Error "no such identity: ... /.ssh/ id_rsa_gitlab" - ssh

I accidentally deleted my id_rsa_gitlab file, and when I wanted to clone from GitLab, I received this error.
no such identity:/Users/directory/.ssh/id_rsa_gitlab: No such file or directory
I'm new to pipelines, and I tried to follow tutorials on how to configure .ssh, but it's just the id_rsa file that gets configured.

The command would be:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -P "" -f /Users/directory/.ssh/id_rsa_gitlab
That would restore a private/public key, and you need to register the public key to your account.
Check which Host entry references that private key in your /Users/directory/.ssh/config file.

Generate a new SSH key and add it to your GitLab repository.
See Adding your SSH key to GitLab.


Copying an SSH key to the server even though you are already using SSH

I have already copied an SSH key to a server with ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/
Now I am building the gitlab-ci pipeline and have generated an new SSH key pair on my computer. I saved the private key as a variable in my gitlab project account.
Now I want to upload the new public key to the server.
My question is can I do this again from my local computer with ssh-copy-id?
Because I already have an SSH key pair distributed on both systems.
Would there be any problems here?
If so, how can I transfer the public key to the server?
Manually add the pubKey to authorized_keys?
As mentioned here, you can use the -o option (passed to SSH) to specify an existing key, in order to copy your second key:
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/<your-new-id-to-install> \
-o 'IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<your-already-existing-id>' \

cannot find id_ed25519 private and public key file in the ssh file folder

I'm new to ssh and having some trouble with it.
I need to connect my pycharm on my windows10 to the remote server using OpenSSH and the private key in Tools->deployment->configuration, but now I can't see id_ed25519 or file in the ssh file folder.
I have generated an Ed25519 key by using the following code:
cd ~
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
I can find my private and public key by the following command:
cd .ssh
#return: id_ed25519 id_rsa known_hosts
I'm wondering why the private and public key disappeared, or if they were stored somewhere else. But I can find other files returned by the command above.
I even successfully connected to my remote server using the pubkey.
Is there any solution?
I have found the answer!
I generated the key more than once. And every time I needed to copy the key to Windows file system with the following command.
cd /mnt/c/users/<my-account>/.ssh/
I have two accounts, one for personal utility, the other for work. That was where I made a mistake. I filled the wrong account in the <my-account>. That is to say, I logged into the other.
That's really silly.

Clone with SSH Issues

I am trying to clone a repository on
This is the situation:
-Created key using keygen in terminal
-Added key to Gitlab
Getting this error: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
I've tried changing the ownership of the .ssh file, and the result from ls -al is attached in the image.
This is how I have my config file
Debugging output
Any help would be so amazing! Thank you so much!!
Make sure you have added:
the public key content (as one line) the the GitLab hosted on (and not to your account)
set the right permissions to ~/.ssh, keys and config
add the key to ssh-agent if it is protected by a passphrase
or try and generate a new one with:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -P ""

Cannot find in the unix server. Can I regenerate it? Id_sra (private key) exists

What I want to do is to copy key to another host.
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa user#host
I get error:
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: failed to open ID file '[homedir].ssh/':
So there is no public key. So where is it? I tried to use command
sudo find / -name
but it only found one which I generated experimentally in my test directory. I tried sending the experimental from the test directory, but then it keeps infinitely asking paraphrase and does not send when I keep pasting.
So there is something wrong.
I could regenerate using
ssh-keygen -t rsa
but then it tries to use ~./.ssh directory
and wants to overwrite private id_rsa key. I am afraid this might brake something.
So how do I get my public key file?
Just in case someone else comes here looking for an answer to the OP's question... and to directly answer that question (namely, how can you re-generate the .pub key in a situation where it is missing, and you only have the private key)...
Here is the answer:
Regenerating a .pub key from the private key
ssh-keygen -y -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa > ~/.ssh/
The -y option is the command instructing ssh-keygen to output your public key.
This will re-generate the .pub part of the pair. Just as the OP pointed out, if you simply generate a new pair, and replace the old private key, you will lose access to whatever servers you have already provided your public key to. Sure, you can go through the process of providing a new public key to those servers, but why go through that hassle if it can be easily avoided?
RSA keys work on pairs. You can generate ssh private and public keys any number of does not break anything. It simply replaces the old one with a newly generated keys. This only requires you to copy the newly generated public key to your remote machine's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file in order for you to access secure shell using rsa keys.
So generate new rsa keys on your home's .ssh directory (your old keys are replaced by new ones) and copy to the remote host's .ssh directory
cd /home/<your_username>/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa
scp ~/.ssh/ remote_username#host:~/.ssh/authorized_keys
ssh remote_username#host
Keep passphrase empty while generating your new keys unless you want to enter passphrase every time you try to make a ssh connection.
NOTE: you need to append your public key to authorized_keys file in remote host's ~/.ssh directory if it already exists holding other client's public keys.

SSH 'command not found' when trying to connect to AWS

I'm new to Amazon web services and have managed to set up an instance.
I already have the ssh directory on my machine at: /usr/bin/ssh
I have also downloaded a Pem key file to my machine and have tried to copy my Pem key file into that directory but I cannot navigate to it. When I try:
cd /usr/bin/ssh
I get:
-bash: cd: /usr/bin/ssh: Not a directory
When I just try to type the command:
I get the following:
BEGIN: command not found
: command not found2: MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEAu6JORnapcVdvAwPm+6LVBA3n8chlGU4nE0g9nyD8zSDWlATJpf1Td35tPrxj
: No such file or directory
can anyone help with this?
I'm on OSX Lion 10.8.4 if that helps!
Your problem appears to be related to configuring the ssh keys. First, some clarifications:
/usr/bin/ssh is not a directory, it is the actual secure shell program. Do not modify it. (If you have already destroyed your ssh installation, you would need to restore the installation:
ssh will use a public and a private key (keypair) to authenticate. The private key should be stored locally on your computer, generally in the .ssh folder inside your home directory (~/.ssh)
You may have generated the keypair yourself, or have gotten one generated by AWS.
I will assume your .pem file is the private key portion of the keypair, and that you have downloaded that from AWS after following a procedure along the lines of:
In that case, you need to simply:
copy the .pem file into your ~/.ssh directory.
rename it to id_rsa
ensure that you have correctly set permissions for the private key and .ssh directory (ssh is picky), typically 600 for the id_rsa file and 700 for the .ssh directory.
initiate the ssh connection via ssh username#host