x y \n'
x y
$ printf 'x y \n' | awk '{print $NF}'
$ printf 'x y \r\n'
x y
$ printf 'x y \r\n' | awk '{print $NF}'
That's because trailing field separator white space is ignored at the beginning/end of a line that has LF line endings, but \r is the final field on a line with CRLF line endings if the character before it was whitespace:
$ printf 'x y \r\n' | awk '{print $NF}' | cat -Ev
You can use the \R shorthand character class in PCRE for files with unknown line endings. There are even more line ending to consider with Unicode or other platforms. The \R form is a recommended character class from the Unicode consortium to represent all forms of a generic newline.
So if you have an 'extra' you can find and remove it with the regex s/\R$/\n/ will normalize any combination of line endings into \n. Alternatively, you can use s/\R/\n/g to capture any notion of 'line ending' and standardize into a \n character.
$ printf "what\risgoingon\r\n" > file
$ od -c file
0000000 w h a t \r i s g o i n g o n \r \n
Perl and Ruby and most flavors of PCRE implement \R combined with the end of string assertion $ (end of line in multi-line mode):
$ perl -pe 's/\R$/\n/' file | od -c
0000000 w h a t \r i s g o i n g o n \n
$ ruby -pe '$_.sub!(/\R$/,"\n")' file | od -c
0000000 w h a t \r i s g o i n g o n \n
(Note the \r between the two words is correctly left alone)
If you do not have \R you can use the equivalent of (?>\r\n|\v) in PCRE.
With straight POSIX tools, your best bet is likely awk like so:
$ awk '{sub(/\r$/,"")} 1' file | od -c
0000000 w h a t \r i s g o i n g o n \n
Things that kinda work (but know your limitations):
tr deletes all \r even if used in another context (granted the use of \r is rare, and XML processing requires that \r be deleted, so tr is a great solution):
$ tr -d "\r" < file | od -c
0000000 w h a t i s g o i n g o n \n
GNU sed works, but not POSIX sed since \r and \x0D are not supported on POSIX.
GNU sed only:
$ sed 's/\x0D//' file | od -c # also sed 's/\r//'
0000000 w h a t \r i s g o i n g o n \n
The Unicode Regular Expression Guide is probably the best bet of what the definitive treatment of what a "newline" is.
Run dos2unix. While you can manipulate the line endings with code you wrote yourself, there are utilities which exist in the Linux / Unix world which already do this for you.
If on a Fedora system dnf install dos2unix will put the dos2unix tool in place (should it not be installed).
There is a similar dos2unix deb package available for Debian based systems.
From a programming point of view, the conversion is simple. Search all the characters in a file for the sequence \r\n and replace it with \n.
This means there are dozens of ways to convert from DOS to Unix using nearly every tool imaginable. One simple way is to use the command tr where you simply replace \r with nothing!
tr -d '\r' < infile > outfile
The intent of this question is to provide an answer to the daily questions whose answer is "you have DOS line endings" so we can simply close them as duplicates of this one without repeating the same answers ad nauseam.
NOTE: This is NOT a duplicate of any existing question. The intent of this Q&A is not just to provide a "run this tool" answer but also to explain the issue such that we can just point anyone with a related question here and they will find a clear explanation of why they were pointed here as well as the tool to run so solve their problem. I spent hours reading all of the existing Q&A and they are all lacking in the explanation of the issue, alternative tools that can be used to solve it, and/or the pros/cons/caveats of the possible solutions. Also some of them have accepted answers that are just plain dangerous and should never be used.
Now back to the typical question that would result in a referral here:
I have a file containing 1 line:
what isgoingon
and when I print it using this awk script to reverse the order of the fields:
awk '{print $2, $1}' file
instead of seeing the output I expect:
isgoingon what
I get the field that should be at the end of the line appear at the start of the line, overwriting some text at the start of the line:
or I get the output split onto 2 lines:
What could the problem be and how do I fix it?
The problem is that your input file uses DOS line endings of CRLF instead of UNIX line endings of just LF and you are running a UNIX tool on it so the CR remains part of the data being operated on by the UNIX tool. CR is commonly denoted by \r and can be seen as a control-M (^M) when you run cat -vE on the file while LF is \n and appears as $ with cat -vE.
So your input file wasn't really just:
what isgoingon
it was actually:
what isgoingon\r\n
as you can see with cat -v:
$ cat -vE file
what isgoingon^M$
and od -c:
$ od -c file
0000000 w h a t i s g o i n g o n \r \n
so when you run a UNIX tool like awk (which treats \n as the line ending) on the file, the \n is consumed by the act of reading the line, but that leaves the 2 fields as:
<what> <isgoingon\r>
Note the \r at the end of the second field. \r means Carriage Return which is literally an instruction to return the cursor to the start of the line so when you do:
print $2, $1
awk will print isgoingon and then will return the cursor to the start of the line before printing what which is why the what appears to overwrite the start of isgoingon.
To fix the problem, do either of these:
dos2unix file
sed 's/\r$//' file
awk '{sub(/\r$/,"")}1' file
perl -pe 's/\r$//' file
Apparently dos2unix is aka frodos in some UNIX variants (e.g. Ubuntu).
