Google Cloud Run - Apache log monitoring - apache

I have a Google Cloud Run environment setup and running an Apache server that serves our application. Is there a way to capture the apache log files? I've been browsing the GCP Log Explorer console but it doesn't appear to be capturing the Apache log files of the container.
What is the best practice to capture Apache log files in Serverless containers?


Apache Ignite Web Console

I am inside a corporate firewall that does not allow me to access the free deployed instance at I downloaded the source and tried to build but again the firewall does not allow me to go outside the network to retrieve the dependencies specified in the pom.xml file.
What are my options
You can download binary build of Ignite Web Console from Apache Ignite, deploy it on premise.
You can also deploy paid version of GridGain, deploy it on premise.
You can download WebConsole from the GridGain website by the following link:
You can install it in your environment and use without needing to access external resources.

How to deploy to Apache httpd using Jenkins

When I search "How to deploy to Apache httpd using Jenkins" or similar searches, all I can find is tutorials on how to run Jenkins behind an Apache proxy.
I want to know how to actually deploy my web application to Apache using Jenkins. I must be going about this the wrong way or something because I assumed it would be an extremely common use case, but I can't find any info on it anywhere, and I don't see any Jenkins Apache httpd plugins
You could install a Jenkins FTP plugin and upload the code to your apache htdocs folder. There isn't an Apache API to achieve that.

Do we need to reboot Apache web server if we update the source code of website it is hosting?

Well I am not an expert on Apache or any web server, I have recently finished my first web app, so I have rsyncd code to web server /HTML.
The web app is python flask based uses wsgi module to load.
I do not have control over Apache as it's taken care by systems department.
So I cannot test myself in office. I just want to know if we upload updated/modified code to the host machine running apache web server, will it pick up changes or we need to restart the Apache web server?

Apache Tomac Web Server and LOG4J Framework

I am new to Web Service and LAMP Stack.Currently I am working on a Web Application.It is a PHP Based Application that uses Apache Tomcat Web Server 8.0.26 ,MySQL Database ad Linux operating system(LAMP Stack).It has Web Services in Spring.
Following are the issues I am facing with the Application:-
1) Responses are slow over a period of few weeks from a web service hosted on tomcat.
Temporary Solution:-The problem is solved when we restart the Web Server.
2) What are the tools we can use to monitor tomcat / performance ?
Take the dump of heap usage before and after of slow down and analyze. And also check your connection pooling with the database, check whether logs are getting rotated properly or not, check the number of active sessions in tomcat admin console.

How to show error logs of a web application in AWS

I have a web app uploaded in a Apache Tomcat 7.0 Server. That server is in the AWS Cloud. Do you have any idea how I can see the error logs of my web app?
It looks like this
Do you have any idea how to check this in AWS command line?
This was setup by someone else so I don't know how much access I can have in the AWS.
Are you using Elastic Beanstalk or managing your own EC2 server? Elastic Beanstalk provides methods to view the server logs. If you are just using an EC2 server you will need to SSH into the server to view the logs.