Be careful if you decide to use tr -d '\r' as is often suggested as that will delete all \rs in your file, not just those at the end of each line.
Note that GNU awk will let you parse files that have DOS line endings by simply setting RS appropriately:
gawk -v RS='\r\n' '...' file
but other awks will not allow that as POSIX only requires awks to support a single character RS and most other awks will quietly truncate RS='\r\n' to RS='\r'. You may need to add -v BINMODE=3 for gawk to even see the \rs though as the underlying C primitives will strip them on some platforms, e.g. cygwin.
One thing to watch out for is that CSVs created by Windows tools like Excel will use CRLF as the line endings but can have LFs embedded inside a specific field of the CSV, e.g.:
is really:
so if you just convert \r\ns to \ns then you can no longer tell linefeeds within fields from linefeeds as line endings so if you want to do that I recommend converting all of the intra-field linefeeds to something else first, e.g. this would convert all intra-field LFs to tabs and convert all line ending CRLFs to LFs:
gawk -v RS='\r\n' '{gsub(/\n/,"\t")}1' file
Doing similar without GNU awk left as an exercise but with other awks it involves combining lines that do not end in CR as they're read.
Also note that though CR is part of the [[:space:]] POSIX character class, it is not one of the whitespace characters included as separating fields when the default FS of " " is used, whose whitespace characters are only tab, blank, and newline. This can lead to confusing results if your input can have blanks before CRLF:
$ printf 'x y \n'
x y
$ printf 'x y \n' | awk '{print $NF}'
$ printf 'x y \r\n'
x y
$ printf 'x y \r\n' | awk '{print $NF}'
That's because trailing field separator white space is ignored at the beginning/end of a line that has LF line endings, but \r is the final field on a line with CRLF line endings if the character before it was whitespace:
$ printf 'x y \r\n' | awk '{print $NF}' | cat -Ev
You can use the \R shorthand character class in PCRE for files with unknown line endings. There are even more line ending to consider with Unicode or other platforms. The \R form is a recommended character class from the Unicode consortium to represent all forms of a generic newline.
So if you have an 'extra' you can find and remove it with the regex s/\R$/\n/ will normalize any combination of line endings into \n. Alternatively, you can use s/\R/\n/g to capture any notion of 'line ending' and standardize into a \n character.
$ printf "what\risgoingon\r\n" > file
$ od -c file
0000000 w h a t \r i s g o i n g o n \r \n
Perl and Ruby and most flavors of PCRE implement \R combined with the end of string assertion $ (end of line in multi-line mode):
$ perl -pe 's/\R$/\n/' file | od -c
0000000 w h a t \r i s g o i n g o n \n
$ ruby -pe '$_.sub!(/\R$/,"\n")' file | od -c
0000000 w h a t \r i s g o i n g o n \n
(Note the \r between the two words is correctly left alone)
If you do not have \R you can use the equivalent of (?>\r\n|\v) in PCRE.
With straight POSIX tools, your best bet is likely awk like so:
$ awk '{sub(/\r$/,"")} 1' file | od -c
0000000 w h a t \r i s g o i n g o n \n
Things that kinda work (but know your limitations):
tr deletes all \r even if used in another context (granted the use of \r is rare, and XML processing requires that \r be deleted, so tr is a great solution):
$ tr -d "\r" < file | od -c
0000000 w h a t i s g o i n g o n \n
GNU sed works, but not POSIX sed since \r and \x0D are not supported on POSIX.
GNU sed only:
$ sed 's/\x0D//' file | od -c # also sed 's/\r//'
0000000 w h a t \r i s g o i n g o n \n
The Unicode Regular Expression Guide is probably the best bet of what the definitive treatment of what a "newline" is.
Run dos2unix. While you can manipulate the line endings with code you wrote yourself, there are utilities which exist in the Linux / Unix world which already do this for you.
If on a Fedora system dnf install dos2unix will put the dos2unix tool in place (should it not be installed).
There is a similar dos2unix deb package available for Debian based systems.
From a programming point of view, the conversion is simple. Search all the characters in a file for the sequence \r\n and replace it with \n.
This means there are dozens of ways to convert from DOS to Unix using nearly every tool imaginable. One simple way is to use the command tr where you simply replace \r with nothing!
tr -d '\r' < infile > outfile
I want to print integer values in the range of 129 to 255 to a string using sprintf("%c") and have a problem with the following statement mentioned in the "GNU Awk User's Guide":
NOTE: The POSIX standard says the first character of a string is
printed. In locales with multibyte characters, gawk attempts to
convert the leading bytes of the string into a valid wide character
and then to print the multibyte encoding of that character. Similarly,
when printing a numeric value, gawk allows the value to be within the
numeric range of values that can be held in a wide character. If the
conversion to multibyte encoding fails, gawk uses the low eight bits
of the value as the character to print.
This leads to the following output:
[:~]$ gawk 'BEGIN {retString = sprintf("%c%c%c", 129, 130, 131); print retString}' | od -x
0000000 81c2 82c2 83c2 000a
In front of every byte (0x81, 0x82, 0x82) an extra byte (0xc2) is added. I can avoid this by setting LC_ALL to C:
[:~]$ LC_ALL=C gawk 'BEGIN {retString = sprintf("%c%c%c", 129, 130, 131); print retString}' | od -x
0000000 8281 0a83
The question is now: How can I change the locale within awk without setting LC_ALL outside the awk script? I want to use this script on multiple systems and don't want that the output depends on the default locale settings.
Or is there another way to achieve the same result without the sprintf() call?
I think the simplest way is to create a wrapper script
$ cat cawk
LC_ALL=C gawk "$#"
and make it executable
$ chmod +x cawk
It works just like gawk
$ ./cawk -v a=42 'BEGIN {print a}'
I am looking for way to join line if the file does not control M character. AIX has its standard awk and sed utility but not GNU
The issue: we get file from 3rd party , from windows. And the file has ^M (i.e. \r) character at end of each line, expect for some lines , in which the data in some field itself has \n character. Hence there is need to join the lines which has this extra \n character.
Data example :
expected output.
Thank you in advance for any help.
Just for the record, perl is handling really good transformations of \n, \r , etc, without the restrictions of non gnu sed - actually perl -pe can replace sed directly.
So this operation worked fine in BSD :
$ echo -ne "abc\r\ndef\nijk\r\nlmn\r\n" |cat -vte
$ echo -ne "abc\r\ndef\nijk\r\nlmn\r\n" |perl -pe "s/\r\n/\0/g;s/\n//g;s/\0/\r\n/g" |cat -vte
A literal carriage-return can be used by typing ^V (Ctrl-V) followed by the "Return" key.
The following sed(1) script loops over lines that do not end in a carriage-return, removing the undesired line-feeds:
sed '
/^M$/! {
As one line:
sed -e ':l' -e '/^M$/!{N;s/\n//;bl' -e '}'
I have a lot of text files in which I would like to find the word 'CASE' and replace it with the related filename.
I tried
find . -type f | while read file
awk '{gsub(/CASE/,print "FILENAME",$0)}' $file >$file.$$
mv $file.$$ >$file
but I got the following error
awk: syntax error at source line 1 context is >>> {gsub(/CASE/,print <<< "CASE",$0)}
awk: illegal statement at source line 1
I also tried
for i in $(ls *);
awk '{gsub(/CASE/,${i},$0)}' ${i} > file.txt;
getting an empty output and
awk: syntax error at source line 1 context is >>> {gsub(/CASE/,${ <<<
awk: illegal statement at source line 1
Why awk? sed is what you want:
while read -r file; do
sed -i "s/CASE/${file##*/}/g" "$file"
done < <( find . -type f )
while read -r file; do
sed -i.bak "s/CASE/${file##*/}/g" "$file"
done < <( find . -type f )
To create a backup of the original.
You didn't post any sample input and expected output so this is a guess but maybe this is what you want:
find . -type f |
while IFS= read -r file
awk '{gsub(/CASE/,FILENAME)} 1' "$file" > "${file}.$$" &&
mv "${file}.$$" "$file"
Every change I made to the shell code is important so if you don't understand why I changed any part of it, ask the question.
btw if after making the changes you are still getting the error message:
awk: syntax error at source line 1
awk: illegal statement at source line 1
then you are using old, broken awk (/usr/bin/awk on Solaris). Never use that awk. On Solaris use /usr/xpg4/bin/awk (or nawk if you must).
Caveats: the above will fail if your file name contains newlines or ampersands (&) or escaped digits (e.g. \1). See Is it possible to escape regex metacharacters reliably with sed for details. If any of that is a problem, post some representative sample input and expected output.
print in that first script is the error.
The second argument to gsub is the replacement string not a command.
You want just FILENAME. (Note not "FILENAME" that's a literal string. FILENAME the variable.)
find . -type f -print0 | while IFS= read -d '' file
awk '{gsub(/CASE/,FILENAME,$0)} 7' "$file" >"$file.$$"
mv "$file.$$" "$file"
Note that I quoted all your variables and fixed your find | read pipeline to work correctly for files with odd characters in the names (see Bash FAQ 001 for more about that). I also fixed the erroneous > in the mv command.
See the answers on this question for how to properly escape the original filename to make it safe to use in the replacement portion of gsub.
Also note that recent (4.1+ I believe) versions of awk have the -i inplace argument.
To fix the second script you need to add the quotes you removed from the first script.
for i in *; do awk '{gsub(/CASE/,"'"${i}"'",$0)}' "${i}" > file.txt; done
Note that I got rid of the worse than useless use of ls (worse than useless because it actively breaks files with spaces or shell metacharacters in the their names (see Parsing ls for more on that).
That command though is somewhat ugly and unsafe for filenames with various characters in them and would be better written as the following though:
for i in *; do awk -v fname="$i" '{gsub(/CASE/,fname,$0)}' "${i}" > file.txt; done
since that will work with filenames with double quotes/etc. in their names correctly whereas the direct variable expansion version will not.
That being said the corrected first script is the right answer.